Dirty Tricks

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Dirty Tricks

Postby hook » Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:36 pm

I Thought This Might Be Fun, Lets Here Some Of The Dirty Tricks That You Have Pulled On Someone, I Will Go First.

Back in the mid 90's we was using Nextel, That Damn Walky Talky that worked over cell lines, no one could have a private conversation as every body could hear what was being said. I had a salesman that would come by the shop once a week and I would order supplies from him, he would always say next week when I come by I will buy you lunch, but next week would come and he would show up after lunch. One day I was heading out to work on a truck and as I went by a little diner at lunch time I saw his pickup parked in front of it, I keyed up my Nextel and asked him where he was at, he came back and said he was at another shop taking a big order, was there something I needed, I just replied that I didn't need anything, I was just wondering if he had gone to the doctor yet to get the crabs taken care of that he had caught ..............it got real quite on his end.........he came by the shop the next day and he was sure mad at me, but he did buy lunch later that day, of course we didn't go to that little diner and I don't think that he has ever been back to it either
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Re: Dirty Tricks

Postby Markjeans » Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:43 am

Me and my dad once got this wallett, crammed it full of fake money notes, left it on a bench, whilst we hid behind a tree, we would watch passers by and see if they took the 'bait' this elderly couple, bless them, came up and saw the wallet and saw the 'money' but once they realised it was fake they abruptly threw it in the bin, never laughed so hard :D and also we used to do the usual things like sticking coins to the ground with glue and watch people try and pick it up and look embarassing doing it :ymblushing: :d
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Re: Dirty Tricks

Postby blycmike » Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:49 am

I like to send my friends sound bites via text message. I have one where a guy is screaming "hey everyone, I'm looking at porn". So as soon as they open my message, that's what everyone around them hears. Either that or I like to send fart sounds too.

Most of my friends keep their phones on vibrate now. :d
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