Sultry Serena SC2 Lady of the House, Sexpot Slut

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby loke693 » Sun Sep 10, 2023 10:02 pm

Hey Sexy,

Hubby might be feeling a little worn out, but I’d set the bank he’s happy and well satisfied!

You are a lot more than just a mom, a grandmother, and all that other stuff you said. Most importantly you are a tremendous woman who enjoys doing what she is doing and sharing it. What is most important to many of us is that your are genuine. You are a regular person, but you are so much better than a regular person. Your inner beauty and your external beauty radiate and it causes us guys to appreciate you the more and feel intimidated by you.

You are Serena the GREAT. You are “That Lady”. You are the model that has it all, but is down to earth enough to allow us to experience you up close and personal! Thank you for your humility and for being genuine!

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby Diggy » Sun Sep 17, 2023 8:53 pm

Hi Serena,

I understand how sad that can be. I’m an animal lover too and when I visit the shelter, I wish I can save everyone. That must have been heartbreaking for you, but you did the right thing - you need a safe home and I’m sure the animals you have feel truly loved.
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sun Sep 17, 2023 9:37 pm

Diggy wrote:Hi Serena,

I understand how sad that can be. I’m an animal lover too and when I visit the shelter, I wish I can save everyone. That must have been heartbreaking for you, but you did the right thing - you need a safe home and I’m sure the animals you have feel truly loved.

Thank you Diggy. I don't think I'll ever forget that cat. I felt so awful taking her back to the shelter. I tried to do something positive and I feel like I made it worse for the cat. :-(
Yes, my animals are definitely loved, and spoiled :-) They're part of my family for sure. :X
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sun Sep 17, 2023 10:17 pm

Sunday Sept 17

Three weeks and 1 day and FINALLY my siatica pain is going away. I'm keeping my appointment with the ortho though. I need to see if I just moved wrong, or if I've got a slipped disc or something.

So today I cleaned the downstairs of my house. (I did the upstairs yesterday) It's too much to for me to do in one day. It really kicks my ass. Not that it takes me all day to do it. It usually takes me four hours to do half the house. I'm definitely a thorough housecleaner :d Baseboards, windowsills, celing fans.......they get dusted too. I love a clean house! Makes my world feel organized :d Besides, I like knowing where something is. If I need a pair of tweezers, I know where they are. I don't have to hunt for something. Funny story: So years ago, ok, like 20 years ago, I was so OCD about a clean house that when my sis or someone would come over and put their coke, or tea or whatever they were drinking on my coffee table, I would pick it up and clean the water mark, and give them a coaster :d :d I've seen that on tv before and it's hilarious that that used to be me :d Ok, so my sister didn't think it was funny. She told me years later that it was highly annoying. Of course we won't speak on that, because HER HOUSE is kinda messy and I guarantee that SHE doesn't know where to quickly find a pair of tweezers in her house :d

My sis and I are so different. When we were kids, and she was being a brat, I used to tell her she was adopted :d (She wasn't). But she used to believe me and get all upset. My dads' side of the family is Cherokee. And my sis got those genes! She's got darker skin and brunette hair. And I'm so white, and so blonde :d Then my brother came along and he's like me, fair skinned, blonde.

It's so weird how DNA works. I did one of those DNA genetics tests several years ago. My sis did it with me, (she jokingly told me that she was gonna finally put the adopted stuff to rest) :d :d .....and I was able to get both of my parents to do it before they passed away. What a shocker for me to find out I'm 59% British! Did you know that siblings are closer in DNA match than a parent and child? It was really interesting reading the reports.

Saturday will be my 62nd Birthday. It's not phasing me at all. I had my "I'm getting old" meltdown when I turned 40. Yep, I did. I cried and felt awful! OMG what a putz I was! 40? Old? =))
62....Bring it on ;)
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:40 pm

Monday September 25

I'm officially 62 years old. It truly boggles my mind :-\

When I was younger, I would think about what it would be like when I got "old". But honestly, I thought it would be forever and ever before it actually happened. Does that make sense?
AND I can honestly say that having a porn site NEVER entered my "when I get old" scenarios :d :d

I know there are alot of judgmental people in this world, and those people would think that I'm such an awful person for having a porn site. They would assume that I'm immoral and that the guys that look at my content are immoral..........

