I know not everyone has been keeping an eye on this situation, at least any Charms in the UK [or anyone watching porn in the UK] I have good news!
For anyone who kept up with the inane state of the nation that gave the world democracy, Pop Music and the steam engine the most recent insanity was the UK porn laws, which banned all sorts of things I/we do in porn, from bondage to spanking to a woman having an orgasm all been made illegal, not only that but to view one of my sets/videos on your computer in the UK would be against the law! Dont worry though, the CPS is on its way to the rescue of all porn lovers.
The UK CPS, which is the poor group of people who have to decide if a prosecution should go ahead have just stated that the CPS will simply ignore the police of vice and virtue [the modern UK Police] and to that effect any boy/girl in blue that attempts to arrest anyone for braking the new Porn laws will be ignored. I guess the crown prosecution service would rather the comedy show known as the UK police should go and catch actual criminals rather than those non criminals that they would rather chase like thee and me .
So as that law stands at the moment although the new Porn laws coming into effect will be on the books, the CPS does not care to enforce them, there is also a threat of a serious case review witch will abolish the law, but that's still in the air. Other political activists are also working to get the law overturned, I will keep you up to date.
In other news the brains trust that makes up our clown show of the police are still arresting people for 'non crime hate crimes' [yes that's a thing, its not a joke], such as disagreeing with politicians, been rude on social media or ….well, google the term! sadly these things are getting worse, But the Porn laws seem to be in a holding pattern right now. I will keep you informed.