30 Random Things About Me

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Re: 30 Random Things About Me

Postby gman36 » Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:14 pm

I'll have a go at this too.

I published my first novel last year.
I live in Scotland.
My dream car would be an Aston Martin DB5.
I've never been to America.
I am a Celtic supporter and was gutted at losing the cup final today.
The oldest person I've slept with was 7 years older than me.
I'm a massive Doctor Who fan.
The first Charm whose site I joined was Fantasia.
I passed my driving test at the age of 34.
I lost my virginity at the age of 21.
I have worked at for the same company for 15 years.
My biggest turn on is a lady in jeans.
I have a strange phobia for dead birds.
I had my photo taken with Tommy Gemmell, who scored the equalising goal for Celtic in the 1967 European Cup final.
I have been to Ireland, Italy and France.
I consider Xandusk to be a true friend.
I once got caught pissing in the maths corridor at my high school.
I haven't had sex for two months.
I make a dynamite hot curry.
I still own a large number of VHS tapes.
I've only ever been on TV once.
My favourite comedian is Bill Bailey.
I own a set of golf clubs but have only ever played 4 times.
I love the Grand Theft Auto games.
I had a pet guinea pig who lived for 6 years, and his name was Andy.
My favourite cartoon is South Park.
My ideal date would be the singer Cathy Dennis.
Even though I'm in my mid 30s, I still sleep with a teddy bear in my bed.
I smoke and drink.
Casino Royale is my favourite film ever.
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Re: 30 Random Things About Me

Postby Xandusk » Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:56 pm

Ok so i'm numbering so I can keep count.

1) I prefer camping to staying in a 5 star hotel
2) I would rather read a book than watch tv
3) My favourite book series is the Magic Kingdom of Landover series by Terry Brooks
4) My nature photography has been published in books and magazines
5) I own well over 5000 movies and even more books
6) I think I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world
7) Violence still shocks me sometimes
8) My child has forbidden me to ever watch the movie 8 Below
9) My pets are totally spoiled
10) While I have been naked before for work, SC is my first actual website
11) I have a problem with people who choose to type everything in 'text talk'
12) Nothing beats the hairbands of the 80's, but I love all kinds of music
13) I have had a cat named Jac Nadd (Just a Cat Not a Dumb Dog) and a dog named Pita (Pain in the Ass)
14) I cannot figure out how to use Photoshop to save my life
15) I think SC has some of the best fans and models out there
16) I live in the same town I grew up in. when I was young we were only a Township though, we weren't big enough to be a town
17) I went to a Catholic grade school but refused to go to a Catholic high school because I wouldn't wear a uniform
18) I was once suspended from school for going to school (It wasn't the one I was registered at)
19) I was once sent home from school to change. I was wearing a California Raisins t-shirt and my principal declared it was a rock jersey (which was banned)
20) My favourite wine is Pelee Island Merlot and I can't stand champagne
21) I prefer to go make my own wine coolers
22) I have never worn fake nails
23) I have never worn fake eyelashes (although I would once in a while if I could figure out how to put the damn things on)
24) I have never enjoyed a Stephen King book (read them, he's just not to my taste)
25) I have clothing that I still wear that I have had since high school
26) gman36 is a really nice guy to have as a friend
27) I really do enjoy random chat with fans, though I don't do cyber in any way
28) I openly admit to being both a geek and a nerd
29) If I didn't know how to run a lathe, change a spark plug or use a table saw I think my dad would disown me
30) I wish I could drive a motorcycle
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Re: 30 Random Things About Me

Postby RosiePieCharm » Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:12 pm

Oh what fun!! I'll do it too!