This December will be my 19th anniversary on SC!! And I have no plans to "retire". I've met some amazing people BECAUSE of SC, both fans and charms! So I guess I just wanted to let you guys know that I think YOU are amazing!! And I'm so flattered that you continue to show your interest and support in me after all of these years! :X


I'm still planning my Halloween thingy! OMG I'm gonna be so pissed if it rains on Halloween!!! ~X(
This year, I'll set up my haunted yard in "themes". Most of it at least. For example I have a haunted toybox, a jack in the box that stands 6' tall, a possessed 4'5" animatronic little girl and I'll set them all together. Then my buzzsaw guy animatronic, I'm gonna put my dead bodies and body pieces all around him. He stands 7' I think. I used him in some of my Halloween Porn pics last year. Anyways, he has one of his things he says, which is "I'm gonna up!" And I have lots of bloody cut up fake body pieces to scatter around him. :d

Yeah, I get excited about Halloween! :d I probably bore alot of you with it - but hey, keep in mind that there's more to me than a pair of big tits, and a big fat ass :d

OMG we had a TERRIBLE storm in the Dallas area last night! BIG HAIL! My cats went under the bed! My dog usually freaks with lightening and thunder and the cats almost laugh at her.............but not last night! They crawled under the bed. My dog? She crawled under the blanket I was using and snuggled up against me :d She waited until the cats were under the bed though, so they couldn't see her and laugh at her later :d

My husband was looking at the roof today as best he could (my house is two story) He can look out the second floor bedroom windows and see different parts of the roof below us......and on those parts, there isn't any hail damage that he can see. Thankfully!

What's new with me?
Let's see, I started a diet. YEP, I did. I've gained TOO MUCH weight! I love having curves, but WOW mine have just gotten TOO curvy. So I'm gonna tame some of them down a bit. SLOWLY. I'm not gonna do anything extreme. But I am gonna count calories and try and eat healthier.

So update on my sciatica. may not be sciatica. I had an MRI Friday. We'll see!
But don't worry because I ALWAYS update. Since 2004 when I started, I've NEVER missed updating. I even had SURGERY and didn't miss updating :-)

I even shot 4 videos yesterday.........and they are posting this week :-)

Ok, I feel like I'm hearing some snoring and hopefully I haven't bored you to SLEEP with my chatty patty stuff!
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby mrsleatherSC3 » Fri Sep 29, 2023 12:24 pm

Your Halloween yard sounds amazing! The whole Halloween thing has grown over here in the UK and many houses do put up a display, whereas a few years ago there was very little. I hope you put up a picture or 2 to treat us!
Good luck with the diet. I am also starting this week. As you say I love curves - and I especially love my curves in tight, shiny leather or PVC but there comes a point when I am a little too curvy! So like you, I'm starting with the old calorie counting and wearing my Fitbit to keep track of my steps. Hopefully, it means I will fit back in my pvc catsuit in time for Halloween! xx
Enjoy Some Leather Love

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:28 am

mrsleatherSC3 wrote:Your Halloween yard sounds amazing! The whole Halloween thing has grown over here in the UK and many houses do put up a display, whereas a few years ago there was very little. I hope you put up a picture or 2 to treat us!
Good luck with the diet. I am also starting this week. As you say I love curves - and I especially love my curves in tight, shiny leather or PVC but there comes a point when I am a little too curvy! So like you, I'm starting with the old calorie counting and wearing my Fitbit to keep track of my steps. Hopefully, it means I will fit back in my pvc catsuit in time for Halloween! xx

