Thanksgiving Wishes

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Thanksgiving Wishes

Postby RopePhotog » Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:07 am

With Thanksgiving a few days away, I wanted to stop by and wish everyone a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving Weekend. I know I haven't been around much, 2021 has not been the best of years for me. As some of you know, many years ago I was a bondage producer. It was more laughs than anything else but I made an incredible friend in my model and business partner Tia. I received a call from her fiancée on March 5th letting me know she had passed away from complications of colon cancer. She was 10 days short of turning 57. Needless to say, that rocked my world. I had to have surgery on my left foot in July because of an infection. I lost the 2nd toe on the foot. I recently had another surgery on the same foot but I am recovering nicely.

Through all of this I am hopeful for a better 2022. I know life will be changing again for me but I am ready for it. With my sister and Tia looking down on me it has to be a better year, unless they feel like having a little fun. With those 2, anything is possible. Again, Happy Thanksgiving everyone, enjoy the day with family and friends.

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Re: Thanksgiving Wishes

Postby alaya sc3 » Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:11 pm

Hi Chuck,

God bless you and your beautiful Angel in heaven watching over you. It is really a hard time of the year for so many, including me
because we miss our loved ones so much! Hold on to those precious memories and YOLO> you only live once, so live it amazing!!

much love and hugs from me!
alaya sc3 (Katie)
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Re: Thanksgiving Wishes

Postby RopePhotog » Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:20 pm


Thank you for the kind words, it is very much appreciated. I take comfort knowing they are up there watching us. Thank you again.

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