1. SC if my only job, and I love it.
2. I love to drink and party.
3. I'm currently watching Digimon.
4. My boyfriend and I have been together for 9 happy months and counting.
5. I hate all of my neighbors, and I live in apartment complex.
6. I love doing photo sets , and I wish I could do more more more more!
7. I'm excited about my site.
8. My favorite colors are pink and orange,
9. All of my very best friends have been on SC in at least one photo set.
10. My favorite bands are Gorillaz and Ween.
11. I'm currently reading Watership Down. (It's taking me longer than planned because I'm so busy all the time.)
12. I actually care deeply for my fans that have stuck around emailing me for a long time.
13. I have a hammock in my bedroom. (And a huge pink cage!)
14. I'm currently drinking young coconut juice.
15. I have a dresser just for socks, leg warmers, thigh highs, and panties. (And one for just pantyhose and hats! I have three dressers in total.)
16. In my every day life I only wear skirts and dresses.
17. My new favorite fetish is balloons.
18. I have a pretty big collection of toys, stuffed animals, action figures, and playing cards.
19. My favorite flowers are daffodils.
20. I have more VHS tapes than DVDs.
21. I'm currently texting with Lovely Lizzy.
22. I should be cleaning my room instead of playing online. (But I spent so long cleaning my kitchen I want a break!)
23. I have eleven piercings and no tattoos. (Six of those are in my ears though!)
24. I tried buzzing my undershave by myself for the first time yesterday and it came out perfect. I'm stoked.
25. I'm room mates with Plain Jane.
26. Cherry Satine (AKA Cherry Pie) who is no longer with us chose my SC name.
27. I chose my boyfriend's SC name, David Palmer. It's based off of David Lynch and his movie Twin Peaks (of which some of the main character's last names are Palmer.) I think it's hilarious.
28. Most of the time when I meet someone new in my town they've "heard of me" before, and it always makes me nervous. (Mostly they all know me because of the things I do in my community. I may not have another paying job but I am constantly working on local projects!)
29. I LOVE bad puns.
30. I like to dance around my house in my underwear.
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Re: 30 Random Things About Me

Postby gman36 » Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:32 pm

When you say Cherry Satine is no longer with us, do you mean she has passed away? If so, that is really sad news.
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Re: 30 Random Things About Me

Postby RosiePieCharm » Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:55 pm

Is it okay if we reply to what other people's facts are? I posted mine without reading any other post first so mine were as fresh as I could think them and now I'd like to compare mine. :) No one has to reply back to me if they don't want to. <3

ChrisC wrote:I was born & raised in Texas
I love fishing
I like BBQ and Mexican food
Been to every state in the USA,but Alaska.
I have a fear of tornadoes
I love road trips
Fav cable tv the walking dead
I love sports
fav song is stairway to heaven by the o'jays
love old school music
fav actor clint eastwood
fav books are to kill a mockingbird and the lion the witch and the wardrobe
love going to the movies
I don't smoke or drink
love sci fi and western movies
fav quote is "Can't rain all the time." -The Crow

I was born and raised in California.
I don't fish because I don't eat fish, and I can't stand killing something for no reason.
I also like BBQ and Mexican food, but I prefer Chinese.
I've been in almost every state in the USA. I lived in my car and traveled across the country and back for a year, it was a blast.
I'm honestly afraid of the dark. Isn't that silly?
I take road trips to LA with my boyfriend a lot. I'm not a huge fan of the road part of road trips but I love to travel.
I don't have cable TV.
I'm not against sports but I've never been a fan.
I have a hard time picking a favorite song. It changes constantly. (Currently it's My Territory by the Grand Po po and the Football Club though.)
I love all kinds of music!
I don't have a favorite actor but I have a little crush on Christian Bale.
My favorite books are Battle Royale and Disco Bloodbath.
I usually hate going to the movies. (Too expensive, I have a hard time sitting still, other people in the movies tend to piss me off.)
I don't smoke, but I do drink. A lot.
I love kids movies. (Not LITTLE kids movies. But, like, Disney.)
My favorite quote was "Everyone leaves in the end. Everything dies in the end. It doesn't matter how hard you hold on." -Mortiis when I was a teenager and I haven't thought of another since then. I'm not such a big fan of this quote anymore, though. I'm MUCH more chipper than I was when I was a teenager.

And PS glad to see you made it past the age of 25 happy and healthy! I do hope you have many, many, many more healthy years ahead of you!

gman36 wrote:I've never been to America.
The oldest person I've slept with was 7 years older than me.
I'm a massive Doctor Who fan.
The first Charm whose site I joined was Fantasia.
I passed my driving test at the age of 34.
I lost my virginity at the age of 21.
I have worked at for the same company for 15 years.
I haven't had sex for two months.
I make a dynamite hot curry.
I've only ever been on TV once.
I own a set of golf clubs but have only ever played 4 times.
I love the Grand Theft Auto games.
I had a pet guinea pig who lived for 6 years, and his name was Andy.
My favourite cartoon is South Park.
Even though I'm in my mid 30s, I still sleep with a teddy bear in my bed.

