Sultry Serena SC2 Lady of the House, Sexpot Slut

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Sultry Serena SC2 Lady of the House, Sexpot Slut

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sun Aug 06, 2023 9:52 am

I'm normally a "chatty patty" :d But now I feel like I'm totally at a loss as what to say. I'm not really a diary person and I totally had to google "blog" to see exactly what it is. So yeah, it's a diary thing online :d :d

Well I guess I'll try it, cuz there's always the "delete post" button option if I totally bomb with this ;)

If you're not familiar with my site, here's the quick points:

    I've been a charm since 2004
    I'm celebrating my 62nd birthday next month
    I'm happily married, to the same hunky man for 44 years
    I'm a grandma
    And I totally enjoy my site here on SC, and all of you sexy guys!
    But...........I really do have other interests besides getting naughty on the web ;)

    I share alot of my porn self on my site, maybe here,I'll try and share my other side :-)

    Feel free to comment, good or bad..............I can take it. Besides, I know where the delete button is :d :d :d Kidding, seriously! I really can take it ;;)
    Last edited by SultrySerenaSC2 on Fri Jun 28, 2024 10:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sun Aug 06, 2023 10:10 am

    Did you know?

    I don't do any kind of social media!! Apparently, I'm a rare soul in this day and age. Seriously! Think about it, there may be many others who do not do social media, BUT...............I bet they don't do PORN either :d

    So yep, I'm different. And that's totally ok with me. On the surface I always feel like I don't like to stand out, but that' really doesn't make sense since I have a porn site :d

    What's on my mind lately?
    Honestly it's Halloween! yep, I LOVE Halloween! My husband and I usually do a Haunted Yard thing. And we go ALL OUT! Last year was the first year we had done it in five, six? years. We had downsized and were living in an apartment. But we got tired of the itsy bitsy cramped space and decided to find us a BIG HOUSE, and of course now we have a big yard to go with it! Last year we went bat shit crazy shopping for animatronics! And of course we have amazing costumes and I'm pretty good at horror makeup.
    We had a BIG crowd! It was a total success!

    It's hilarious when people come by and they don't know whether I'm a person or an animatronic! until I move :d :d :d :d

    And the BEST compliment is when 18-19 year old guys tell us "You guys OWN Halloween!!"

    So now I've been planning this years thing. We improve it each year and make it different. I've got a lifelike coffin thing and an animatronic from last year of a 5'4" woman breaking her own neck. She was kinda dull by herself, but the coffin thing I have is on a stand. And I'm gonna put HER IN IT! So the top half is open and she, looks dead anyways, will get animated with noise and break her own neck :d I hope it works as well in real time as it does when I plan it in my mind :d :d

    So yep, I love Halloween. it does kick my ass though. Setting up all the stuff, and OMG then taking it down! But it's worth it!

    I'm usually a zombie. But ehhh, maybe I'm getting bored with that. I'm thinking I'd love to be a big bad warewolf chained to a wall.......that's kinda kinky huh? :d And I start breaking loose!!! I saw that on youtube and I'd love to replicate it, but not sure I can. OMG it would scare me!!

    My coffin animatronic should be delivered today. Fingers crossed my idea works. I'll let you know after I'm able to try it out.
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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby mrsleatherSC3 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 7:57 am

    So great to see you doing this Serena!
    You have other interests other than being naughty on the web?? LOL Well, I guess we are going to find out!
    Brilliant first post & I cant wait to see more xx
    Enjoy Some Leather Love

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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 8:19 am

    mrsleatherSC3 wrote:So great to see you doing this Serena!
    You have other interests other than being naughty on the web?? LOL Well, I guess we are going to find out!
    Brilliant first post & I cant wait to see more xx

    Waiting for you to post your tell all :-) :-)
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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 9:06 am

    Here's something you don't hear someone say everyday...........

    "My Coffin Arrived Yesterday!!" It's funny, cuz the box says "coffin" and it's a BIG box weighing 73lbs! I wonder what the fedex guy was thinking when he was hauling that thing to my door?? No pictures on the box at all :d :d
    My husband's gonna put my coffin together for me so we can try the plan of putting that other animatronic in it. While he's doing that............
    My plan for today is: WARNING: The next words may be totally boring and may ruin any horny feelings you might currently be experiencing......OR wait, hmmmmm.........I have a better idea!!!
    Just in case you're feeling kinda good in that special place below your belt, maybe I'll kink things up a bit when I describe my plan for...... cleaning house ;;)

    You play the part of my hunky husband...........I think you'd be perfect!! ;) ;)