I'm definitely looking forward to October 31! It better not rain..........uggggg

Hoping your diet is easy and you don't have to do without too much. The calorie counting seems to be the thing that works for me. Although in 2019 I lost 34 lbs in a MONTH by reducing my carbs to less than 20 a day! But OMG that was HARD! I love drinking soda and I had to NOT drink soda for a month. Wasn't worth it and the weight came back so phooey on that! I'm gonna stick with something that works for me and I can eat/drink whatever I want, just in smaller portions. That's doable for sure :-)
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:30 pm

Friday, October 6

It's been two weeks since I posted........and OMG alot has happened. You know, I read through some of my posts and I really don't want to sound like doom and gloom.........I apologize if that's the case. I just decided to free up from "Serena" and truly be myself here and you know that in "real life" Shit happens ;)

You guys are my sounding board for life's shit.........Maybe some would say that it's probably not a good idea to talk about anything but sex, and horny stuff, especially if I'm wanting to promote my porn........BUT I've always admitted to being hard headed. And honest and just a regular woman ;)

So here's what's been going on.

My back pain was refusing to go away. Had an MRI done ............I HATE THOSE!!! Being in that tiny little tube......YIKES!!!..........and I've got a bunch of stuff but the main thing is a severely herniated disc in L5 and nerve compression in L5 and S1. It should go away on it's own but it takes 3 months. I was offered steroid injections in my spine, but I decided against that's defintely on the mend for sure! Would you believe that I haven't been able to sit down since August 26?? Until two days ago! OMG I can sit!!! I've still got a little pain and muscle cramps going on, but I know it'll be gone soon. A quick outpatient surgery has been offered if it's not healed by mid November, but thankfully that's not gonna be necessary.

Hey? That's not gloom and doom :d

Then a week ago, my best friend, my furry pal of 12 years, passed away of spleen/liver cancer. It was unknown until the end. I took her to the vet for what I thought was a toothache.......and in all the testing to find out what was wrong, the vet discovered the metastisized cancer. So it was a terrible, terrible surprise. I only got one day to say goodbye to her before I had to have her put to sleep because of the pain she was in. I cried and cried and everything in my house reminds me of her, but I found a puppy at a dog rescue and have adopted her. She's been with me two days now. Her name is Myrtle. Myrtle Mutt. She's 9 weeks old and is a rat terrier, toy fox terrier mix. I can already tell we are going to be the best of friends :-) Although my two cats are a little annoyed with me right now :d

Let's see.......oh my dishwasher decided to crap out on me the other today I've got the appliance company bringing my new one and installing it. It will definitely be nice not to have to wash dishes by hand :d :d

I'm really working on Halloween stuff now. Digging everything out, figuring my set up plans, hoping like crazy that it doesn't rain!! We had such a bad storm here in the DFW area the other night. Hail, winds, rain! Storm sirens going off several times. Funny thing, when I lived in California, I lived in Bakersfield area when the Northridge earthquake hit January 1994 at 4:30 am. It was a 6.7! We had a waterbed at that time and we were close enough to the epicenter that we felt it. But we just rolled over and went back to sleep. I was born and raised in California and earthquakes were just something that happened. I look back at that morning and what idiots we were (my husband and I) We didn't get under doorframes or anything else that you're supposed to do. When we woke up later that morning, of course it was all over the news about the quake. And we surveyed our home, it was newly built and we had just bought it. We had some broken bricks, and our back patio was cracked and crooked and had heaved up and had to be replaced. But we were lucky, because the damage that quake caused elsewhere was horrible! I've been in Texas longer than I lived in California. And when the tornado sirens go off, I don't ignore them.

Now I'm 62 and I can honestly say that I don't feel any different that I did when I was 61! :d :d :d
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Thu Oct 12, 2023 9:59 am

Thursday, October 12

OMG!! Wanna hear something that even AI says the odds are "incalculable"??

I mentioned earlier that my sweet furry baby, Maddie, passed away from cancer. Well.........

She passed away on September 28.
My Mother In Law's Birthday was September 28.
My new furry baby, Myrtle, was born on July 25.
My Mother's death day was July 25.