I have never been OUT of America.
The oldest person I slept with was five years older than me.
I'm a massive Pokemon fan.
I've never joined an SC site but the first one I saw was Cherry Satine.
I got my drivers license when I was 18.
I lost my virginity at the age of 13.
I have worked for the same company (SC!) for two years.
I haven't had sex since Thursday. (Unless you count giving a blowjob, then since Friday. And if you count giving a hand job, since earlier this afternoon.)
I made damn good Udon.
I've only been on TV once. But I've been in the paper three times, and on the radio (internet and locally) more times than I can remember.
I own hand weights but I've never used them. (I actually own them for a local acting troupe I am the director of.)
I love the Pokemon games. (All forms!)
I had a rat that lived for almost six years. His name was Beanie.
I have a hard time picking my favorite cartoon. I generally only watch cartoons.
I own more stuffed animals than will comfortably fit on my bed.

PS you pissing in the hallway of your school is HILARIOUS. Good show, I hope you didn't get in too much trouble!

Xandusk wrote:1) I prefer camping to staying in a 5 star hotel
5) I own well over 5000 movies and even more books
6) I think I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world
7) Violence still shocks me sometimes
9) My pets are totally spoiled
10) While I have been naked before for work, SC is my first actual website
11) I have a problem with people who choose to type everything in 'text talk'
14) I cannot figure out how to use Photoshop to save my life
17) I went to a Catholic grade school but refused to go to a Catholic high school because I wouldn't wear a uniform
18) I was once suspended from school for going to school (It wasn't the one I was registered at)
19) I was once sent home from school to change. I was wearing a California Raisins t-shirt and my principal declared it was a rock jersey (which was banned)
20) My favourite wine is Pelee Island Merlot and I can't stand champagne
21) I prefer to go make my own wine coolers
22) I have never worn fake nails
23) I have never worn fake eyelashes (although I would once in a while if I could figure out how to put the damn things on)
24) I have never enjoyed a Stephen King book (read them, he's just not to my taste)
25) I have clothing that I still wear that I have had since high school
28) I openly admit to being both a geek and a nerd
30) I wish I could drive a motorcycle

I prefer hotels.
I donate my books and movies if I never plan on watching/reading them again. I usually regret it later! But I like sharing knowledge too much to hold onto a lot of things.
I've been told I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Though I disagree, I never want to move.
I have a hard time being shocked by anything.
My cat is so spoiled she even has her own "Princess" chair.
I have also worked naked before, but this is my first website ever.
It also annoys me when people use text talk/chat speak. Or when they just type really foolishly in general. If it takes me to long to figure out what they are saying I just want to ignore them!
I'm not very good at Photoshop, though I can use it. I downloaded GIMP on my computer. It's free and much easier to figure out.
My childhood best friend ended up going to a Catholic school, and I didn't go for the same reason you didn't.
I once had a boyfriend get suspended for the same reason you did. He was coming to my school instead of his own.
I was once sent home from summer school for spiking my hair in "chaos spikes." My mother threw a fit at the school board for "dulling my creativity." I love her! I think your California Raisins Tshirt story is super funny!
I prefer cheap bear (Budwiser!) to wine or champagne.
Wine coolers make my stomach sick. So do all sugary drinks. It sucks!
I have also never worn fake nails, but I'm curious!
I've tried to wear fake eyelashes ONCE but my glasses pushed them down funny. So I guess I can't wear them.
I don't care for Stephen King either. I hate the way he writes. Dean Koontz is alright though.
I also have clothing that I still wear from high school.
I'm a HUGE geek, nerd, and dork. Mostly a dork.
I hate motorcycles.


gman36 wrote:When you say Cherry Satine is no longer with us, do you mean she has passed away? If so, that is really sad news.

No I mean she's no longer on SC. She's happy, healthy, and married now. We're still very close friends. :)
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Re: 30 Random Things About Me

Postby gman36 » Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:01 pm

RosiePieCharm wrote:PS you pissing in the hallway of your school is HILARIOUS. Good show, I hope you didn't get in too much trouble!

gman36 wrote:When you say Cherry Satine is no longer with us, do you mean she has passed away? If so, that is really sad news.

No I mean she's no longer on SC. She's happy, healthy, and married now. We're still very close friends. :)

I got slapped in the back of the head by my geography teacher and had to write a 500 word essay on the subject of why I shouldn't piss in a corridor.

