Sultry Serena SC2 Lady of the House, Sexpot Slut

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 8:19 am

Preview Pic ;)

Update #2293, Posting Thursday April 18th - Not on my site, Just for you guys ;;)
Fur topped Ankle Stiletto Booties, Crotchless & Somewhat Assless Pantyhose, Hairy Pussy, Big Boobs, Big Ass! Spread shots, Closeups
Dressed so conservatively at first............I quickly let my inner naughty slut side out to play ;)

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Fri Apr 19, 2024 8:18 am

Friday, April 19, 2024

7:32 am

I just got up about 30 minutes ago. Which is my style of "sleeping in". I remember the good ol' days when sleeping in was not getting up til 9 or 10 am. I haven't done that in 40 years!! This morning, I really tried to sleep in longer. The last two days I've been kinda tired. But the more I tried to sleep, the more awake I became. So here I am! ;;)

I've done my usual morning routine. Brush my hair, brush my teeth, apply my skin lotion (it smells so good!) get dressed. Followed by taking my 9 month old pup, Myrtle outside to do her business. Then I come in and have to shut the laundry room door into the living room, and put up the room divider gate that we have across the entry way which blocks off the livingroom part of the house from the stairs, and shut the swing doors between the kitchen and my "Texas" room :d I keep Myrtle on the bottom floor in the main areas, Living room, kitchen, dining room....during the day. She tends to want to chew rugs, and furniture, and I discovered recently that she does NOT like my cats. So they get the upstairs, she gets the downstairs and at bedtime, we switch the whole thing because my bedroom is upstairs. It's funny because if I'm late going upstairs, my two cats stand on the stairs looking into the livingroom and start meowing to me! They don't like the dog anymore than she likes them :d It kinda sucks, because Maddie, my sweet dog that passed away last September and the cats got along amazingly! Curled up together, gave each other baths. Ate together.........but I'm not gonna be as lucky with Myrtle. I think she's a born cat hater :d Plus she's extremely jealous and hears me talking to the cats sometimes when I pick them up. I don't do it in front of her because she's so friggin jealous!

I'm getting ready to have a mess in my kitchen! I hate messes! But my kitchen is a not so good DIY mess from the prior owners of my house. I can't replace it all and start over, but I can fix some of it. I'm hoping to get my wood cabinets repainted, and change the hardware to modern longer handles, and have new modern backsplash put up, new covebase installed, and the back of the set of cabinets that faces the dining room, I'd like some kind of modern wood "wall" thing put there. It's just plain cabinet backing that I really don't think was ever supposed to be facing the interior of a room. Just waiting on the estimate from my contractor. My husband and I used to do all that stuff, but we got rid of all the tools and lost the desire to want to do it after we did our last house. If the estimate comes in too high, then I'll paint the cabinets and just have the contractor do the backsplash and covebase. Painting the cabinets is the lessor of two yucky jobs. :d

My pool was up to 81 degrees the other day!!! OMG!!! It's gonna cool down some for the next three days, because we've got temps in the 60's and 70's during that time, but then it's supposed to heat back up to the upper 80's! I can't wait to use my pool again! I've been setting outfits aside that I want to "get WET" in ;) I think we were using the pool by the middle of May last year.

Guess what??? I think I'm going to actually have some watermelon from my garden!! I planted several seeds and I really didn't know what to expect. But I think my plants, and I have 10 of them....I think I'll get some actual watermelon! Fingers crossed! I've never grown watermelon and it'll be so cool to actually eat one from my garden! I haven't been able to find a good watermelon in the stores for a couple of years. My tomato bushes are absolutely LOADED with tomatoes, my yellow squash is going crazy! We ate the first batch of radishes, and my iceburg lettuce hasn't started forming heads yet......I've never grown that either, so hoping it does what it's supposed too. My Okra is tall and looking good but no okra yet. And my strawberries are small, but delicious :-) :-)

A squirrel just set off one of my cameras :d :d It's always funny when they jump on to the camera and you get a super close up of their face or tails :d :d