What are the odds? Especially since me getting a new puppy was totally random and not planned. My sweet Maddie's passing was unexpected and we didn't know until the day before she passed!

AI tells me it can't calculate the odds as they are too great!!

It also told me that this puppy is special :-) Scary how accurate AI is ;)
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby sinfullysxyoneSC2 » Thu Oct 26, 2023 12:23 am

nice blogging Serena. Hoping I can get up the nerve and do a blog someday soon.

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sun Nov 12, 2023 7:37 pm

sinfullysxyoneSC2 wrote:nice blogging Serena. Hoping I can get up the nerve and do a blog someday soon.

Sinfully sxy One

Would love to read yours :)
Maybe you'll start one soon?
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sun Nov 12, 2023 8:02 pm

November 12

So it's been awhile since I posted anything. Definitely didn't mean to be gone so long but I caught a cold from my grandson, which turned into bronchitis. I was able to do the halloween thing, but slowed down my getting over the bronchitis crap by doing it. Because of course it had to get cold here in Dallas during Halloween. Which is something that rarely happens.

But Halloween was a success! We had SO MANY people come by and we got so many compliments! I always have a blast doing that, but the cleaning up, and packing everything back up really sucks.
Now on to planning for next year :d

I actually had to go to the doctor FOUR TIMES while I had bronchitis. Two rounds of kick ass steroids, and two different antibiotics. No pneumonia, thankfully. But wow! That really kicked my ass. I haven't had bronchitis for four years. Not sure why it decided to show up again this year.

HOWEVER, I'm all better now :d
And today I shot two new photo updates and FOUR VIDEOS! I got a little kinky with one. Wet Panties, Belt Spanking!!! ;)

I started shopping for Thanksgiving Dinner items today. We're not having turkey. I'm not a fan. Instead, we're gonna have Ribeye Steak cooked on a Traeger Grill. I'll still make sweet potato cassarole, green bean cassarole, chocolate pie, relish plate and we'll have twice baked potatoes. Last year we bought outdoor Christmas blow ups and decorations. So this year, when my grandkids come over for Thanksgiving break, we'll put them out in the front yard. They get a kick out of that.

I'm already missing summer and my pool!! Seems like along time until June :-(
I guess I'm gonna have to find something to keep me occupied ;;) ;;) ;;)

My new puppy is such a sweetheart! She's getting big too! We'll she's 8.5 pounds now. She'll only get to about 12 lbs I think. She's a rat terrier/Chihuahua mix is what the vet told me. She's definitely my little buddy. She follows me around everywhere. And when she wants to take a nap, she climbs up in my lap. My cats aren't too happy right now, but they'll get over it and be friends with her one day.
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby mrsleatherSC3 » Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:57 am

Great to read your catch-up post! So good to hear you are over that terrible illness and it sounds like you still had a great time at Halloween with all your decorations. As you say it's now full steam ahead for Xmas!
I just need a railway update!-how is your train set coming on and does it get a Christmas makeover-snow etc? - asking for a friend lol
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Mon Nov 13, 2023 9:24 am

mrsleatherSC3 wrote:Great to read your catch-up post! So good to hear you are over that terrible illness and it sounds like you still had a great time at Halloween with all your decorations. As you say it's now full steam ahead for Xmas!
I just need a railway update!-how is your train set coming on and does it get a Christmas makeover-snow etc? - asking for a friend lol

Hey cutie,

Nope, I don't add snow to that train set, BUT, I have a Christmas village train set that I put up on a table in my living room. Over the years this thing has grown so it's pretty good sized. Not nearly as big as that train thing I did for my husband :d

Now that I did the fun hobby stuff, I have to tackle my photo albums this winter. Yikes!!! No pictures of that, I promise, It'll be boring :d :d
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Tue Nov 14, 2023 9:09 am

November 14

I'm so happy to be feeling like myself again! So I went shopping yesterday! :d

My husband and I went and bought some more Christmas blowups for our front yard. We're starting to get quite a collection! We've got really cute ones. The Grinch, Santa, etc. But I passed one up yesterday that I'm gonna go back and buy today. It's hilarious!

