BigjimB wrote:I would like to know why the connection is not secure. i have been on many SC sites and have had membership on lots of them. I was going to join a site and it's telling me the connection suddenly is not secure. I have never encountered this before. This and one other site I go to are the only ones I have encountered this on so what's up?
Hey Sweetie,
I'm NOT a computer genius at all, but I did google this "connection not secure" for websites and it sounds like it's because it's not https.......depends on the browser you are using. Some of the examples I found people ran into this with their banks page too.
Try googling your browser name then "connection not secure" and see what you come up with.
I promise you that SC is totally virus free safe and your info is protected.
I've been a charm for 13 years and have never ever encountered any type of malicious doings on the website or any dishonesty with the owner.
You can feel safe in purchasing a membership.