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ZIP files

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:16 pm
by gman36
Just a thought, but how easy would it be to make each photo set available as a ZIP folder? Whenever I join a site, I find it time consuming to left click and save every single photo I want to download, especially when most of the sites I join have several hundred photo sets on them. With a ZIP file, we could just download everything from each set that we like, then choose which ones to keep.

Re: ZIP files

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:46 pm
by RosiePieCharm
I think it would be cool if that's how buying individual photo sets worked. (I'm not actually sure what it looks like when you buy one of those, so please tell me if that is in fact how it already works. Haha.) And I'm not against a zip file type system being available for members but I think the general worry is people downloading them all and then sharing them online for free. I'm not 100% though.

I also have heard the idea of a photo-stream thing so you don't have to click every picture, but instead can watch them each go by (a new one every few seconds or something). I thought that was a good idea!

Re: ZIP files

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:52 pm
by gman36
The sets do come as zip files if you buy them individually. I can understand the worry about people downloading them all and sharing them for free, but I guess they'll do that even if they do download each one individually. It's a shame that people abuse the privilege of being a member.

Re: ZIP files

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:59 pm
by RosiePieCharm
Oh they do? That's awesome! Since I've never been on the buying end I don't know how any of that works.
Maybe if they added a "Download whole set" to the bottom of every photo set? That way you can't download all of the pictures without the work of going to each, and you don't have to get ALL of the photo sets if you only like a few fetishes.

It IS a shame. I have to say the idea of downloading them all quickly like that scares me a bit. But if people really want to spread our pictures badly enough they'll do it with or without a zip option. :(

Re: ZIP files

PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:32 am
by gman36
That's what I was thinking about, a download whole set button at the bottom of each photo set. They do have that on some of the other porn sites that "my friend" visits.

Re: ZIP files

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2012 9:53 am
by bunwiffa
I was going to bring this up but since it's already talked about... it's possible to download entire sets very easily if you can copy URLs into a download manager, since the URLs are very logical and I hope it stays this way. It makes it easy to assign big lots of individual URLs to a download queue, so you take a generic list, change the URL name of the Charm, and hope she hasn't got updates bigger than your list can handle. I find 300 a safe bet. I don't know if issues get bigger than that before they get split into separate issues, does anyone know? What is the largest issue on the whole site?