It's 6' tall and it shakes :d Definitely have to go back to the store today and get it. :-) :-)

BrainFreezeBlowUp.jpg (266.9 KiB) Viewed 1685 times

We bought lights to outline our yard. We've never put up Christmas lights before, last year we had a few blow ups, but this year we're expanding I guess. Life is short and I've had so much sadness and death in my life since several of my close family started passing away in 2019 (Mom, Dad, Grandma, Uncle, Two Cousins) ............that I'm ready to start enjoying things again and have fun! Even if I am filling my house with Halloween and Christmas decorations :d Good thing we have a big house :d

Besides, my grandkids get a kick out of helping us put out the decorations in the yard :-)

Here's a funny story, had me cracking up this morning :d My grandson, he's in 2nd grade. He comes over in the mornings and I take him to school. So I cook him breakfast. Well I asked him if he wanted scrambled eggs the other day and he told me "no thanks, grandma. Your scrambled eggs made me throw up"

So I'm asking him When? Apparently when he was like 3 years old, he remembers that he threw up at my house, and it was while he was eating some scrambled eggs I made. He hadn't been feeling well that day, but it was NOT because of my scrambled eggs, just want to make that clear :d But his little kid mind has it that my eggs made him puke! So this morning I was teasing him and telling him I was gonna cook him like 9 of my world famouse barf causing scrambled eggs :d He ended up eating poptarts and chocolate milk :d So at Christmas, I'm gonna wrap up a box and put a certificate in it, awarding the bearer of the certificate a lifetime supply of grandma's famous barf causing scrambled eggs :d :d Trust me, he'll get other stuff, not just that gag gift from me :d

I love starting my day out with laughter :d And little grandkids are great for teasing :d

I'm thinking that I'm gonna tackle getting my windows all replaced next year. It's gonna be a little expensive, but my windows are just awful! And one in my bedroom has a rust hole through the bottom of the frame and when it leaks sometimes it comes inside. My husband has caulked it to be temporary fix. Then one in my craft room must have a rust hole in the bottom because I get wasps in that room!!! Now that's BAD!! Those things are nasty! I got stung by a bunch of yellow jackets when I lived in New Jersey in the early 1990's. Mowing the lawn and ran over their nest that I didn't see or know about. In the Mojave Desert of California, where I grew up, we didn't have yellow jackets in the sand and tumbleweeds :d
Anyways, I'm definitely NOT a big fan of wasps.

Not a big fan of noise and hectic either, which I imagine getting windows replaced will definitely cause while the workers are here. I'm gonna look more into it after the holidays I guess.

More later...........if I didn't bore you to death and you decide to come back? :d

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Thu Nov 16, 2023 7:55 am

Thursday, November 16 6:50 am

I can't believe that I'm almost at 20 years of being a "charm"! When I started doing this, I really never, ever would have thought that I would do this all these years. Not that I didn't think it would be fun to do this. I mean if I didn't think I would enjoy it, I definitely wouldn't have ever done it in the first place! But to think that I would be doing this and enjoying it MORE than I did two decades ago? It's just something I have a hard time believing! For one reason, I was 43 years old when I started! My mind's just blown that I'm still here, cuz I definitely didn't get any younger, or skinnier, or um younger :d (I said that already right?) ;;)

But as I sit here planning out my next couple of weeks update shoots and going through my video ideas, I realize that I truly do enjoy this MORE now. Maybe it's confidence? You guys definitely gave me that! Or maybe it's enjoying the freedom to be myself, and not worrying so much about what others think? Or maybe it's because I'm 62 and I still make men reach for their zipper while looking at me? ;;) ;;)

It's definitely all three ;)

You know when I started on SC, I told my family about it: My parents, my grown children. I didn't want them to ever find out without hearing about it from me. Besides, I'm not and never have felt shame or regret about doing this, and we all know the web is forever!! And now, I have two new generations of grandkids. Some are adults themselves, some are in elementary school. And no, I won't be divulging my charm life to them. :d There's a fine line of sharing and being ridiculous and giving away your privacy :d

But I never regretted telling my parents or my adult children. My dad was the hardest to tell, but he wasn't upset or mad at me at all. My mom was jealous :d

I dunno how I got on this topic. I guess because I've got a bunch of new clothes coming in a week or so, and I've been excitedly planning my next months' updates. It kinda made me reflect on my years as a charm.

