Sultry Serena SC2 Lady of the House, Sexpot Slut

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby damnit500 » Mon Jun 17, 2024 1:16 pm

SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:Thursday, June 13, 2024

Are you still reading this? Baby you deserve a treat :d

Lookback pic: I think this was taken in early 2007?


WOW!! I was definitely alot skinnier then AND OMG....... Look how much bigger my boobs are NOW!!! Apparently I've gained a few pounds over the years :d

More later ;;)

Your boobs and everything else are always awesome :)
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Wed Jun 19, 2024 8:31 pm

Not On My Site
Update #2322 Posting Thursday June 20

WET For You!! ;;)

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Wed Jun 19, 2024 8:32 pm

damnit500 wrote:
Your boobs and everything else are always awesome :)

:X :X
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:51 pm

I normally post a "Not On My Site" pic but there isn't one for tomorrow's update #2325........
I didn't have enough pictures and ended up putting a video on the club side "Watch Him CUM On My Ass"

I normally don't shoot in my Living Room. My ceilings are too high (20') and there's nothing for the flash to "bounce" off of. I don't have external lights, and even with lots of windows in that room, it's just not good enough for shooting photos. But..........I was determined, and I attempted it again with update 2325. A mistake for sure. Out of 54 photos, I was only able to use about 22? 23? Something like that.
Plus, I hate the photos. I hate my dress, I hate the bad light, I hate my poses.............
There are just some updates that I don't like. And 2325 is one of them.

Even though I'm posting the update tomorrow, I'll post one of the pics here........It IS on my site :d

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby damnit500 » Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:54 pm

SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:I normally post a "Not On My Site" pic but there isn't one for tomorrow's update #2325........
I didn't have enough pictures and ended up putting a video on the club side "Watch Him CUM On My Ass"

I normally don't shoot in my Living Room. My ceilings are too high (20') and there's nothing for the flash to "bounce" off of. I don't have external lights, and even with lots of windows in that room, it's just not good enough for shooting photos. But..........I was determined, and I attempted it again with update 2325. A mistake for sure. Out of 54 photos, I was only able to use about 22? 23? Something like that.
Plus, I hate the photos. I hate my dress, I hate the bad light, I hate my poses.............
There are just some updates that I don't like. And 2325 is one of them.

Even though I'm posting the update tomorrow, I'll post one of the pics here........It IS on my site :d


Love the Update :X :X :X
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Fri Jun 28, 2024 10:23 am

Friday, June 28 8:53 a.m.

I'm working on my updates for next week right now. I should be outside pulling some overgrown grass away from my pool pump equipment,'s super duper hot and humid outside, AND I think there's poison ivy growing there too! YIKES! So I'm putting it off, at least for today. I need to get it done though because it looks awful and it's bugging me. I want to get one of those wooden privacy fence things, some people put them around their outside A/C units. I want to put it around that pool equipment. But I need to clean out the grass first.

So I've been watching the second round of hatched baby robins on my patio. They are so cute! My husband asked me if I thought that would be it for the season :d He thinks they're cute but he doesn't like waiting on the birds to do their feeding business when he wants to go outside. It's been a conveyer belt of mama and daddy robin constantly bringing worms to the babies. And they are super close to our backdoor.

The other day, I was talking to an old friend from high school. We talk on the phone every year or so. Just to catch up. She was telling me about a few people from our class that she keeps in touch with on social media. It just blew my mind to think about how many years have gone by since those days. It doesn't seem possible. "Time flies" is definitely an accurate description of life's years. This December 21st I'll celebrate my 20th CharmAverssary as Sultry Serena. I still can't believe that! I was so shy and nervous when I started. Apparently those personality traits have been lost in the past years......but they've been replaced with confidence and experience ;)

I thought I'd post another Lookback Picture for you guys....... This one is from 2005. Update #21.