Let's see. On the schedule today? I need to get my update for Tuesday sent in. And I think I'm gonna shoot again tomorrow. I shoot once a week, usually two updates and 2-3 or 4 videos. Just depending what I'm in the mood for ;) I've got to repot some flowers in my flower boxes. I need to vacume upstairs. But I really feel like getting out of the house today. Maybe I'll see if my sweet sexy husband wants to find something fun to do today ;;) HE can actually sleep in, so I'll wait til he gets up. Maybe I'll wake him up a little earlier ........he doesn't mind, especially because he enjoys my naughty wake up moves ......truly more effective than an alarm clock ;)

More later :X

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sun Apr 21, 2024 8:51 pm

Gettin' Naughty.......I just can't keep from spreading my legs!! Tues 4/23/2024

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby ohalexSC22 » Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:56 am

Ooooooo you naughty little thing you! Love you in red!!!
Too much of a good thing can be WONderful...

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby barj39 » Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:16 am

always so red hot Serena :X :X :X :X
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Mon Apr 29, 2024 7:49 am

Monday, April 29, 2024

7:30 a.m.

It's been another week since I posted. How time...........
....................gets away from you when you're older! :d

But I've really got a good excuse. My husband and I decided to remodel our kitchen. Nothing massive, I mean we're not getting new countertops or cabinets. I'd love to do that, but then I'd have to get new floor and that just too much :d I hate my tile floor in my kitchen. But it is also in my breakfast area, my front entrance, and downstairs bathroom. So nope, new floor is out of the question because, DRATS!!!!...........I didn't win that massive Powerball lottery a few weeks ago :d Remember that one that was 1.3 BILLION dollars???? I don't play the lottery much, but I did buy 10 tickets for that one and won $17 :d

Anyways, my kitchen. We decided to get new backsplash. Glass mosaic. OMG it's so pretty! But the mess!!! We had a contractor do it and, he did an ok job, but I wouldn't hire him again. He left a mess, did a half assed grout job, and he had to come back to trim out the recepticle boxes because he half assed did those too. It was GLASS mosaic so when he came back he used a grinder and I HAD GLASS SHARDS all over the friggin place! It took us many many times of vacuming and moping and wiping down to get all that glass up! But it's done and we've moved on. Now we're installing reclaimed barn wood on the back of the breakfast counter cabinets that face into the dining room. We should be done with that today. And the final thing will be painting the kitchen cabinets. Oh and putting on new handles and hinges. We're doing that too because the estimate we got from two different contractors was RIDICULOUS!!! I'll be 63 this year and I'll be on a ladder painting soon :d I guess nothing keeps you young like a kitchen remodel :d

I was a few days late in shooting my updates because we had some kick ass storms here in the Dallas area. Can't shoot with it dark and cloudy. I only use natural light and the small camera flash. But we were able to shoot Saturday, so I'm working on getting that content posted to my site.

The coolest thing happened a week or so ago. Well I THINK it's cool, my husband is kind of annoyed about it. Two robins made a nest right outside my back door under the eve of my patio roof thing. I can sit and watch them through the window. The nest is done and i believe they have a couple of eggs in it now. Mama Robin has been "incubating" them for two days now. It looks like they'll be all done and the baby birds will leave the nest by the 25th of May at the latest. So although it's kind of a pain when I have to take my dog potty, (because I don't like to disturb the mama robin and she flies off when we use the back door)'s worth the inconvenience because I get to watch them. It's just so sweet! My husband's worried that something will happen to the baby birds when they hatch or even before they hatch and I'll get upset. Ok, I will get upset, but I still like being able to watch them. And I just hope everything works out. Their nest survived the big winds we had with the latest storms and I think they really picked a spot that protects them from predators.

I haven't worked on my Halloween props lately. I really need to get the last few things done before it gets too hot to do it in the garage. I've got to build some fake logs (using orange pool noodles, black paint and string led blinking lights) For a fire pit.........that I'm gonna roast a fake leg and foot on with a rotissere that my husband is gonna build. It's a whole themed scene I'm going for which will have a murderous cannibalistic chef :d

I'll be back later and post a pic from this Wednesday's update ;;)
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Mon Apr 29, 2024 8:12 pm

Update #2299 Posting Wed May 1

The lady is wearing panties!

