Competiton load errors
Sent: Sat Mar 15, 2025 3:28 pm
by TwinkleSC4
Hi I am trying to load a picture for this months competition but keep getting server errors. Will the deadline be extended to take into account these server problems? Twinkle
Re: Competiton load errors
Sent: Sat Mar 15, 2025 7:05 pm
by SultrySerenaSC2
TwinkleSC4 wrote:
Hi I am trying to load a picture for this months competition but keep getting server errors. Will the deadline be extended to take into account these server problems? Twinkle
There aren't any server errors.
Please read the instructions provided. There is a link provided at the top of the post.
If you are having problems loading a photo there are a couple of reasons why:
Your photo is named a file name that has already been uploaded on the board.
Your photo file size is too large, compress and resize
Additional Notes:
Fans: If you are a "newbie" or newly registered, you must make 3 posts in any thread of this forum before you will be able to access the voting
Additionally, tipping is greatly appreciated for both the contest entrants and the winners!!
CHARMS: If you are having photo upload issues: For those of you emailing Brady or Brian about this, they aren't familiar with the forum photo upload issues you are having.
Please contact me if you are having problems. There's nothing staff can do to help you with the photo upload problem you are having.
You have to read the posts and my pm's. You are most likely trying to upload a wrong format, too large, or duplicate named photo.
Please change your file name to something obscure. The forum WILL NOT accept a file that has a duplicate name of a file already uploaded. Also it has to be jpg I believe. And please check the file size.
Those are the only reasons for you to be having problems.
If you find that you simply can't get your photo to load, please EMAIL IT TO ME. so I can see what the problem is and correct it for you.
Thank you.
Italian Lace SC4 wrote:Magically delicious.
Randy Raz SC1 wrote:For each petal on the shamrock, this brings a wish your way: Good health, good luck, and happiness for today and every day.
Happy St. Patricks Day to You All.
Randy Raz
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