    You're downstairs, lugging that huge box into the living room. It's been sitting next to the front door in the entryway since the delivery guy quickly left it on our doorstep and sped off. He probably thinks we're some kind of freaks........I mean who orders a Coffin?? :d I should suggest to the manufacturer that they really should spend a little extra and put a photo of the HALLOWEEN PROP on the shipping box! But that's another day's plan.
    It's summer and it's HOT! Even with the AC, I notice your bare back already beginning to glisten as you unpack the box. I don't think I've ever told you, but I really love how you only go shirtless for me. :X I ask you if you want me to help you while you put the thing together. Secretly I know you do NOT want me to help you, I'm really not very mechanically inclined and I know I just slow things down when I attempt to help...........But I'm stalling, cuz cleaning house is so humdrum and the truth is that I'm really starting to feel in the mood for some special fun *wink wink*

    Maybe we'll play a game I like to play. It's called "How long before I can get his FULL attention?" I win when I get you to put the plastic handle screwdriver down and bring YOUR rockhard screwdriver to me ;;)

    You politely answer me that you've got this, and no need for me to interrupt my plans for the day. You'll tackle the prop and I can go ahead and do the housework. A typical guy thing for sure :d That's ok, cuz I definitely plan to get what I want. ;;)

    I decide to start my "housework" downstairs. Normally I start upstairs. I've got a routine and a touch of OCDish-ness.........So I'm definitely gonna get your attention by doing my dusting here first. But just to make sure, I take off my top, and my bra. And I attempt to suck in my soft tummy, but it's hard to talk while you're sucking in........geeze. Forget it. You've seen me naked a gazillion times, and I know I've got this ;) Still, I'm gonna start dusting on that upper shelf close to you so that raising my arms gives my big boobs that extra "lift" and lets them hang a little free-er so they jiggle alot! I grab my trusty feather duster and start............. seem to be very occupied with putting that thing together. OMG you're not even looking at me!!! Time to kick things up a notch.
    "hey sweetie", I say........."it's really hot.........and you look kinda thirsty........want me to bring you a beer?"

    YEP! That worked!! You immediately looked up at me cuz I truly never offer to bring you a beer :d :d :d :d :d

    You don't even bother asking what's going on. After all these years, you know that when I decide to let me kink out, you're gonna enjoy it ;) But I have to tease a when you get up and instantly reach for my lightly swinging boob, wanting to pull my hard nipples into your mouth......I tug away, and let you know that I really need to get this boring housework done first. You're just gonna have to wait. Now I start bending to dust the lower shelves, and even though I've got my regular jean cut off shorts on and not my serena jean cut off shorts, my big ass cheeks still really tend to hang out below the cutoffs.

    A little secret.........I'm really fighting the urge to pull this denim seam out of my pussy crack! OMG you love camel toe, but ugg, can I fess up that I really don't? :d

    I've managed to tease you throughout the entire dusting of the living room..........and I've noticed that you've pushed all the halloween prop stuff out of the way and made a path to the couch! You're standing behind me, whispering in my ear, and pressing yourself into my ass.

    OMG I can't hold out any longer. YOU WIN :d
    The housework can wait til later ;;)
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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Tue Aug 08, 2023 8:10 pm

    It's 8:05 pm. I'm sitting in bed watching tv. I absolutely LOVE "Paranormal, Caught On Camera". Have you ever seen that show?

    I just got out of the shower, and I've got my little silk pj's on. Shorts and top. OMG I'm feeling so comfy!
    I've got my coke on ice sitting next to me on the nightstand, browsing around the web on my laptop, and watching the ghosts on tv :d

    Tomorrow's an early morning for me. I get up at 4:30 am on Monday's and Wednesdays. I-)

    I had an amazing day today ;;) .............I hope you did too :X
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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby heels1 » Thu Aug 10, 2023 6:42 am

    mmmm the thought of silk against your naked body makes me hard xxxx
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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby Betty_BnV CHARM » Thu Aug 10, 2023 12:49 pm

    For a lady that doesn't do 'social media' you sure got the hang of it fast! Loved reading about you!
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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Thu Aug 10, 2023 12:56 pm

    heels1 wrote:mmmm the thought of silk against your naked body makes me hard xxxx

    hmmm, maybe I can help ?? ;;)
    I should do an photo set while wearing my silky pj's and those FUCKME NOW yellow heels that you and I share a special affinity for :X
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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Thu Aug 10, 2023 12:58 pm

    Betty_BnV CHARM wrote:For a lady that doesn't do 'social media' you sure got the hang of it fast! Loved reading about you!

