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the orgasm

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:56 am
by Pascale der noub
when the set is real,do you prefere to lead the game and drag your girl partner to the orgasm ? Or do you prefere that she lead you ???
I think that the mutual sets sound of predeterminated games...
to see a woman able to seduce another woman is really erotic and not only the estetic point of view...
Woman woman is also a sort of challenge,where no men can go in,is a phisical pleasure but there is some more...
Could be interesting to know,the opinions of the girls,when have seduced and ewhen have been seduced...

Re: the orgasm

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:16 pm
by RosiePieCharm
I like to switch it up! It's no fun if I'm always the top or the bottom so sometimes I take the lead and sometimes I let her.

Re: the orgasm

PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 8:11 am
by Pascale der noub
yeah..i understand...the intriguing side is not when you leave yourself been when your partner seduce you and you do not resist..