Speaking of thinking of my next months' updates, I'm seriously thinking of doing some with this pantyhose bag thing. It's a pantyhose thing, that you climb in completely! I dunno, it looks fun! I've done pantyhose mask a time or two for this one gentleman who enjoys it and he's written me for so many years, I thought I'd surprise him with this pantyhose bag thing? I love wearing pantyhose, but this isn't something that would make me horny in itself, but knowing that someone's watching me and getting horny? That's a different story :d

Besides, I think I enjoy doing this so much after all these years because I have fun! And I feel sexy! And did I say I have fun? ;)
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sun Nov 19, 2023 9:24 pm

November 19

Bucket List?? Nah, I don't really have one. I've thought about making one, but whenever I start thinking of what to put on it, I realize I don't have very many.........any? ambitions?

Geeze, that sounds awful. I don't feel like I'm a boring person. And reflecting on things I have already experienced in my life, there's the proof :d

My Bucket List, if I were to ever make one, would include:

-visiting another country - maybe Europe But I'm scared to fly and terrified of being out on the ocean, so not happening
-going to a concert - I've never been, ever Now I really have no interest as the bands I like are all old :d
-traveling to all the national parks in the U.S. - this would be so much fun in a small RV
-going to New York City - I lived in NJ, and never ventured to NY City but really, what would I do there?? Iguess scratch it off my list? :d
-taking a trip on a train - I've never been on a train :-O This could happen one day, who knows?

Things I've already experienced:

-I wrote a book - yep! A horror novel.
-I've almost died TWICE in my lifetime, and I remember every detail from both events. Once when I was 12, and then when I was 17.
-I'm a PORN Model and Thousands? maybe even Gazillions? :d of Guys have seen me naked and naughty
-I've been happily married to my best friend and man of my dreams since 1979!
-I've lived in many different states and met alot of interesting people - even though I was raised in a small California desert town of less than 2000!
-I've had alot of different job titles and enjoyed them all, except bank teller.........hated that one! Loved being a Restaurant Manager
-I'm a mom AND Grandma - my favorite titles of all ;;)
-I've lived in a for real haunted house! No kidding!
-I've swam in the Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans - well walked into them, no way would I swim with all the icky fish things in the oceans :d
-I've been in two different car accidents and walked away from both without any injuries

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Mon Nov 27, 2023 8:34 pm

November 27

It's been a week since I last posted. Thanksgiving has come and gone. I've cum and cum and cum..............but I'm still here :d Ok, a comedian I'm NOT :d

I had family come over for Thanksgiving. Seems like the day just flew by. And now Christmas is almost here. I feel like I just got my zombie animatronics put away and I've got to dig out my Christmas tree ornaments. We did get the blowups and lights put out in the front yard. We did that right before Thanksgiving.
I'll probably put my tree up this weekend. Last year I got a live tree. A BIG tall live tree! And I got it too early and it friggin died before Christmas! What a mess that was to get that big dead tree out of my living room. So this year I have a smaller, fake tree. But on a side note, I think I already have my Christmas shopping done. Except for the "Angel tree" shopping. My husband and I picked three from the Angel Tree (where you can buy gifts for those kids less fortunate and make sure they get a Christmas too) we picked three kids out the other day and had a blast shopping for them. I think we got them 3 or 4 gifts each. And we were talking today, and I told him I'd like to pick three more kids and go shopping for them too! He agreed and we'll probably do it .....hmm, can't do it Wednesday cuz our car has to go into the dealership for a recall repair. So maybe Thursday we'll go shopping again.

