Sultry Serena SC2 Lady of the House, Sexpot Slut

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Mon May 27, 2024 7:51 am

Monday, May 27, 2024

7:15 a.m.
I've had such a "time sure flies when you're having fun" past two weeks! Although it wasn't all fun!

I had my backsplash replaced in my kitchen a few weeks ago. It was this old travertine FLOOR tile........yep! The prior owners of my house were really big into DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING DIY projects and they put this nasty floor tile on the kitchen wall WITH WOOD FLOOR quarter round moldings. OMG I've hated that forever! So we finally changed it out. Using GLASS mosaics. We didn't do it, I hired a handyman place to send someone to do it. Backsplash is something I absolutly can't stand doing. I'm slow and the grouting is the WORST task possible! Plus, cutting glass mosaics isn't something we want to do. Wo we hired this company and the two guys who came out did it super fast, but made a few boo boos. They had to come back the next day and quite honestly, they made a tremendous GLASS SHARDS mess! It was awful! I can't tell you how many times I swept, vacuumed, mopped trying to get all the glass shards up. They had to come back and cut the outlet boxes a little bigger because the recepticle boxes wouldn't screw into the drywall because they were blocked by the glass mosaics!! Can I just say IDIOTS?? Ok, that wasn't very nice of me, but OMG buy cutting the glass mosaics around the outlet boxes INSIDE with a GRINDER of all just made glass shreds fly EVERYFRIGGINWHERE!!!!

Did I tell you I had a robin's nest in my backyard? Well it was about 10' or so from my backdoor. And it was at the top of a support column for my patio roof, but under the roof. So I've been able to birdwatch for the last month and a half or so. I really enjoyed watching them, yep, I'm officially a birdwatcher :d The mom and dad had three eggs, which all hatched and I got to witness everything from hatching to leaving the nest! Those baby robins just grew so fast! In two weeks they were nearly full size! I was so worried when they left the nest that they would fall on the concrete below and crack their heads open, so I put my outdoor bench swing cushions down on the ground. And then when they left the nest, they FLEW right across my yard to the grass by the back fence! They left one at a time, in a period of two days. Two of them were quick learners, they were on the ground just a few hours. But the third one spent the night on the ground. He eventually got the hang of it and flew away. "Daddy" Robin kept trying to lead him up and over the fence. I was worried they were gonna crash into my pool and drown! Yep, I am truly a worry wart. OMG that phrase just age dated me didn't it? I don't think it's used much anymore.

When the birds left the nest, we went out and took it down. Although I loved watching them, it just made me ansy about something happening to them. Besides, we go in and out of that door ALOT, and they were dive bombing my little dog everytime we took her out to potty and poop! Myrtle (my dog) wasn't happy with the birds at all :d BUT, they were such cuties!!

With the birds gone, it was time to clean out all the wasp nests that we hadn't been able to get. Didn't want to use raid spray with the birds there. There were THREE of them on my patio. A yellow jacket nest, and two red mahogany wasp nests! They are the mean ones! RIP wasps! My husband got them with RAID and his foot (he stepped on them when they fell out of the wasp nest and then crushed the larvae when he got the nest down) and I got the ones that tried to fly away with my BUG-A-SALT gun :d It's an air gun that you use regular table salt in and you can shoot the bugs! It does take 9-10 shots to kill wasps though. Apparently they make a C02 gun for wasps, but I don't want that one, I just use the salt one. I just have to make sure that I am near the backdoor incase the little shits don't drop fast cuz they DO come after me until they go down! I just run in the house and "neener neener neener" them through the window :d

I'm hoping to use my pool today. Fingers crossed! It's only 88, but it's super HOT here. (I like the pool to be 90-93 or so. My husband say's I'm weird :d
He likes it to be in the mid 80's.)

I had one of my grandkids spend a few days here last week. He kept me busy for sure! We had spray bottle soaker wars. In the yard, thankfully, not in my living room :d He outsmarted me though. Told me he needed a drink and came inside and got my four cup measuring cup, filled it, and went back outside and dumped it on me!! That's something sneaky I WOULD have done! I told him he was definitely the winner! :d

When I think of being "retired", I think of having nothing to do and sitting around being bored. But that's definitely not my life! I'm having the time of my life with everything, and that includes shooting slutty content for you! Who would've ever thunk it? :d

More later :X

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Mon May 27, 2024 9:46 am

Another "Not on my Site" Picture ;;)

