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Rumer SC4

PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 2:06 pm
by rumersc4
Okie dokie, so I'm going to try blogging on here.

My SC journey...I was originally on here over 20 years ago but due to military and moving around a lot I wasn't posting and back then your page wasn't moved to inactive, it was deleted. Fast forward a few years and I was back! Then due to marital issues I wasn't posting and it was deleted. Fast forward some more years and I was back...this time for good. I love that you just get moved to inactive now and can just make a post and you are active again. I love being a Charm and I have no intentions of ever giving it up again. I'm now divorced for a few years and in a happy, healthy relationship...Thank GOD!

My new favorite type of post is being naked outside and I try to take those as much as possible. I still need to work on my lighting for inside pictures, but I'll figure it out.

When I first started being a Charm you had to send your pics via multiple emails and it took all night long. Now with the FTP it is mere minutes! I love technology :)

So yeah, this is my first blog post.

Re: Rumer SC4

PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:57 pm
by SultrySerenaSC2
So glad to see you back! I remember the days of mailing in your updates too :d

Here's wishing the crap is all behind you and it's healthy happiness from now on :-)

Have fun bloggin' :-) :-)
I'm so happy to see more charms participating :-)

Re: Rumer SC4

PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 10:58 pm
by loke693
Welcome back and welcome to the blog!


Re: Rumer SC4

PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 2:06 pm
by rumersc4
Thank you so much :)
Oh man the days of emailing updates were wild! LOL

Rumer SC4 - August 22, 2023

PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:04 pm
by rumersc4
Okay so today I've been thinking about lighting. When I am outside, the lighting is great and my BF takes my photos. When I am inside at my place or his, the lighting is just never great and if I use my flash I have red eyes. I have been looking at Amazon for lights, but I'm not trying to spend an arm & a leg for one LOL Does anyone have tips?

My next issue is almost every time I upload a video to SC Videos the rotation is off and I can't seem to figure it out at all. I have 2 new video editing programs I am going to try this week and I hope one of them helps.

On to my next random thing. I used to go through my pics and take out the ones I don't like and crop some, etc. My site has been doing better since I decided to not do any of that anymore. Now I just take a bunch of pictures and post all of them unless it is really blurry.

Re: Rumer SC4

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 8:13 pm
by Betty_BnV CHARM
Welcome back, and a happy future to you! My camerabear uses LED lights that can run off of battery packs! It is hard to have TOO much light!

Re: Rumer SC4

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 1:17 am
by mrsleatherSC3
Welcome to the Blog thread Rummer x Looking forward to reading what is going on with you in your sc & vanilla world x
Lighting is a biggie so many things to try. I would start with a search on here as over the years many models have asked similar questions with many different answers. As you say you don't want to spend a fortune. For ultra cheap, I have 1 room in the house (my bathroom lol) that has a large window where the light floods in so can use that to provide lighting. Some investment in lights can pay dividends with the improvements in picture quality. Good luck searching xx

Re: Rumer SC4

PostPosted: Thu May 16, 2024 10:13 pm
by BabyahSC4
Sounds like you enjoy it here, just like me! I had 600 updates my first time on SC, I have 1000 now! You go girl! Flash that ass for your fans!