I'm normally a "chatty patty"

Well I guess I'll try it, cuz there's always the "delete post" button option if I totally bomb with this

If you're not familiar with my site, https://www.southern-charms2.com/sultryserena/main.htm here's the quick points:
- I've been a charm since 2004
I'm celebrating my 62nd birthday next month
I'm happily married, to the same hunky man for 44 years
I'm a grandma
And I totally enjoy my site here on SC, and all of you sexy guys!
But...........I really do have other interests besides getting naughty on the web

I share alot of my porn self on my site, maybe here,I'll try and share my other side

Feel free to comment, good or bad..............I can take it. Besides, I know where the delete button is