Sultry Serena SC2 Lady of the House, Sexpot Slut

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2 Lady of the House, Sexpot Slut

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Wed Mar 12, 2025 11:32 am

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

I think it's been awhile since we've caught up with stuff......meaning, it's been awhile since I've gotten on here and shared my day to day life things.
Where to begin? Well I think the cold weather has finally left here in Dallas. I hope it has, because last weekend I got my garden all planted. I'm doing my usual tomatoes, yellow squash, cucumbers, radishes, those things always do good for me, and I'm trying iceburg lettuce again. It flopped last year. The plants were big but they never formed "heads". I'm not doing watermelons again. I got alot of watermelons last year, but none of them tasted any good. Besides, those plants take alot of room. This year I'm trying peas again too. I didn't get too many last year. Oh, and I'm trying broccoli. I've never grown that before. I'm not doing potatoes, two years ago I tried them and they were tiny little marble things, and I'm not doing carrots. My carrots turned WHITE! I know there are a variety of carrots that are white, but mine shouldn't have been white. Garden is done and OF COURSE, on the forecast for this afternoon is potential for severe thunderstorms with HAIL! That's spring in Texas I guess.

I've got my yards ready for spring, I planted some new fake flowers in my pots...................
Yep, you heard me "Fake Flowers" :d :d :d :d
The live plants are so expensive any more, and then they die in the extreme summer here, besides bringing in wasps and bees. So I've got fake ones in my pots :d :d :d

I'm still on the hunt for a literary agent. I've given myself 6 months and if I can't get representation in that time, I'll self publish. They say - not sure who in the world "they" are, but they say it usually takes 60-90 rejections to get an offer of represesntation. I have 12 rejections so far. Looking for literary agents is time consuming, but I think I'm getting the hang of writing the query letter, and all the things they want in the "proposal" from me. I will admit, my novel is hardcore horror, meaning it's written for adults, not porn, although there are some sex scenes in it. It's graphic and gory and does contain violence. I have body horror and subjective horror and themes not normally considered in a horror manuscript. So in searching for a literary agent I have to disclose "triggers" my manuscript may have - rolling my eyes at that one - but it's what is required nowadays. I've really got a twisted imagination :d :d

I've been watching the Bald Eagle Camera from Big Bear, California on youtube. I used to live there back in the late 1990's .... my husband and I had a little 1960's putt putt boat we used to go "trolling" for trout in several mornings a week. I always tossed my trout back. I don't eat fish, bleck!!! Anyways, there are two eagles and they had three eggs hatch last week! Those little eaglets are so cute!

Did you know?? I'm going to be 64 this September!!! I saw a joke the other day, it said "I used to think Old Age was all in my head.......But now it's in my joints!" Crappy knees are my enemy. My doc asked me if I participated in alot of sports when I was younger, he said my knees are worn out like an athletes. This is true but funny. I told him, Nope, I ran track in Jr High, but wasn't able to do sports in high school due to an illness. BUT, I told him, I imagine my knees are worn out because I used to be a finatic about cleaning my house. AND I had to mop my floors every day, ON MY HANDS AND KNEES with a rag and a bucket, not a mop. Yeah, those days are long gone, and I use a mop now, but apparently my OCD about house cleaning wore out my knees and I'm paying for it now.

I'm late this year on planning my Halloween. I keep telling myself I need to get started, but haven't gotten very far. I want to build an 8' tall scarecrow and set it by my werewolf and evil pumpkin head animatronic, and I really need to get it started. I'd love to make a "portal to hell" but I think it's beyond my abilities. It requires a faux brick arch, a platform, and projector and you project onto the black projector screen a thumb drive of hellish scenes. It would be really cool,, not sure I have the time for it.

I've changed shooting days. I used to shoot my content on Saturdays or Sundays, but now I've switched to Thurs or Fridays. Hoping to be able to take advantage of the neighbors being at work so I can shoot in my backyard. Fingers crossed!

More later............

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