Questions and Answers

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Questions and Answers

Postby smokerfucker » Sat Feb 15, 2025 8:44 am

Good morning. My thought is that your inboxes are flooded with comments, questions, etc.
How many of you are actually getting the messages, reading and answering?
Or is it a waste of time to try and get to know some of our "fan favs?"
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Re: Questions and Answers

Postby ohalexSC22 » Sat Feb 15, 2025 2:38 pm

smokerfucker wrote:Good morning. My thought is that your inboxes are flooded with comments, questions, etc.
How many of you are actually getting the messages, reading and answering?
Or is it a waste of time to try and get to know some of our "fan favs?"

Hi Smokerfucker,

Some of us do and have responded to each and every message and email for 20 years. I think there are a lot of us that do.

As to the models who don't respond, it may be that their e mail or lives have changed. Some have a "vanilla" job, others have families to take care of and homes to manage. Some are traveling, dealing with medical issues, I've known Charms who's homes have burned down, others have lost their partner and are grieving, and for some, weekends are when they shoot updates or spend time with family.

Some may be able to only contribute enough time to update their web sites. But for sure many of us always give our best!
Too much of a good thing can be WONderful...

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Re: Questions and Answers

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sat Feb 15, 2025 7:35 pm

smokerfucker wrote:Good morning. My thought is that your inboxes are flooded with comments, questions, etc.
How many of you are actually getting the messages, reading and answering?
Or is it a waste of time to try and get to know some of our "fan favs?"

Hey Sweetie,
I can help you with one part of your question....."getting the messages, reading...."
To see if the recipient is opening and reading your sent message, go to your pm box and look at your "Outbox". You can click into that and see the recipients who have NOT opened and read your message.(The ones still in your outbox have not been opened or read)
Once the message appears in your "sent" box, that means the recipient has opened and presumably read it.

I can't answer for anyone other than myself, but here's my response to your question:

I do tend to get alot of pm messages because I moderate the forum. People send me messages when they have problems or questions. Fans and charms. Also, a year or so ago, I began putting a message in my signature line of my EMAIL, directing guys who emailed me to begin contacting me HERE.
Anyways, I sincerely try and answer all of my pm's but I'll be honest and admit that I'll read it and sometimes I'll decide to answer it later when I'm not rushed or whatever, and I may forget. Shame on me. It's not meant to be rude, its simply that I'm a person with alot of stuff going on in my life and sometimes I forget. :YMSIGH:

I would say that you're definitely NOT wasting your time at all. When you guys send me pm's it always makes my day! You all say the nicest things and truly make me smile. I wish I was able to answer each one right away while it's fresh on my mind, but it sometimes doesn't work out that way. But that doesn't take away from how good your messages make me feel! And i enjoy every message I get.
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Re: Questions and Answers

Postby smokerfucker » Sun Feb 16, 2025 9:34 am

I submit most of my questions via their email they post on their site.
I guess some are more active than others. I do see the regulars on this site. A lot of good posts.
Maybe there is more traffic here then in personal emails?
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Re: Questions and Answers

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sun Feb 16, 2025 10:32 am

smokerfucker wrote:I submit most of my questions via their email they post on their site.
I guess some are more active than others. I do see the regulars on this site. A lot of good posts.
Maybe there is more traffic here then in personal emails?

The email thing - and how they handle it - is so vastly different between models, it's really hard to say specifically.

What I know is this:

Some Models PERSONALLY answer all of their emails.

Some Models (like me) PERSONALLY answer emails, but not all and maybe not timely. (Can I just ask you to imagine having 20 emails and the time it takes to answer them without a copy/paste impersonal response) For me, that time is spaced out and sometimes by the time I'm able to answer some of my emails, it's embarrassingly late, so I just delete them. I am upfront and honest about my email response time and as I mentioned earlier, I spent a year or so directing my fans to contact me here instead. I still get some emails, but mostly I get pm's here now.

Some Models only MODEL and someone else runs their sites, and answers their emails pretending to be from the model.

Some Models don't answer any emails and rarely even check the box, only listing an email address on the site they are modeling for due to requirements.

Responding to emails isn't a requirement to having a site you model on.

If you're interested in correspondence with models, I would suggest you not only search out by fetish and body type, but also by their correspondence history. Each model has their own personal reasons for having a site and for some, emailing and corresponding with fans isn't important to them. There's nothing wrong with that. It's their decision, but I'm just suggesting if emailing models is important to you, there are plenty who DO reply to messages :-)
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