Just Me SC3 wrote:Good afternoon to a fellow Londoner! I agree with you, Andee is a gorgeous Canadian Charm....it takes one to know one you know. A Canadian woman that is.
H&k from Just Me3
jsburn wrote:Andee.....
I Am your loyal fan from Ottawa.... repeat member.... love the forum........
Keep up the wonderful work!!!!!
hook wrote:I Dont Know How You People in Canada Even Get A Light Frost On The Ground Much Less The Hard Winters Yall Have With The Hot Candian Charms Yall Have Up There.
VixenSC2 wrote:Speeking as a Northern Lass I seldom find myself agreeing with a Londoner but in this instance I will swollow my pride and have to agree with you, Andee has always been a hot lady and looks fantastic in stockings! Keep em going girl!
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