I'm glad that everything is peachy for Cherry, I always liked her and wish I'd joined her page when I had the chance.
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Re: 30 Random Things About Me

Postby RosiePieCharm » Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:43 am

gman36 wrote:I got slapped in the back of the head by my geography teacher and had to write a 500 word essay on the subject of why I shouldn't piss in a corridor.

I'm glad that everything is peachy for Cherry, I always liked her and wish I'd joined her page when I had the chance.

Ahahahahaha I'm sorry but that's too funny!

You should have! She's so sweet and sexy. I'm glad I still get to see her. Hehehe.
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Re: 30 Random Things About Me

Postby Sherri Blake » Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:23 pm

Love this idea! I used it on my blog

1. I’m a true southern girl (born and raise in South Carolina)

2. I’ve never had any stitches

3. My first broken bone was at 18 and it was fractured

4. I love mexican food

5. Love summer but hate that it gets so hot

6. My new favorite thing to do is garden

7. I want to go to NY and Alaska one day

8. Country will always be my love but like rock and metal as well

9. Favorite show of all time is Invader Zim

10. 2 favorite tv shows are Glee and Once Upon A Time

11. I sing in the car

12. I consider myself as an only child even tho my brother is 18 years older than me

13. I hate the cold but it has to be cold for me to sleep

14. I have a cosmetology license

15. My most recent obsessions are sunglasses, my nails, and jewelry

16. My first car was a 2000 Ford Mustang- Red

17. I’m a hopeless romantic

18. I’m a “nerd groupie”

19. I clean naked

20. My recent project are bookshelves and its taking a lot longer than I had hoped

21. My spare room is more a library with a dresser and a bed

22. I don’t know the age of the oldest person I’ve slept with

23. I own an exercise ball but only used it once

24. I color my own hair

25. I got my license at 16 thanks to summer school drivers ed

26. The only summer school I had was drivers ed

27. I had my first wreck with another car a week after I finished drivers ed

28. I sleep with 3 body pillows

29. Pink, purple, and black are my favorite colors

30. The first R movie I saw was Cruel Intentions, I was like 11-12 (I think)
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Re: 30 Random Things About Me

Postby Xandusk » Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:42 pm

And I suddenly feel very very old.
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Re: 30 Random Things About Me

Postby Sherri Blake » Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:35 am

Whys that?
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Re: 30 Random Things About Me

Postby Xandusk » Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:07 am

Sherri Blake wrote:Whys that?

My first vehicle was a 1972 Firebird (used of course) and Cruel Intentions came out after college for me :)
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Re: 30 Random Things About Me

Postby Sherri Blake » Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:21 pm

Xandusk wrote:
Sherri Blake wrote:Whys that?

My first vehicle was a 1972 Firebird (used of course) and Cruel Intentions came out after college for me :)

Damn, thats ok tho! I am a baby
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Re: 30 Random Things About Me

Postby sammieSC2 » Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:28 pm

1. i've lived in over 26 houses in my lifetime (so far).
2. i attended eight different schools from kindergarten through high school.
3. you'd think i was an army brat from the above, but i'm not. that's just how it went.
4. i avoid typing capital letters because hitting the shift aggravates my carpal tunnel syndrome.
5. i have a disease that is usually only found in boys, Osgood-Schlatter's.
6. i often wondered growing up, because of my huge sex drive, if i should have been a boy.
7. i have never been in a monogamous relationship in my life.
8. i have never cheated on a significant other.
9. i have always been drawn to bdsm (bondage, discipline, dominance/submission, sadomasochism) and dominant men, even as a child.
10. even though i have lived a very promiscuous life, i didn't have my first true full blown bisexual experience until i was in my late 30s.
11. i was sick so much as a child that i was absent from kindergarten more days than i attended.
12. i was never a morning person but the older i get, the easier they get.
13. if i were president, interstate lanes would be thus: right lane 60 MPH. middle lane 70 MPH. left lane 80 MPH.
14. i have been out of the corporate world for 13 years now and have no intention of ever returning.
15. i homeschooled my children for several years.
16. i bore all three of my children at home with a midwife and no drugs.
17. i still distrust doctors and hospitals.
18. even though i distrust doctors i had a successful home career as a medical transcriptionist for many years.
17. in the corporate world, i did best working second shift.
18. i am a nudist.
19. i am a swinger.
20. i believe the majority of humans are incapable of monogamy.
21. i have worked in the sex industry for seven years and have will continue to do so, even into the G-GILF category
22. one of the proudest moments in my life was when i bought my first car right when i turned 18 with my own money.
23. when i was fourteen i lied about my age so i could get my first real job.
24. i worked in my parents' restaurant when i was 12 and 13, and loved the freedom of my own money.
25. i did not attend my high school graduation because i had moved in with my boyfriend and had no way to get to it.
26. i went to my dates' junior and senior proms when i was a freshman and a sophomore, but never attended my own proms.
27. cold weather has always caused my bones, my joints and my muscles to hurt.
28. at one time i cared for and fed 14 cats. i still want lots and lots of cats.
29. i was never a cat person until i inherited one against my will.
30. i will never grow old gracefully. i will fight it kicking and screaming.
healing the world one orgasm at a time
embracing my inner sluthood
the average man thinks of sex once every seven seconds. what takes him so long?
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Re: 30 Random Things About Me

