Playful Cougar SC4

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Re: Playful Cougar SC4

Postby Playful Cougar SC4 » Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:06 pm

December 26, 2023

I know it's been a little while since I've posted, been busy with some medical appointments, medical testing, appointments, and the holiday. Life sure has a tendency to get hectic for me at times, more than I think it should but, hey, it is what it is, lol.

So far, so good with my medical tests to date. Actually wearing a heart monitor at the present time to make sure that the Dr isn't missing anything that it not presenting itself when I've been in the office. I get to turn it back in this Friday. Personally, I'll be glad to be rid of the thing, it is such a nuisance, lol. But that also means that my next update which is scheduled to go up on Friday, you will get to see the fashion accessory on me.

I have been slowly starting to feel a little better, I feel it is due to a medication change. Honestly, I don't care what it is as long as I continue to feel better.

Anyways, I hope everyone's holidays have been good to them and I wish you all a great New Year to come. I will try to update things as often as I can now that things seem to be to settling down again.
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Re: Playful Cougar SC4

Postby Playful Cougar SC4 » Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:08 pm

barj39 wrote:
Playful Cougar SC4 wrote:
barj39 wrote:Hope that you are feeling a bit better today babes?
sending you hugs and kisses :YMHUG: :X :YMHUG: :X :YMHUG: :X

Thank you, feeling a little better today, taking it one day at a time though. Sending hugs & kisses in return :YMHUG: :-* :YMHUG: :-* :YMHUG: :-*

Great to hear you are feeling a bit better. :X :X
That is the best thing at present taking it slowly, keep safe
Love as always

You are always so sweet and I greatly appreciate your concern and well wishes. Thank you as always. :-* :-* :-*
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Playful Cougar SC4
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Re: Playful Cougar SC4

Postby Playful Cougar SC4 » Tue Feb 27, 2024 2:31 am

February 27, 2024

My apologies for having neglected my blog for so has a habit of getting in the way at times... I can't say that I will be back on top of things on a regular basis quite yet but I will try to check in a little more often when possible.

To catch up to date, the results from the heart monitor came back's a good thing but it left questions.

One of my other specialist's office (pulmonologist) had dropped the ball in scheduling a test that was supposed to be ordered back in October. I did not know that until the end of January but it has been remedied and the test has been done. I have had sleep apnea for many years now and my equipment/supplies were way over due to be replaced but without insurance I wasn't able to have it done until last year, but I had to wait to get a new patient appointment which took months, then there was this issue with them not forwarding the testing order to the insurance coordinator which delayed the sleep study (needed confirmation that I still had it for the new insurance to pay for my new equipment and supplies). All said and done now and we feel that that has been my issue and explains my chronic exhaustion and other symptoms. I am ever so slowly starting to feel better as I've only had my new stuff for just less than a week, hoping to feel much better by the end of March though. Time will tell.

It's late and I'm tired so I'll try to write more at a later time. Have a good night!
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Re: Playful Cougar SC4

Postby EastCoastStallion » Wed Mar 20, 2024 5:33 pm

Always hustling or doing for others... Just remember you need to take care of yourself as well. :YMHUG: :-* :YMHUG: :-* :YMHUG: :-*
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Re: Playful Cougar SC4

Postby Playful Cougar SC4 » Mon Dec 23, 2024 1:16 am

December 23, 2024

My apologies for being MIA, dealing with new and old health issues. Trying to get back into the swing of things slowly. I will update things here in the near future but in the meantime, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.
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