Update on my new puppy, Miss Myrtle. She's such a sweetie! I'm so attached to her, she's just a cutie pie! She cracks me up with her puppyness :d And she has so much energy! OMG!!! So the last time I had a puppy was 12-13 years ago.......and I was 49? I could keep up with a puppy, but now? WOW!! She wears me out for sure!

Today my husband and I shot two updates and three videos. We had so much fun, and were laughing our asses off while doing the balloon video. I decided to leave alot of the conversation we had while filming the video IN the video cuz it's hilarious! When I put these balloons under the back of my pants, over my ass, my husband started cracking up. My ass looks hilarious with these balloons there :d But you know what? Funny is sexy :d and Funny is foreplay.......cuz after we got done filming, we took a time out and had some fun ourselves on my office floor ;) I can't say we have a balloon fetish, but filming that balloon video sure made us horny :d

Oh, here's a sharable tidbit ;)
So I wrote about bucket lists earlier? Well the other day I did something I've NEVER done before. I rode in a rideshare :d :d True fact.
Dealership had to call one after I dropped my car of the first time cuz I needed a ride home.
They had to order a part, due to the whole prior GM strike thing going on at that time, so I had to go back and get my car. Now this week, part is in, and I guess I'll be riding in a ride share for the second time in my life :d I feel so young, I'm hitting milestones at the age of 62 :d :d

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:09 am

Saturday, December 2, 2023

I learned a valuable thing the other day. Have you noticed the "Save Draft" button at the bottom of the posting box?
It's really useful. And I've known about that function for awhile now. What I actually learned is: I should have used it! :d

I typed up a post here two days ago, catching you guys up on stuff going on in my life. And somehow, accidentally, when I went to hit "Submit" I deleted the entire post!!! Uggggggg............... And I had thought about using the save draft function, but "nah, I don't need to do that" I told myself. Right before I deleted everything :))

Eh, maybe it's no big deal. I'll just post now ;;)

My puppy, Myrtle is doing great! Although at her vet checkup yesterday the Dr. called her a "Foodie". Which I think is a polite way to call her fat :d She does love to eat! Like anything too! I have to be careful about making sure NOT to drop anything on the floor, even unedible things cuz she would still eat them. She's 4 months and two weeks old. So I have to stop giving her puppy chow and give her "Light" adult dog kibbles and I can substitute half of that with some fresh veggies. Which she will LOVE! Plus I can make her a scrambled egg in the morning for breakfast. I KNOW she loves that because I've been doing it :d Yep, my pup is spoiled :X

My husband and I turned in the "Angel Tree" Christmas presents for six kids yesterday. We did three originally, and had so much fun that we picked 3 more. We got them all new shoes and a new outfit, BORING for kids, I know but then we also got them all 3 new COOL toys! When we took them to drop them off at the Salvation Army mall drive through drop off place, it seemed like the people working there were really surprised to see all the bags of stuff. The one girl who was trying to get the stuff out of the trunk of our car, yelled over to another person, "We've got multiples" :-) :-) I asked her if that was uncommon and she said yes. It made me a little sad. I know Christmas is just one day, but it's important to kids. It's just kinda sad. I wish we could have done more.......

A little tidbit: I hit "Save Draft" right after that last sentence, and OMG I'm so glad I did! I friggin deleted it again!! WTF???? I have to figure out what in the world I'm hitting with my nails to do that!!!

I'm trying to decide what to do today. I need to move this big table downstairs (my idea of moving the table is to tell my sweet hubby I need the table moved downstairs and of course he'll do it)........ :X But I need to get the table downstairs to set my tree on. It's a big round table and I have it upstairs right now cuz I'm trying to REDO 45 years of photo albums! OMG I got a burr up my ass that I needed to do that when we were all locked down for covid. And I got far enough that I made a mess out of them, and now I have to fix them back! I really don't know what I was thinking. But anyway, I need that table down here to put the tree on. It's a 4.5' fake tree. And I need it up off the floor because of Myrtle my pup. I thought about NOT putting up a tree this year. It's different when you're kids are grown. You think of the mess and hassle and you ask yourself why? :d But I won't be a grinch and I'll put one up. Along with my Christmas village that's grown so big over the years I think I'll have to set it up on my dining table! My front yard is decorated with 9 inflatables and lights so I might as well dig the rest of the stuff out and not be a grinch. So do I want to do that? OR........pick out the outfits I'm gonna slut it up for you guys with tomorrow when I shoot? And then I could just be lazy and watch a movie ;)