Update #2311 Posting Thurs, May 30
Vintage Red Mermaid Dress, Vintage Curvy GILF ;;)

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby damnit500 » Mon May 27, 2024 11:10 am

SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:
damnit500 wrote:
SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:Not On My Site ;)
Update #2309, Posting Friday, May 24

Wild Slut........Horny Pussy ;)


The new set coming Friday looks hot and the mask video looks amazing :ymblushing:

I've sent in the mask video..........
"Mistress In Her Pantyhose Mask"
Posting Wed ;;)

Can't wait to see it :)
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Tue May 28, 2024 3:57 pm

Tuesday, May 28, 2024
3:45 pm

It's been a rough day. The emergency alert sirens went off on my phone around 5 am or so. "Dangerously HIGH WINDS". Over 80 mph coming our way. So my husband and I flew out of bed and ran down the stairs to the back patio. We have a bench swing thing, that has a shade over it. The wind would hit that thing and send it flying into my windows or the neighbors windows! So we're out there, (its the calm before the storm, no wind yet)......we're out there trying to take this damn thing apart in the sweltering HUMIDTY and darkness. We got most of it, then the winds started. Lightly at first, but within two, to three minutes it was really windy! We came in the house and my phone was blowing up with all the weather alerts. I had city alerts, neighborhood alerts, National Weather Center alerts............the Tornado sirens were going off, the fire truck sirens are going off! And then it really hit! I was so glad we took that bench swing apart and laid it down. Our power was out for several hours. And since it came back on, it keeps going off, coming back, going off, etc. With it, my internet goes out too. Sometimes my power is back, but not my internet. When the power came back on, I got in the freezer and pulled out the veggie lasagna that I splurge on when I shop. And I made that for I was afraid it was gonna ruin if the the power continues to go and stay out. Emergency management is saying power could be out for several days in Dallas. I'm lucky. Mine is on and off.

I've sent in my updates for Wed, Thurs and Friday of this week. So if the power stays out, my site will still update for you guys ;)

Oh and we're scheduled to have more storms this evening beginning around 7 pm.

No tornadoes in my area, thankfully. Just high winds, hail, lightening, and they say there is flood warnings, but my home and yard drain pretty good. We had pretty good sized hail yesterday.
My pool which was ready.............earlier today, was cluttered with tree branches, small ones, leaves and dirt. $$%%^&&&** (That's me cussing up a I've been patiently waiting to use my pool! We went out and cleaned the bulk of it out when the storm passed earlier. I guess we'll be doing that in the morning again once tonights storm passes.

More later :)
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby zagzag » Wed May 29, 2024 5:49 am

:X :X
SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:Another "Not on my Site" Picture ;;)

Update #2311 Posting Thurs, May 30
Vintage Red Mermaid Dress, Vintage Curvy GILF ;;)

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby heels1 » Wed May 29, 2024 10:25 pm

SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:Another "Not on my Site" Picture ;;)

Update #2311 Posting Thurs, May 30
Vintage Red Mermaid Dress, Vintage Curvy GILF ;;)


So so beautiful so hard to decide what to suck on first those incredible titties or those monster sexy heels xxxxxx
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:34 pm

Here's another "Not On My Site" Pic ;;)
Update #2313 Posting Tuesday, June 4
Making the Bed - Jeans & Heels

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:27 am

Monday, June 3, 2024
6:57 a.m.

45 years ago this month, I graduated high school. 45 years ago this month, I got married, and we're STILL together! I just can't believe that 45 years have gone by, almost in a blink of an eye! I told my husband that I'd like to do something memorable on our 50th. Not sure what yet, but I'll find something that we would both enjoy and that will mark the occasion. Not many people get to 50 years of marriage these days. Not many people get to 45 years of marriage either :d Funny thing is that at our wedding, alot of people gave us 6 months before we would split up. They just didn't realize that he and I are soul mates. We knew it then, and we still know it now. I told him I wish we could go back and do it all over again and that I wouldn't change a thing!

OMG Guess what? I mean it's exciting to me, but maybe you'll find it boring........But I'm telling you anyways :d I think I mentioned awhile back where I built a bird box for birds to nest on my patio? I had some Robins nest there recently and their eggs hatched and the family moved on. They did NOT use my bird box thing though. But when the family moved away, we took down the nest. And now.............the two lovebird Robins are back and they are using my bird box nest thing! I'm thinking it's the same pair of Robins. I mean they had a successful family on my patio recently, so they came back to do it again! We'll see if mama Robin comes back to the nest. Last time, she disappeared for about three days after she built the nest. It's been a day I think, since she completed this nest. I do have to admit that my husband wasn't a happy camper to see that the Robins came back :d They tend to dive bomb our dog when he takes her potty, sometimes, not all of the time. And then he worries that I'll get upset if something terrible happens to the baby birds when they hatch. Ok, so I would get upset, but..........