Postby RosiePieCharm » Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:27 pm

Sherri Blake wrote:2. I’ve never had any stitches
3. My first broken bone was at 18 and it was fractured
4. I love mexican food
11. I sing in the car
12. I consider myself as an only child even tho my brother is 18 years older than me
14. I have a cosmetology license
15. My most recent obsessions are sunglasses, my nails, and jewelry
16. My first car was a 2000 Ford Mustang- Red
17. I’m a hopeless romantic
18. I’m a “nerd groupie”
19. I clean naked
20. My recent project are bookshelves and its taking a lot longer than I had hoped
22. I don’t know the age of the oldest person I’ve slept with
23. I own an exercise ball but only used it once
24. I color my own hair
25. I got my license at 16 thanks to summer school drivers ed
29. Pink, purple, and black are my favorite colors

Oh! I've never had stitches either. Though I have given them. :)
When I was eight I fell and snapped my front tooth in half. I haven't broken any other bones though..
Mexican food sure is yummy!
I sing everywhere. Especially the car!
I consider myself an only child even though I have a half sister (she never lived with my family though) and an adopted brother (we didn't adopt him until I was 15, and he was 14).
I wanted to be a cosmetologist once upon a time.
My most recent obsessions are video games, sewing, and going to new places.
My first car was a white Nissan Maxima, '94.
I'm a sappy romantic.
I'm an actual nerd.
I clean naked too!
My latest projects are sewing skirts, dresses, jumpers, etc. I need to finish all of these projects!!
The oldest I've slept with was five years older than I was.
I wish I owned an exorcise ball!
I also color my own hair.
I waited to get my license until I was 18. Since I usually walk everywhere by choice most people don't know I can legally drive and are shocked when I do.
Orange and Pink are my favorite colors.

sammieSC2 wrote:1. i've lived in over 26 houses in my lifetime (so far).
2. i attended eight different schools from kindergarten through high school.
3. you'd think i was an army brat from the above, but i'm not. that's just how it went.
4. i avoid typing capital letters because hitting the shift aggravates my carpal tunnel syndrome.
6. i often wondered growing up, because of my huge sex drive, if i should have been a boy.
7. i have never been in a monogamous relationship in my life.
8. i have never cheated on a significant other.
9. i have always been drawn to bdsm (bondage, discipline, dominance/submission, sadomasochism) and dominant men, even as a child.
10. even though i have lived a very promiscuous life, i didn't have my first true full blown bisexual experience until i was in my late 30s.
14. i have been out of the corporate world for 13 years now and have no intention of ever returning.
21. i have worked in the sex industry for seven years and have will continue to do so, even into the G-GILF category
23. when i was fourteen i lied about my age so i could get my first real job.
26. i went to my dates' junior and senior proms when i was a freshman and a sophomore, but never attended my own proms.
28. at one time i cared for and fed 14 cats. i still want lots and lots of cats.
30. i will never grow old gracefully. i will fight it kicking and screaming.

I've lived in 21 houses in my life (so far).
I attended ten different schools, k-12th.
I guess you'd have to think the same about me, but I'm also not an army child. We just moved a LOT.
I can't help but type properly. (I have braces I wear while I do things like type though.)
I've wondered the same!
I am currently in my second monogamous relationship ever. (I've been Poly all of my life.) The first was a HORRIBLE mistake and I vowed never to go back, but then I found (who I think to be) Mr. Right and he's monogamous so I followed suit.
I have also never cheated.
I've also always considered myself kinky. Though I've always switched roles through my relationships, I'm currently a happy sub.
My first bisexual (well, I'm Pansexual, but whatever :p) experience was when I was 13.
I long to be a secretary but I refuse to change the way I look to do so.
I've been in the sex industry for only two years but I plan to stay in my whole life!
I didn't have my first real job until I was 18. Though I did attempt to get jobs when I was younger. (I ended up working under the table.)
I also never attended my own proms. Though I did take one lady to hers.
I've never looked after more than two cats at a time. I like to spend a lot of quality time with each cat so more would be too many for me.
I also refuse to grow old gracefully. And it shows.
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Re: 30 Random Things About Me