I'm waiting for that new Godzilla movie to come to streaming. I love Godzilla movies :d I've seen them all and started watching them when I was little. I rooted for Godzilla when King Kong and him fought it out :d I don't go to the movies much. I prefer to watch them at home. The pause button is a necessity! My phone rings, my pup gets into something, or I need to move the clothes from the washer to the dryer, or help my husband with something, or???? I love the pause button :d

Have you ever had times where you had dreams and nighmares almost every night? I wish I could remember mine. They are strange, and some are uncomfortable. But it seems like it's happening every night. I used to not dream much, but the last few months have been strange. Sometimes I think, "Wow! I should try and remember that, because that would make a good movie!" And my husband tells me, "You'd be disappointed, I'm sure" :d Yeah, I know dreams are weird............but let's admit it, so are alot of movies these days! :d

I better decide what I'm gonna do today. Talk to you guys soon!!

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 10:23 am

Friday, December 8, 2023

Good Morning! This morning, I actually slept in! I'm normally a very early riser, getting up at 4:30 am three times a week and out of bed by 6:30 or 7:00 am most others. So this morning was rare! I did wake up at 7 or so, but turned over and snuggled with my hubby for awhile and amazingly fell back asleep. Didn't get out of bed til 8:30. Which is great! My pup even let me sleep! :d She is an early riser too! She loves to get up and start the day running through the living room and attacking my slippers :d And then of course, she wants her breakfast! But this morning, she was quiet and patient til I got up. She's such a cutie!

I want to thank you guys for the very amazing emails and pm's! The compliments are truly appreciated and you definitely give this old lady a big smile!! :X

I'm not gonna go back and re read all my chatty patty posts, BUT did I tell you I splurged and got a dog DNA test for my pup? Hmmmm, I may have, can't remember, but a short few sentences about it: I got my dog a DNA test! She was NOT cooperative in taking it at all! I have to laugh because they gave me two swabs, and on one of them, I'm very sure I accidentally touched my own left thumb! Anyways, I did it because there's confusion about what she's "mixed" with. She's Rat Terrier for sure, but something else too. And the consensus is that it's a smaller dog. However, she's 11.5 pounds at 4 1/2 months and my vet says she's fat. I want to know what breeds she is made from so we know exactly what her calorie intake should be. Like me, she loves eating :d So I somehow, and with luck and my husband's help, managed to swab her gums and cheek TWICE for 15 seconds both times, and I sent them in. I should get the results back in a couple of weeks. I'm actually laughing at myself because when those doggie DNA tests came out, I was one who thought they were ridiculous. I mean really? Who in the world would do a dna test on their dog???

Me!! :d :d

Alot of you may know that I live in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas. And if you didn't, now you do! :d And today it's going to be in the uper 70's like 77 degrees! Strange weather in Texas for sure. Ice storms in Feb. And warm in December. Although it has been chilly her. The first year I lived her we had a tornado on Christmas Eve. I think that was 2002? Coming from California, a tornado was STRANGE, I was used to earthquakes :d

I don't like the cold weather. I prefer hot, sunny. I love using my pool and it feels like I just can't get warm when it's really cold. I used to love the snow, but I don't think I would any more. Haven't been around it in years.

Have I bored you to death yet? ;;)

Gman is right, he nicknamed me Chatty Patty :d

Of course I named him Cutbutt, but I won't go into that story right now :d

Here's to an amazing day ahead for all of us! Filled with lots of horny thoughts, and even more feel good orgasms :X
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