It's June 3, and I've only gotten to use my pool TWICE! These stupid storms!!!! They come through and rain and drop the temps and cool the water and blow crap into the pool and it takes awhile to clean it back up and even longer for the water to warm back up. Yes, I'm a wussy. I like the water to be in the 90's. NOT the 80's. I get cold :P

My goal today is to finish my faux fire pit that's cooking a arm and hand halloween prop :d I'm so close to being done. I didn't get the two faux human skeletons corpsed yet and I may not get them done before this halloween. It gets too hot in the garage to work out there in the summer. Besides, I want to work on my tan so I can get you rock hard with titty tan lines, not sweat my ass off in a hot stuffy garage :d

Yesterday, EARLY morning I had a lazy morning. I stretched out on the couch, had my coffee with me, and my dog curled against me, and I watched Godzilla Minus One streaming. My husband got up and came downstairs during the end of the movie when they were trying to stop Godzilla, and he asked "Good Godzilla? Or Bad Godzilla?" Cracked me up.......... I love Godzilla movies. I've watched them since the 60's. I can't believe they still make Godzilla movies! My husband watched the Godzilla/King Kong Empire movie recently with me. We went to the movies and ate popcorn and sat in the comfy recliner seats.......and he said he enjoyed the movie! He's never really been a movie fan. Nor a Godzilla fan :d A couple of months ago, we decided to go to the movies once or twice a month as a "date" movie. ;;) We don't ever want to get so busy with life stuff that we don't spend time together, just us. No grandkids, no "to do" list;....just chillin' and holding hands and acting like teenagers at the movies.

More later :X

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby zagzag » Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:57 pm

:X :X
SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:Here's another "Not On My Site" Pic ;;)
Update #2313 Posting Tuesday, June 4
Making the Bed - Jeans & Heels

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Tue Jun 11, 2024 8:50 pm

OMG! I just noticed I forgot to post a "Not on My Site" Pic from my update #2316 which posted on Tuesday June 11 :-O
Totally brain farted that one! :d

BUT, here's a Not on My Site pic for my upcoming Update #2318 which is posting on Thursday, June 13

Slutty In Sheer ;;)

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Thu Jun 13, 2024 9:56 pm

Thursday, June 13, 2024

8:35 pm central

Big News!! The mama robin DID come back to the nest! BUT, it's not the same mama robin :d So apparently my back patio is just a haven for lovebird robins! I think she began laying eggs on the 6th of June and it takes about two weeks for the eggs to hatch. So maybe around the 20th? Not too much longer and I'll be seeing sweet little baby robins again :-)
So I had to buy some mealworms..........robins don't eat out of bird feeders. But they LOVE worms. I bought another feeder and the dried worms, and the robins? Don't give a rats ass about them at all :d Now I have a bag of dried worms. I guess I'll put them in the dove/pigeon feeders :d

I've been able to use my pool a few times finally. I haven't been able to shoot much in the pool yet because GrandKids have been in the pool too. BUT.......slutty pool time is coming ;) ;)

I have never thought of myself as a procrastinator, however............I STILL haven't finished the firepit rotisserie thing for Halloween. I really need to get that done, but for some reason I just haven't found the time. I know there's 4 months at least until Halloween, but our "Haunt" takes alot of planning. I have to figure where each set up will be because I keep the cords hidden away so nobody trips. This year we'll be using new lights. I told my husband we need to set the lights up in the backyard and make sure we know how to use them, and so I can see how bright they are, how they light up things, and what colors look good. These lights are ones where you have multiple colors to choose and they work off of remotes. I think we have six of them. So I have to plan where to set them up and make sure they don't interfere with my second story window halogram thing.

Did I tell you I have watermelons growing on my watermelon plants?? They are so cute!! :d I've never grown watermelons EVER. So I wasn't sure what to expect. I found out that most of the watermelons die before they get bigger than a marble. Not sure why. But right now I have four BIG watermelons!! I planted a tomato from one of my tomato plans and now I've got six new tomato plants. My spring tomato plants are just about browned out and even though they still have some tomatoes on them, I think I'm gonna pull them up and transplant my new plants into my garden boxes in their places. That way we'll have fall tomatoes.