Postby Alexus Lin SC1 » Fri May 04, 2012 11:48 am

1. Live in New york and still in New York. (Not in the city)
2. I was always a Tom Boy - played stick ball in the street with the boys
changed oil in my car and many other things, but knew how to be a lady too.
3. I do most of my own home improvements. (My dad was a great teacher)
4. After Grad. from College I worked as an accountant for an Auto. Sales and Leasing Co.
5. Retired for awhile when I had my daughter. Then back to work in a CPA office.
6. Had my share of injuries. Car accident, car flipped over and down a hill. I was not driving.
had stitches on side of face from dog bite, stiches on knee from fall. Stitches in neck from
corodit artery surgery. Oh and last summer a few heart attacks, but doing ok now.
7. Was a care giver for my Mom and Dad for about 5 years. (That was stressful, but I would do it all again.)
8. My hubby has Lou gehrigs Disease (ALS) its not always easy, but he has not let the disease
take him completly over yet. He fights it as hard as he can and I don't mind helping him. Married 39 years.
9. I was an avid bowler for many years, held a 183 average in a few leagues for years.
High game 279, high series 697.
10. My favorite foods are off limits to me now, but i am adjusting.
11. Started on Southern Charms towards the end of 2001 and I love it.
12. Love animals and had many different pets
13. I oil paint sceenery and do all sorts of arts and crafts.
14. Have met alot of great people here and I know i will meet alot more. You all make me smile and.....
15. I could go on and on, at my age have done many things, and I am sure I forgot many.
16. This year I turn 66, and hope I still have my SC site at 70, 80 and maybe 90. LOL
17. want to know more about me just email or private mess. me.
18. Hugs and kisses, Alexus Lin
My Site - http://www.southern-charms.com/alexuslin/photos.htm
My Videos - http://videos.southern-charms.com/frontend.php?sc_volume=1&model=alexuslin
Hugs & Kisses, Alexus Lin
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Re: 30 Random Things About Me

Postby Alexus Lin SC1 » Sat May 05, 2012 10:27 am

19. my first car was a 1967 buick.
20. next car a 1969 Dodge charger (Purple)
21. had many other cars after that too.
22. Sang with a band for a short time.
23. Played tennis.
24. Roller skated and ice skated.
25. Love sea food
26. Started smoking when cigs were .39 cents a pack
27. Still a kid at heart even at my age
28. Love amusment parks and roller coasters
29. Love the beach and swimming
30. Love having my web site
sorry this is not all in one post, but had to run out so continued it here.
Hugs all.
My Site - http://www.southern-charms.com/alexuslin/photos.htm
My Videos - http://videos.southern-charms.com/frontend.php?sc_volume=1&model=alexuslin
Hugs & Kisses, Alexus Lin
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Alexus Lin SC1
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Re: 30 Random Things About Me

Postby Mirage SC4 » Sat May 05, 2012 4:37 pm

I was born and raised in Southern California
I love to fish and I love to eat shellfish, (lobster, crab, shrimp)
My favorite car was my Mustang
I lost my virginity when I was 16
Love the beach and the mountains
Love wearing stockings and high heels for real
Love motorcycles and had a Boss Hoss Trike for awhile
I love to paint my toe nails and fingernails
Beer, I like Corona Extra and love Margaritas (with salt on the rim of course) also Champagne
Played violin when I was young
Was in Ballet, was a brownie and girl scout
Went to modeling college in Los Angeles when I was 14
Love to dance
Love getting presents and love all girlie things
Favorite color is pink
Broke my shoulder and my wrist ( Only 5 weeks out of my wrist cast) Had surgery for both
I love most music
Like most movies except gore
I am a swinger
Was a restaurant manager
I have a tattoo
I have 2 piercings
Tan easily
Rode on a train
Flew on military aircraft for fun
Love shopping but not for groceries
Love the feel of a younger man or woman
Love the feel of the sun on my naked skin
I play video and computer games
I am a very real person
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