Stroking for Auntie Joan

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Stroking for Auntie Joan

Postby Banjo441 » Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:58 pm

Auntie Joan wasn't really my aunt at all, she was my uncle's girlfriend before he passed away. She remained close with my family, especially my mother, the two were like best friends. Auntie Joan as I called her was always with us, we even went on vacations together. She was real fun to be around, a life of the party type, and when we were together my mother seemed to be little more easygoing. I'd had a crush on Auntie Joan since forever. She was a cute woman, petite with short hair and freckles. I remember one time we'd been at the beach and afterward she was in the next room from mine changing. I poked my head over ever so slightly to take a peek at her and right at that moment she was untying her bikini top and her big tan lined titties came flopping out. She put on a t-shirt and turned towards me so I slid back into my room. I've jerked off to that memory countless times. Her nipples were so big and dark, a little different from some of the other women's titties I've spied at the time. As I got older she liked to tease me a little, not sexually, but because I guess I was chubby and a bit of a momma's boy. She'd ask do you have a girlfriend yet? Why not? and she'd laugh. Don't you like girls? I hated when she would ask that. I liked girls plenty! Them liking me back was another story. I was almost 20 and had never even kissed a girl yet. That summer we went to visit family in Florida and I ended up having to share a room with Auntie Joan. It was only for two days, then she'd be moving on to stay with friends of hers until we all went home. You don't mind she asked, I'll stay out in the living room. It's fine I said, I don't mind at all, and to be honest the thought of just laying next to her had my balls stirring. That night when I came to bed she was already well tucked under the covers. She had her back to the center of the bed and I got in the bed with my back to her so we were both back to back. I said goodnight and she mumbled goodnight as if she were already asleep. I laid there a while just thinking I guess. Eventually I got a hardon. When I sure she was sound asleep I pulled the foreskin over the head of my dick and squeezed it back and forth ever so lightly trying to be as careful and quiet as possible. It took a real long time doing it this way, doing it this softly but I eventually blew a huge load into my boxer shorts and fell asleep. The next night we all watched a movie together and all went to bed at the same time. When Auntie Joan came back from brushing her teeth she was in a long t-shirt. I was already in bed this time and wondered if she had panties on underneath and I got a little hard. She got in bed with her back to me again and we said goodnight and went to sleep. About an hour later I woke up with a major hardon. I was sure she was asleep so the same as the night before I jerked off as softly and quietly as I could. After a few minutes I heard a voice in the dark say what are you doing? Nothing! I said, sleeping! No your not she said and she turned on her bedside lamp. You were playing with yourself! No I wasn't I said. Yes you were, and you did it last night too, the whole bed was shaking she said. I'd thought I'd been so slick, but I guess I was caught. I can't help it I said, if I don't do it, I can't fall asleep! Well, go ahead then if you have to she told me. Are you sure it's okay? I asked as I turned on to my back. I lowered my half of the blanket and pulled my boxers down. When Auntie Joan saw how my small is dick she chuckled a little. I didn't care I was jerking off hard and fast openly, my balls jiggling up and down as I stroked. As I tensed up and began to grunt Auntie Joan handed me a tissue from a box on her nightstand. Here! she said, a sense of urgency in her voice as I shot jet after jet of cum in the tissue. Feel better now? Auntie Joan asked mockingly. Out of breath I nodded yes. Good, goodnight! She said and shut the lamp. Early that morning I woke up to the whole bed shaking. It was light in the room and the sun was coming through the blinds. I looked at the clock and it was 6:30am. I turned to Auntie Joan. Her shirt was pulled up and her panties were around her thighs, with two fingers she was rhythmically rubbing the thick lips of her hairy pussy. I have to do it in the morning she said.
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