Are you still reading this? Baby you deserve a treat :d

Lookback pic: I think this was taken in early 2007?

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WOW!! I was definitely alot skinnier then AND OMG....... Look how much bigger my boobs are NOW!!! Apparently I've gained a few pounds over the years :d

More later ;;)
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sun Jun 16, 2024 8:59 am

Sunday, June 16th, 8:15 am

Good Morning! I slept in this morning :d I got alog of sun yesterday and I think it zonked my energy. Stayed in the pool too long I guess :d But my tan is really starting to look good! I'm so lucky I guess. Because even though I'm so fair skinned, I don't really burn anymore. I get a little pink the first day or two, but then it tans and continues to tan. I had stopped tanning for several years, well more like 8? 10? years or so. I got a little skin cancer on my nose. Scared me at the time. But it was removed and hasn't come back, and even though I go out in the sun without sunscreen. And I get checked twice a year for anything new to appear, but so far so good. I don't worry about it much anymore.

Besides, my boobs look amazing all white and outlined in tanned skin ;;)

I started touch up painting my interior window sills and the areas around them. I got new windows installed a few weeks ago. It was a definite HAVE TO DO thing. My windows in my house were 40 years old and not only did they leak, and were blown, (you know how the gasses leak in between the two panes? And made the windows look dirty/smokey? Mine did that) but they were rusty and the frames had holes in some places and in the upstairs craft room, WASPS were coming inside my house through the icky window! So we had to replace all 18 windows. The window installers did a good job. They did it fast too! But the inside window sills and frames got a little chipped and there was this black stuff that came off the window frames onto my sills. The touch up painting isn't hard. It's actually going pretty quickly. I just don't want to do it :d I've gotten the upstairs done so far. It definitely looks way better! Oh, but here's a strange thing: So I had the primary bathroom window replaced. For some weird reason there is a BIG window in the SHOWER/Toilet room of the bathroom. I had mini blinds on the old one. But I chose to replace that window with one that's supposed to be distorted so you don't need blinds etc. But it stops the people from outside from getting to see through that window. So here's the weird thing. My husband went outside and looked up to the window the night after we got it installed, and he said he can see everything! He said it's just a little distorted. But that he could even see my nipples!! But if you look through the window from the INSIDE, everything outside is so distorted that you can't see shapes! Is it possible they put the glass in backwards?? I didn't complain, I just bought a roller blind thing. It's a modern style one, not the old ones from the 1960's. And I make sure I pull the shade at night :d

I'm trying to figure out what to fix for dinner tonight. The last couple of nights we've had easy dinners. Chef Salad, Cheese Bread, Watermelon, and then last night, the left over chef salad and taquitos with apples and bananas. But today is Fathers' Day. I really should make my husband's favorite......Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes, and White Pepper Milk Gravy with Green Beans. BLECK!!!! He and I are so different :d My favorite is Chef Salad :d :d :d We recently celebrated our 45th anniversary :X

Ok guys, I need to get busy. More later........I'll be posting another "Not On My Site" Pic ;;)
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sun Jun 16, 2024 1:05 pm

Not On My Site
Update #2320 Posting Tuesday, June 18

Pretty in Pink, & Sheer & Slutty & Oh so Delicious! Lick me and see for yourself ;;)

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby damnit500 » Mon Jun 17, 2024 1:16 pm

SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:Thursday, June 13, 2024

Are you still reading this? Baby you deserve a treat :d

Lookback pic: I think this was taken in early 2007?


WOW!! I was definitely alot skinnier then AND OMG....... Look how much bigger my boobs are NOW!!! Apparently I've gained a few pounds over the years :d

More later ;;)

Your boobs and everything else are always awesome :)
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Wed Jun 19, 2024 8:31 pm

Not On My Site
Update #2322 Posting Thursday June 20

WET For You!! ;;)

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Wed Jun 19, 2024 8:32 pm

damnit500 wrote:
Your boobs and everything else are always awesome :)

:X :X
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:51 pm

I normally post a "Not On My Site" pic but there isn't one for tomorrow's update #2325........
I didn't have enough pictures and ended up putting a video on the club side "Watch Him CUM On My Ass"

I normally don't shoot in my Living Room. My ceilings are too high (20') and there's nothing for the flash to "bounce" off of. I don't have external lights, and even with lots of windows in that room, it's just not good enough for shooting photos. But..........I was determined, and I attempted it again with update 2325. A mistake for sure. Out of 54 photos, I was only able to use about 22? 23? Something like that.
Plus, I hate the photos. I hate my dress, I hate the bad light, I hate my poses.............
There are just some updates that I don't like. And 2325 is one of them.