    Thanks Betty :-) But I'm just a talker, for real :d

    Hope to read more about you soon :-)
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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Thu Aug 10, 2023 1:03 pm

    Quick little update:

    IT WORKS!! The coffin is put together, and my animatronic woman who breaks her own neck fits inside and OMG, it works!! This is gonna freak a bunch of people out this halloween!
    I don't even have to wait til halloween, cuz the coffin is standing up in my garage, FACING the garage everytime we pull the car into the garage, whoever's passing by, and definitely my across the street neighbors can see this big black coffin in my garage :d :d
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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:24 pm

    It's 1:06 pm and I just finished making a casserole thing for dinner tonight. Beef rice a roni, broccoli, cauliflower, red peppers, soy sauce, shredded roast beef......yummy!
    Oh and a veggie tray - carrot sticks, cucumber, cherry tomato, celery and ranch dressing

    Are you like my husband and thinking "that sounds disgusting"???? :d

    He's not a fan of my rice a roni casserole thing. So I'm making him meatloaf and mashed potatoes with white gravy. BLECKKKKK! Definitely NOT a dish I would like at all.

    I decided to get the dinner stuff done ahead of time, so I just have to heat it up...... because we're going out in the pool in a little bit. I'm gonna spend a couple of hours being totally lazy, laying out in the sun and just chillin!

    But the wasps this year are so bad! My husband's such a sweet heart. He uses the net and keeps the stinging bastards away from me.
    I actually got stung by ALOT of yellow jackets back in the early 90's. I was living in NJ at the time and was out mowing the front lawn. And apparently I mowed over their nest? Hive? HOLY CRAP! They came after me! I started running towards the door, actually STRIPPING off my clothes while I was running. They were IN my bra, IN my panties, IN my hair, everywhere!! The terrible thing is that I had an allergy to bee stings when I was a kid, and never knew if it went away. So when the jellow jackets got me, and they did get me more than 15 times - I was so scared I was gonna swell up and not be able to breath. Thankfully that didn't happen. I was miserable for three days, but I healed.
    I still don't like the little pricks. Ok, so I'll admit, I'm a little afraid of them :-SS
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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby loke693 » Sat Aug 12, 2023 7:25 am

    Absolutely enjoying your blog, please keep it cumming!

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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby Betty_BnV CHARM » Sat Aug 12, 2023 9:03 am

    SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:... But the wasps this year are so bad! ...
    I actually got stung by ALOT of yellow jackets back in the early 90's. I was living in NJ at the time and was out mowing the front lawn. And apparently I mowed over their nest? Hive? HOLY CRAP! They came after me! I started running towards the door, actually STRIPPING off my clothes while I was running. They were IN my bra, IN my panties, IN my hair, everywhere!! The terrible thing is that I had an allergy to bee stings when I was a kid, and never knew if it went away. So when the jellow jackets got me, and they did get me more than 15 times - I was so scared I was gonna swell up and not be able to breath. Thankfully that didn't happen. I was miserable for three days, but I healed.
    I still don't like the little pricks. Ok, so I'll admit, I'm a little afraid of them :-SS

    I got bitten by yellow jackets for the first time just this summer! I was picking blackberries and raspberries out back and stood on a nest! I was super lucky (I was dressed for ticks and horseflies!) and only got hit twice, and that through my socks, but I have never felt anything like the fire that was in my skin for hours!

    And, I am a LOT afraid of them!
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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Mon Aug 14, 2023 7:21 am

    Betty, Yes, it does burn like fire! I had icepacks laying all over me, tied to me with shoe strings, and pressed against places that ice shouldn't be pressed against :d

    I had actually stepped on a BUMBLEBEE while barefoot, when I was a young kid. Stupid thing got stuck in the bottom of my foot! I remember my dad picking me up and carrying me into the water (we were camping at a lake) and I saw that thing wiggling around, his stinger hadn't detached and the entire bumblee was wiggling around stuck in my foot! I was absolutely freaking out! My dad told me to plunge my foot into the lake while he held me, in order to drown the bee. Then my mom came over with tweezers and pulled the nasty thing out. I don't remember much after that, but I was SICK and SWOLLEN and had to go to the Dr.

    So I had stayed away from all stinging things...........until NJ and the yellowjackets.
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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Mon Aug 14, 2023 7:46 am

    It's not quite 7:30 am. I absolutely love the mornings! I guess I'm a morning person. Two mornings a week, I have to be up at 4:30 am, and the rest of the week, I'm always up by 7 or so. Once the sun starts lighting up my bedroom window, I'm wide awake and ready to start my day.

    I come downstairs and let my dog Maddie, out back. She's a little -1/2Jack Russel/ 1/2Yorkshire Terrier - mutt. I rescued her from the pound 12 years ago. I went there to save a dog, and came home with a puppy - my grandkids picked her out :d But I can't imagine not having Maddie. She's definitely my dog. She follows me everywhere. Anyways, I let her out in the backyard and turn the water on to the pool. I usually have to give it a little water each day, it's so friggin HOT here in Texas that it just evaporates like crazy! I sit at my patio table for a few minutes while Maddie does her business. Plus I have to keep reminding her NOT to bark at the neighbors dogs behind and to the side of us. One's a husky, and the other is a pit bull. But my little 15lb dog thinks she's billy bad ass and runs to the fence egging on stuff with those other dogs!

