by VixenSC2 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 9:04 pm
Massive Dr who fan here, love old who and new who, Tennant is the best, smith was very good at the old man in a young mans body but not as good as Tennant, Capaldi could have been great too but let down by bad stories, couldn't make it to the end of the new doctor, I dont blame her it seams she never was able to get her own character just cheep rips offs of the previous Tennant and smith, as for Plot, Who is up and down over the years with forgettable episodes but you have to try really hard to write Dr who so badly. Even worse the makers hate the fans of the show so given up on it now, its a shame, same happened with Discovery.
However I am in the UK and have to pay for the honour of been called an '--ist' and '--phobe' if I point out any problems with the product. Dr. who has always been a reflection of society of the time it was made, the show today has to be cancelled or the writers sacked, and so Modern Dr.Who does perfectly reflect the state of the UK right now.
Anyway, I have probably said too much, have to keep an eye out for the happiness patrol.