Victoria's Secret panties

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Victoria's Secret panties

Postby signature » Fri Dec 27, 2019 7:32 am

What Charms have posted sets wearing panties that say "Victoria's Secret" on them? Looking to join some new sites
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Re: Victoria's Secret panties

Postby Ashlyn Murphy » Sat Jan 25, 2020 10:31 am

I can't say for sure how many sets I have with panties that actually say "Victoria's Secret" on them, I know of a few. I have a great friend that spoils me with mass amounts of VS lingerie occasionally and I know a lot of my lingerie is VS but not all of them say it on the outside. But at least a few - here's one of them. :)
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Re: Victoria's Secret panties

Postby heels1 » Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:14 am

Thanks Ashlyn this is so sexy, love your bod xxxx
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Re: Victoria's Secret panties

Postby bustyblueeyesSC1 » Sun Jan 26, 2020 1:55 pm

Ashlyn Murphy wrote:I can't say for sure how many sets I have with panties that actually say "Victoria's Secret" on them, I know of a few. I have a great friend that spoils me with mass amounts of VS lingerie occasionally and I know a lot of my lingerie is VS but not all of them say it on the outside. But at least a few - here's one of them. :)

I have 1 pair since is it hard to find the right size that fits without cutting my legs. they are green and high cut. I've worn them a few times but not many (got lots of panties from other places as well). I will have to get more eventually probably have to convince hubby I need them (he calls me a panty whore lol). but I do have a few sets wearing them. ill have to look through and see which updates they are for you.
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Re: Victoria's Secret panties

Postby EmeraldmarieSC2 » Thu Apr 23, 2020 7:36 am

I have a lot of VS panties. I love them. I am sure you will find more than a few sets with them on my site as well...
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