    Anyways, I love everything about mornings. It's quiet and peaceful. And I enjoy knowing it's the start of another amazing day!
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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby loke693 » Tue Aug 15, 2023 6:25 pm

    SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:It's not quite 7:30 am. I absolutely love the mornings! I guess I'm a morning person. Two mornings a week, I have to be up at 4:30 am, and the rest of the week, I'm always up by 7 or so. Once the sun starts lighting up my bedroom window, I'm wide awake and ready to start my day.

    I come downstairs and let my dog Maddie, out back. She's a little -1/2Jack Russel/ 1/2Yorkshire Terrier - mutt. I rescued her from the pound 12 years ago. I went there to save a dog, and came home with a puppy - my grandkids picked her out :d But I can't imagine not having Maddie. She's definitely my dog. She follows me everywhere. Anyways, I let her out in the backyard and turn the water on to the pool. I usually have to give it a little water each day, it's so friggin HOT here in Texas that it just evaporates like crazy! I sit at my patio table for a few minutes while Maddie does her business. Plus I have to keep reminding her NOT to bark at the neighbors dogs behind and to the side of us. One's a husky, and the other is a pit bull. But my little 15lb dog thinks she's billy bad ass and runs to the fence egging on stuff with those other dogs!

    Anyways, I love everything about mornings. It's quiet and peaceful. And I enjoy knowing it's the start of another amazing day!

    I can’t say that I’m a morning person, nor can I say I’m not a morning person. I deal with the day as it comes. I can’t seem to sleep late (past like 8 AM) even if I go to bed late. I can stay up with the best of them, but haven’t had to, but I’m sure I could if I had to. Glad you are a morning person. You seem to enjoy it!

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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:59 pm

    loke693 wrote:

    I can’t say that I’m a morning person, nor can I say I’m not a morning person. I deal with the day as it comes. I can’t seem to sleep late (past like 8 AM) even if I go to bed late. I can stay up with the best of them, but haven’t had to, but I’m sure I could if I had to. Glad you are a morning person. You seem to enjoy it!


    I think you're a morning person for sure. :-)
    I can stay up, but usually prefer not too. I'm usually asleep by 11 pm. But sometimes, if I have alot on my mind or something, I'll be wide awake til 2 am. I don't like those times, cuz even then, I'm up with the sun :d I'm someone who used to be able to get by with only 4-5 hours of sleep, but I've noticed as I get older that I need a little more.
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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Wed Aug 16, 2023 9:15 pm

    Today I saved an animal at the animal shelter.

    I currently have two cats, and one dog. And today, I adopted another cat. Poor thing is 10 years old. She was surrendered when her owner passed away. Adopted, and returned to the shelter again. She's got bad teeth, was spayed during a pregnancy, malnourished and very, very, scared. She had been at the shelter for 3 months and her time was running out.

    I named her WeezLee. From the Harry Potter movies. "Weasley"......... And before you ask, NO, I'm not into Harry Potter, however my grandkids were. So I've named my cats from the movies. I have Herminee, (my 13 year old cat) and Bellatrex, (my 8 year old cat) and now Weezlee :d
    My Dog Maddie escaped the Harry Potter spell :d :d

    She's staying in my guest bedroom for awhile. It's quiet in there, and she is away from my other pets. I'm taking her to the vet tomorrow because she has a runny nose and I need to get her rechecked to make sure she's ok. I haven't even been able to pet her yet. I'm gonna leave her be until she's ready. I just want to give her a good life for the years she has left. It's just so sad that alot of animals have such hard lives.

    I'm a BIG animal lover!
    I let my pets sleep on my bed and if one of my cats is laying on my leg or something, I won't move :d
    My cats don't really sleep on my bed anymore since my dog decided she owned it :d
    My dog, Maddie, sleeps on the left side of our king bed, I sleep in the middle and my husband sleeps on the right. Sometimes my dog sleeps sideways.......which means I move over more, which means my husband is on the edge........good thing he likes cuddling :d :d
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    Re: Sultry Serena SC2

    Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Thu Aug 17, 2023 8:51 pm

    I didn't have a good day today :(

    I had to surrender WeezLee back to the animal shelter.
    She bit and scratched my husband. And the vet couldn't examine her because she was so violent acting.

    I believe she was a feral cat and somehow the wrong history was given to me. It's sad and yes, I cried. I really wanted to give this cat a good home. I've never, EVER had to take an animal to the shelter, let alone take one BACK less than a day after I adopted it.

    This cat was not going to be tame, ever. She hated the world, and I feel bad that I couldn't help her. But I have other pets, and grandkids. I can't have an aggressive pissed off cat living in my house.

    Was kind of a crappy day for sure :-(
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