UK Porn - do you have your porn license yet?

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UK Porn - do you have your porn license yet?

Postby VixenSC2 » Thu Mar 14, 2019 9:02 pm

As of next month the UK's porn laws come into effect, if you are in the UK you will have to have to prove your age with passport or driving licence (which will be stolen by hackers and published online for your friends and family to see) in order to access pornography. You will also have to buy a porn licence so you can view porn. :-\ Oh and they put you on a special register.

Yep, that's the state of the UK, you can go to prison for disagreeing with a politician on Twitter or reporting an actual crime while been of Anglo-Saxon decent and you need to pay a tax to watch porn! And if you are a porn model, I hope all the bondage pics you did dont pop up, because that's a fine if you are lucky! and probably get a visit from the porn Stasi just like your viewers!

What's worse is you probably had to vote for the conservatives to get elected who are now taking away your porn, because the alternative would be the black shirts of the laugh a minute red flag waving grandad, and given my husband is Jewish (and a one time member of the Lab. party until the …. recent events..... :d ) so that's just a non starter these days. You have to vote for these idiots.

But its OK, dont worry, they will probably not be doing much about it, the government is a bit busy at the moment, seem to be having trouble cancelling their membership of a very expensive continental golf club, and I suspect the local Gov. and boys in blue will have their hands full putting out the fires and cleaning up the rubble after the civil war is over.

Dont know if any UK charms or UK members/viewers care much about this, its only your freedom they are taking away, hay, who cares, oh! I may add they are planning on banning VPN's so good luck with that.
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Re: UK Porn - do you have your porn license yet?

Postby Dear Em SC1 » Thu Mar 14, 2019 10:02 pm

My thoughts are with you! I have always loved visiting the UK but things truly are a mess right now.
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Re: UK Porn - do you have your porn license yet?

Postby RavenCharm » Sat Mar 16, 2019 5:29 am

Being in the UK I would probably say you are thinking about this too much.
Doubt anything will happen, but nice rant!
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Re: UK Porn - do you have your porn license yet?

Postby VixenSC2 » Sat Mar 16, 2019 9:15 pm

we have had run in's with the police of vice and virtue already, you are not paranoid if the are actually trying to get you. :YMHUG:

My advice, stay off social media, especially anything remotley political, even a re-tweet from someone on a list can get you in trouble, I deleted my FB and only use twitter for fans not interating with the platform. The police have profiles on both and try to interact with you to get you to send somthing or say something they can use. Britain is in a dark place, its not the country you grew up in.

If you are a UK charm and find yourself with a knock on the door for either your adult work or something you wrote on social media that's is 'ist' or 'obic' or some other 'new speak' violation, DO NOT PANIC! Get their names and numbers, get their identity of the organisation that work for, get an exact written statement of what you are been accused of, record the conversation, tell them you are recording them they cannot refuse, screen cap whatever they are accusing you of if online, they will lie about what you say, they will alter your online content. Only confirm who you are, they will threaten you with all sorts of medieval BS, they will threaten your privacy, kids and job, they lie. As soon as they are gone, immediately contact the CPA and your MP and local councillor, do this in writing in a delivery they have to sign for, explain that you have done nothing wrong and what you are accused of.

keep calm at all times, these people are zealots, the last thing these people like is a light been on them, but dont let me upset you in any way, you have done nothing wrong, there are good MP's out there and good police. :X
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Re: UK Porn - do you have your porn license yet?

Postby EmeraldmarieSC2 » Thu Mar 28, 2019 6:52 pm

Oh my Gosh. If I lived there, I would have to move!! Sorry to hear.... That sounds really complex and annoying to deal with..
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Re: UK Porn - do you have your porn license yet?

Postby Ms Frolicker » Sat Mar 30, 2019 1:51 am

You know, it seems like for years the UK has been more socially liberal than the US and now I hear this. This seems like an outrageous intrusion into privacy and a giant step backwards.

What will probably happen is that people in the UK that still want to view adult material will get a VPN and spoof a connection in another country. They will also probably look a lot more than purchase, so they don't create a paper trail. It is bound to have an impact on Charms. Some of my bests fans are from the UK.
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Re: UK Porn - do you have your porn license yet?

Postby vanillacreamSC1 » Mon May 27, 2019 5:20 am

Wow, all of that just to view some porn!Hopefully it doesn't actually go into affect.
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Re: UK Porn - do you have your porn license yet?

Postby martinae » Sun Jun 02, 2019 10:14 am

this is really scarry... and proves yet again that the 1st ammendment in the US is needed sadly. remember its freedom of speach.. not freedom of speach for those that agree with us!
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Re: UK Porn - do you have your porn license yet?

Postby VixenSC2 » Tue Jun 04, 2019 5:51 pm

Ms Frolicker wrote:You know, it seems like for years the UK has been more socially liberal than the US and now I hear this. This seems like an outrageous intrusion into privacy and a giant step backwards.

What will probably happen is that people in the UK that still want to view adult material will get a VPN and spoof a connection in another country. They will also probably look a lot more than purchase, so they don't create a paper trail. It is bound to have an impact on Charms. Some of my bests fans are from the UK.

as with any prohibition it will simply drive the trade underground and increase the people wanting to view it, one good thing, we UK models will make far more money on the black market ;)

looking on the bright side
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