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Sugar Babe Request

PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:47 am
by glockenspiel
Does anyone know if Sugar Babe has any remaining unwed daughters?

I can't think of anything better than being her son-in-law. A ticket to nirvana, first class.

Re: Sugar Babe Request

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 5:33 pm
by Throbber
I'm with ya! She's so smokin hot I'd marry any of her daughters so I could sample that hotness- maybe some double trouble at the same time?

Re: Sugar Babe Request

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2012 8:42 am
by billydowns
You're talking my language there, cocker. I'd apply for any sort of job that meant I could be working there during the day too.

I'd really like to know what her secret is. If you look at some of her early stuff, she's lovely, but now she really seems to have spent money on herself (that's not meant to sound like a criticism). She really seems to have cornered a market once only owned by Lady Sonia.

On one or two movie sites you can find her videos.......apparently