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PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 9:57 am
by GJN18374
On the Southern Charms site for each model, it gives a tip me button. Stupid question but what happens to the money when you do tip me, how much goes to Southern Charms and how much goes to the model. I was just wondering


PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 3:12 pm
by SultrySerenaSC2
GJN18374 wrote:On the Southern Charms site for each model, it gives a tip me button. Stupid question but what happens to the money when you do tip me, how much goes to Southern Charms and how much goes to the model. I was just wondering

The biggest percentage goes to the model.
I believe it's 75%/25%

However, SC offers monthly bonuses to all charms, so they can earn an additional 25% each month if they so choose to complete the bonus, thereby giving them all 75% of the tip funds etc.