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Thu May 02, 2024 9:14 pm

Thursday, May 2, 2024
8:25 pm

I usually post in the early mornings, but I love to change things up, keep things new and surprise you with the unexpected :d :d But it's not like I'm jumping your bones and hornily unzipping your pants and reaching for your cock........ (even though that would definitely surprise you with the unexpected right?) .......I'm just typing a post..... ;;)

Today I went out in the garage and worked a little bit on my Halloween props. I'm making a fire pit using orange pool noodles, black paint and white blinking led lights. I've cut the pool noodles into log sizes and then chunked, and shredded and cut the foam to look like wooden logs. Painted them black and I'll put the white strand of blinking LED lights inside each "log". I also started corpsing my fake dog skeleton prop. I take thin plastic wrap the skeleton prop and then use a heat gun to melt it onto the "bones" Then I stain it wil dark wood stain, and when that dries, I paint some of it with red paint. I've got two faux human skeletons still to do after this one. The cat I did looked burned, not corpsed. But even so, it still looks freaky! It's starting to get hot here, so I've got to get the Halloween props done because I won't be able to spend any time in the garage soon. The heat will be unbearable!

Besides, since it's getting warm, my pool will be ready to use! Time to work on my tan! I've got a few sheer, lightweight outfits I've set aside to get "wet" in ;) I can't wait!!!

I've got to take my dog in to get her nails clipped. My vet does it for me free. I can't do it at all. No way......I wouldn't even try. The problem is that Myrtle gets car sick........ :YMSICK: I've been told that she may outgrow it. Fingers crossed!!! She's 9 months old now. We've been trying to take her with us here and there, for very short car rides. So far, so good. No puking, but lots of drooling......which is the step right BEFORE puking in case you're wondering..... :d Anyways, her vet is a 15 minute car ride away. So trying to hold out long enough for her to get over the car sickness........but her nails are really getting long. We're probably gonna have to just suck it up and go to the vet and hope for the best.

Gotta jump in the shower. Night guys! :X

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Fri May 03, 2024 10:02 am

Preview Pic: Not-on-my-site :d

I'm definitely dressing younger than my age ;)
Grunge? Gothic? Or just in your face SLUTTY? ;)

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Tue May 07, 2024 11:46 am

Posting Thursday, May 9 Update #2303
Classy Lady Boob Showing Exhibitionist... in a Pantsuit

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sun May 12, 2024 10:37 am

Update #2305 Not On My Site: Posting Tues, May 14, 2024
Horny Housewife Being Slutty in the Kitchen

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Wed May 15, 2024 10:42 am

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

I finished my corpsed FAUX dog skeleton recently. He howls, growls and his jaws move and eyes light up yellow :d I tried to make him MORE corpsed, and less BURNED (like the cat I did). I'm getting ready to do my two faux human skeletons next. After I finish my fake log fire and rotissere :d
Corpsed Faux Dog Halloween Prop.jpg
Corpsed Faux Dog Halloween Prop.jpg (1.2 MiB) Viewed 9714 times
Corpsed Faux Dog Halloween Prop 2.jpg
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Wed May 15, 2024 12:54 pm

Wednesday, May 15 10:49 am

Thirteen days??? Geeze, I'm gonna loose my "chatty patty" title if I don't pay better attention to time :d 13 days since I last babbled on about stuff :d
But guess what??

I'mmmmmmmmmmmmm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack :d

I don't know how time got away from me. But it did. I know I've been really busy lately. My garden has just gone crazy! And I'm sure my neighbors are sick of yellow squash and tomatoes! All I can say is in another 25 days or so, I'm gonna have watermelon, LOTS of watermelon! I hope my neighbors love watemelon :d My cucumbers are starting to get cucumbers. I tried growing iceburg lettuce, the "head" lettuce............I absolutely HATE the other foo foo lettuce. Romain and the leaf stuff. YUCK!!! Anyways, I've never grown any type of lettuce, so my iceburg "head" lettuce looks like friggin LEAF lettuce! I mean, MAYBE it's trying to form a head. It kinda maybe looks like it? We'll see! We ate all of the first round of radishes, so I planted more. My carrots are taking their sweet time. I have lots of green carrot tops, but I really don't think there's much "carrot" down there. I've never been good at growing carrots. My okra is finally making okra and my strawberries are tiny, so I leave them on the plants for the birds. Birds LOVE my backyard :d I have doves, pigeons, and right outside my backdoor, two robins made a nest and now there's three little baby birds in it! I have to admit, my backyard is a paradise fo birds. I have a birdbath that I keep; fresh and it has a fountain. And I have two bird feeder things that I keep filled. I a had hummingbird feeder but I took it down last week. It was really attracting the wasps!

