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PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:42 pm
by bellarose SC3
Have anyone on here ever lost a loved one before?
Grieving has no end point to feel loss and hopeless..
It will forever be within you rest of your life.
The only way to heal is to accept your flaws and keep moving.
Believing and having faith and mercy will miraculously heal your heart.

Re: Grieving

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 9:53 pm
by sweetsexymama
I just lost my aunt from brain cancer. She was a wonderful person. I'm also dealing with trying to keep my husband alive. He is end stage kidney failure and all other sorts of health issues. Some days are good some not so much. We actually have to prepare his funeral stuff which is very hard to prepare for. I believe and have faith that when it is time to be strong and when his time does come there will be peace.