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Posting delays

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:25 pm
by Hung8Tung
Maybe the SC staff can answer this, but any Charms who have answers feel free to chime in too.

I realize that real life gets in the way from time to time and causes gaps in posting schedules and a girl will go two or three weeks without posting a shoot. I can deal with that.

What I don't understand is how some girls can go months, or in some cases over a YEAR, without posting and still be on the site while others go for shorter times and suddenly get taken off the site. Is there some "statute of limitations" or some behind-the-scenes technicality that allows some girls to stay listed without posting for months while others disappear without warning?

Re: Posting delays

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 6:26 pm
by Xandusk
The only thing I can speak to here is sometimes it is the Charm who requests her site be removed. Abbie is a prime example. She announced she would be retiring and at what point her site would be removed. So while she did update pretty much up until that time, her site was removed fairly quickly.

Re: Posting delays

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:19 am
by innesSC1
Xandusk wrote:The only thing I can speak to here is sometimes it is the Charm who requests her site be removed. Abbie is a prime example. She announced she would be retiring and at what point her site would be removed. So while she did update pretty much up until that time, her site was removed fairly quickly.

That was exactly what I was going to say.
Many charms ask that their sites get removed. Such as not being able to update regularly is one reason. Of course there are other reasons, like being "found out" by someone in their regular life. In those cases, the sites can be taken down.
Another thing is that, if people are still buying memberships and videos of a charm who stopped updating a year ago, why take down the site, right?

Every site is different. But if you see someone who has not updated in a month or so, you can probably guess that they aren't going to update within the next month. So if you're looking for more sets, you'd be better off buying a membership for someone who has updated recently. The sites show the dates of the three most recent updates so I would just use that to see who to buy memberships from and who not to.

Re: Posting delays

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:25 am
by Hung8Tung
If a girl CHOOSES to quit or is forced to because of some outside interference, again, I have no problem with that because at least it's a reason. I'm talking about the ones that just hang out taking up space (so to speak) without updating. Did they forget that they have the site? If they are having problems, are they so busy that they can't even make a simple announcement about it? Doesn't have to be detailed, just say "I'm dealing with personal stuff right now - hang on, I'll be back". And if she has broken her contract deserted her site for whatever reason, doesn't SC management have some way to deal with that internally?

I've been in sales and business management all my life so things like this make me wonder what good it's doing SC to have girls on the site who aren't actively updating.

Re: Posting delays

PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:16 pm
by Xandusk
Also keep in mind that memberships can be purchased a year at a time. If a member buys a one year membership right after the charm stops updating, without realizing they won't be updating again, they are still entitled to view the current content for the full year.

Re: Posting delays

PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:55 pm
by Hung8Tung
Well, that's different because she was updating when the purchase was made. Plus I'd imagine that SC management could transfer the membership to another girl if the situation required it.

I'm talking about the ones that have obviously not been updating for months BEFORE a club purchase is made. Even if girls are allowed to keep their sites up without updating, something about that still doesn't feel right. I've never seen "Charm sign up paperwork" but I'd imagine there's something in there about each side holding up their end of the bargain - "SC will maintain and post updates in a timely manner as long as the girl continues to provide updates" - something to that effect.

Look at it from the member's perspective - why should a potential member pay the same price for an inactive site as for one that stays current? Maybe girls who haven't updated in a certain amount of time should have their club prices reduced until they start updating again?

Re: Posting delays

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:57 pm
by Cyb
The more money you bring in the longer you are welcome to stay on SC without updating your site. If a charm cant pull in the money required to at minimum pay for her server space (plus some profit for SC) they are out in less then a month.. I can show you a dozen charms that are playboy materiel that rarely if ever update their sites but cant show you one that is less then attractive that has been inactive for over a month that hasnt been pulled.

Re: Posting delays

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 2:02 pm
by Cyb
Hung8Tung wrote: I've never seen "Charm sign up paperwork" but I'd imagine there's something in there about each side holding up their end of the bargain - "SC will maintain and post updates in a timely manner as long as the girl continues to provide updates" - something to that effect.

Twice a month required.. Otherwise you must submit in writing (email) a reason that updates aren't regular, and that reason has to be ok'd by SC staff.. However there is no doubt SC would never just go pulling their money makers with or without a written excuse. Violet comes to mind, unless they specifically ask to be removed.