My pool had gotten up to 81 degrees! Then it rained again :YMSIGH: I'm just getting impatient. It's usually not until the last week of May before I can use my pool. Fingers crossed that it's warmed up by then.

I'm almost finished getting things ready for Halloween. I decided that I needed to make the "candy" area very distinct. The way we set up our "haunt" is different every year and the kids don't go to the front door at all. We are all in costumes and wandering through the crowd, and we take turns handing out the candy. Last year was a confusing mess. I made the mistake of continuing to walk around while I was handing out candy and nobody could figure out WHERE to go for the candy! I was actually chasing after kids in my GORE-ified Zombie outfit and ripped up face prosthetics......scaring the crap out of them :d So that didn't work out at all! This year will be different.
I've purchased a 10' tall Evil Grinning Clown Inflatable. I'm gonna put it at the top of my driveway and I'm making a sign to hand on my house OVER the inflatable that says "CANDY" I'll make the sign in lights. And then I'll stand under the inflatable, so they'll have to come close to get the candy. Oh and I'll be wearing a scary killer crazy clown costume :d My future granddaughter in law is going to be the zombie this year :d I had big plans to hand out cotton candy and popcorn but I can't pull that all together this year. My husband was glad :d So we'll stick with the regular candy bars. We do hand out the good stuff :d We have several 7' tall scary clown animatronics and I'm gonna be a scary clown, and my husband is a scary clown, and with the blow up thing, I thought cotton candy and popcorn would be cool! But I think I agree with my husband and it's too much this year. We've got so many new props and things to use in our display and I really need to start working on this years layout. It's a very big production, seriously. I have to blueprint it out and we make sure that all the cords are not a tripping hazard, so that goes into the layout design. And I make sure that nothing gets ignored and they kinda have to be brave enough to see it all to reach the candy :d

I think I just earned my "chatty patty" nickname back :d

Can I tell you that you guys really surprise me? I'm coming up on my 20th anniversary as a charm and I'm sincere when I say that when I started back in 2004, I would NEVER have thought that you would still find me attractive. And you do! And the compliments are truly amazing! Appreciated, and just WOW!! I didn't have a plan of time that I would be a "charm". I didn't tell myself, "hey, you'll do this for a month, a year, two......etc and then stop" But you guys are the reason I'm still here after two decades! It's the feedback, the appreciation, the realness of it. Thank you guys! I wish people who think of porn as something bad could experience what I experience. If they could, I know they would quickly change their opinions. I absolutely LOVE being a charm! And being your fantasy woman is the reason why!

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Thu May 16, 2024 10:02 pm

Update #2307 Posting Monday, May 20!

Curvy Jeans!

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby damnit500 » Mon May 20, 2024 7:08 pm

Love it :)
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Wed May 22, 2024 8:14 am

damnit500 wrote:Love it :)

I made you a new video, I'll see if I can post a screenshot later today for you ;)
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Wed May 22, 2024 8:16 am

Not On My Site ;)
Update #2309, Posting Friday, May 24

Wild Slut........Horny Pussy ;)

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Wed May 22, 2024 8:41 am

damnit500 wrote:Love it :)

For you sweetie ;)

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby zagzag » Wed May 22, 2024 5:21 pm

SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:Not On My Site ;)
Update #2309, Posting Friday, May 24

Wild Slut........Horny Pussy ;)

SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:Not On My Site ;)
Update #2309, Posting Friday, May 24

Wild Slut........Horny Pussy ;)

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby zagzag » Wed May 22, 2024 5:26 pm

:X :X
SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:Preview Pic ;)

Update #2293, Posting Thursday April 18th - Not on my site, Just for you guys ;;)
Fur topped Ankle Stiletto Booties, Crotchless & Somewhat Assless Pantyhose, Hairy Pussy, Big Boobs, Big Ass! Spread shots, Closeups
Dressed so conservatively at first............I quickly let my inner naughty slut side out to play ;)

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