I've always enjoyed being daring. Flashing, and pushing the limits of what I can do and not get arrested :d However, even though I find it exciting sexually, it's also exciting "scary". Because the chances that I'm being seen are pretty high. ESPECIALLY in this set that I did ON MY OWN FRONT DOORSTEP! OMG this was one of the most scary, exciting sets I've ever done. Because I was giving away myself in that the neighbors knew who I was, not that they knew I was Sultry Serena, nope, they didn't know that. They knew me as a wife and a mom and yes, I was even a grandmom then. They knew ME personally. They DID NOT know my alias Sultry Serena. And I really didn't want them to know Sultry Serena. But I was pushing the limit with this update. I did it in broad daylight. I stepped out onto my porch, but at times I kept my foot on the doorstep, like in this picture. It made me feel like I could quickly retreat if needed. And with each photo my husband took, I was getting more relaxed and more daring. Feeling more secure in my anonymity, even while standing in my own front doorway! But was I being anonymous? Was someone looking out of their windows? Did the few cars that drove by see me before I could duck into my living room? I don't know and that's what made it so exciting. Even when I hiked up my skirt, let my tits hang out and sat on my front step with my legs spread and my shaved pussy feeling the breeze, casually blowing bubbles like I didn't have a worry in the world ;;)

I noticed that there isn't any text on my site with this update. I've always included text with sets. But I think in the past, sometimes when the sets archive over into the club side, the text disappeared. Maybe I'll start going through my sets, posting some pics here, and explaining what was going on to you, and update my text on my site. Sounds like a good idea ;)

More Later :X

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2 Lady of the House, Sexpot Slut

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Fri Jun 28, 2024 12:33 pm

Not On My Site Pic!
Update #2327 Posting Tues July 2 - Panties Rubbing Clit ;;)

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2 Lady of the House, Sexpot Slut

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sat Jun 29, 2024 8:07 pm

Lookback Pic - Update #3 Posted in December 2004
(Sultry Serena came to be on December 21, 2004 - so this was posted to my site during the first 10 days of "Sultry Serena SC2)

This was the first time I'd taken a bath in front of anyone other than my husband. And it was definitely the first time I'd ever taken a bath with a camera pointed at me. Even though I was nervous, I think these photos turned out really sexy for my "first time" ;)

Fun Fact: The first time I took a bath with my husband, definitely wasn't a typical bath for newlyweds, and I'm saying there wasn't sex involved IN the bath.......because the "bath" was him getting even with me. Here's what happened. We had been married just a week, maybe a week and a half. Our apartment was small, but it had a big clawfoot tub. And he had come home from work and was taking a long hot soak in that amazing tub. He fell asleep. And I decided it was time to clean out the fridge..........into the tub and onto his sleeping naked body! I can't remember what all I dumped in that tub with him, but it was tobasco sauce, ketchup, mustard, eggs, lettuce, milk, cubed butter, cooking oil, name it and I probably dumped it in the tub. Somehow he slept through all the dumping, BUT it was the smell that woke him. I imagine my giggling helped too :d We had planned to go to the movies after he got out of the tub. So I was dressed up wearing a halter dress and I had on a pair of new pantyhose . I was wearing his puka shell necklace (if you were a teenager in the late 70's you'll remember puka shell necklaces :d ) I smelled amazing, and was wearing my favorite perfume of the era "Charlie" My hair was done, my makeup was done, my lips had shiney pink lipgloss coating them.... I looked so HOT! and I was ready to go! He woke, saw the mess he was laying in, and before I knew it, he reached out and grabbed me and pulled me in with him!! OMG that stuff stunk! It got in my hair, in my mouth, I was protesting, screaming, laughing.......yeah, it got in my mouth. Our apartment was a modified section of our landlord's house. It had it's own entrance, but just a wall divided us. I'm sure our landlord heard everything. The water from the tub slopped over the top. We were giggling and having so much fun that even now, 45 years later, I can remember every minute of that "bath".
We never made it to the movies. We had such a mess to clean up, and rinsing each other off was definitely fun! Afterwards, we hopped on the bed and THEN we really had fun in the typical newlywed fashion ;)

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