Even though I'm posting the update tomorrow, I'll post one of the pics here........It IS on my site :d

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby damnit500 » Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:54 pm

SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:I normally post a "Not On My Site" pic but there isn't one for tomorrow's update #2325........
I didn't have enough pictures and ended up putting a video on the club side "Watch Him CUM On My Ass"

I normally don't shoot in my Living Room. My ceilings are too high (20') and there's nothing for the flash to "bounce" off of. I don't have external lights, and even with lots of windows in that room, it's just not good enough for shooting photos. But..........I was determined, and I attempted it again with update 2325. A mistake for sure. Out of 54 photos, I was only able to use about 22? 23? Something like that.
Plus, I hate the photos. I hate my dress, I hate the bad light, I hate my poses.............
There are just some updates that I don't like. And 2325 is one of them.

Even though I'm posting the update tomorrow, I'll post one of the pics here........It IS on my site :d


Love the Update :X :X :X
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Fri Jun 28, 2024 10:23 am

Friday, June 28 8:53 a.m.

I'm working on my updates for next week right now. I should be outside pulling some overgrown grass away from my pool pump equipment,'s super duper hot and humid outside, AND I think there's poison ivy growing there too! YIKES! So I'm putting it off, at least for today. I need to get it done though because it looks awful and it's bugging me. I want to get one of those wooden privacy fence things, some people put them around their outside A/C units. I want to put it around that pool equipment. But I need to clean out the grass first.

So I've been watching the second round of hatched baby robins on my patio. They are so cute! My husband asked me if I thought that would be it for the season :d He thinks they're cute but he doesn't like waiting on the birds to do their feeding business when he wants to go outside. It's been a conveyer belt of mama and daddy robin constantly bringing worms to the babies. And they are super close to our backdoor.

The other day, I was talking to an old friend from high school. We talk on the phone every year or so. Just to catch up. She was telling me about a few people from our class that she keeps in touch with on social media. It just blew my mind to think about how many years have gone by since those days. It doesn't seem possible. "Time flies" is definitely an accurate description of life's years. This December 21st I'll celebrate my 20th CharmAverssary as Sultry Serena. I still can't believe that! I was so shy and nervous when I started. Apparently those personality traits have been lost in the past years......but they've been replaced with confidence and experience ;)

I thought I'd post another Lookback Picture for you guys....... This one is from 2005. Update #21.

I've always enjoyed being daring. Flashing, and pushing the limits of what I can do and not get arrested :d However, even though I find it exciting sexually, it's also exciting "scary". Because the chances that I'm being seen are pretty high. ESPECIALLY in this set that I did ON MY OWN FRONT DOORSTEP! OMG this was one of the most scary, exciting sets I've ever done. Because I was giving away myself in that the neighbors knew who I was, not that they knew I was Sultry Serena, nope, they didn't know that. They knew me as a wife and a mom and yes, I was even a grandmom then. They knew ME personally. They DID NOT know my alias Sultry Serena. And I really didn't want them to know Sultry Serena. But I was pushing the limit with this update. I did it in broad daylight. I stepped out onto my porch, but at times I kept my foot on the doorstep, like in this picture. It made me feel like I could quickly retreat if needed. And with each photo my husband took, I was getting more relaxed and more daring. Feeling more secure in my anonymity, even while standing in my own front doorway! But was I being anonymous? Was someone looking out of their windows? Did the few cars that drove by see me before I could duck into my living room? I don't know and that's what made it so exciting. Even when I hiked up my skirt, let my tits hang out and sat on my front step with my legs spread and my shaved pussy feeling the breeze, casually blowing bubbles like I didn't have a worry in the world ;;)

I noticed that there isn't any text on my site with this update. I've always included text with sets. But I think in the past, sometimes when the sets archive over into the club side, the text disappeared. Maybe I'll start going through my sets, posting some pics here, and explaining what was going on to you, and update my text on my site. Sounds like a good idea ;)

More Later :X

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2 Lady of the House, Sexpot Slut

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Fri Jun 28, 2024 12:33 pm

Not On My Site Pic!
Update #2327 Posting Tues July 2 - Panties Rubbing Clit ;;)

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