April Charm Photo Contest!
Requested by a fan...….."Let's Play Dr. or Nurse"
For Fun! No prize money......
so guys be sure to TIP your favorites Two votes per person
Voting Fans: Can enter for a drawing for free membership to my site
Theme will be:
Let's Play Dr.
or Nurse: Ladies show off your sexiest medical outfit. Scrubs & stockings? Pantyhose & Stethescope?
Feel free to get PORNISHLY creative
Please be mindful of the photo sizes you post. Guys on phones and laptops may have to scroll to see all of you, which could be distracting to some.
1. Theme is Lets Play Dr.
or Nurse - Photo should be something that can be related to the theme. The photo can be from any of a charms updates, past, present or future. It can also be something that has never been posted on your SC site, or something that you shoot especially for this contest.
2. Only one photo per charm is allowed. Photo can only be posted by the charm herself. NO GUESTS can appear in the photo. Photos must be posted IN THIS THREAD.
3. Photo must conform with the FREE SIDE SC posting rules. Meaning NO hardcore, NO Insertion, etc
4. Deadline for posting photos is Sunday April 12. You can begin posting photos NOW.
5. Contest will run until April 30, at which time voting will stop and the winner will be announced May 1.
6. No prize money so guys be sure and TIP your favorites! Fan tipping of their favorite charm or charms will be encouraged and definitely appreciated!
7. Contest will start NOW Wed April 1 All charms wishing to participate are encouraged to collect their favorite photo and post it HERE in the contest thread. Poll for voting will be created on Monday April 13 and no further entries will be received once voting poll has been created.
8. Charms can use their update text, social media, emails etc to encourage their fans to vote
9. TWO VOTES per person is allowed during the voting period. Both votes must be submitted at the same time. The poll will not allow you to come back and vote again later. Charms are allowed to vote for themselves. Exception: If more than 20 charms participate then there will be 2 separate voting polls. (poll feature on forum is maxed at 20 choices). If 2 polls are created then everyone is allowed one vote IN EACH poll.
DO NOT create multiple registration accounts to pad the votes. 10. This is for fun! No derogatory comments will be tolerated. And they will be deleted.
11. To the voting FANS: I will be giving away a free month membership to my site to the winning fan! If you vote in the contest, you can enter into the drawing for the free month membership. To enter, simply post that you voted. You can also send me a pm to enter the fan contest and let me know of your vote. You do not have to post right after you vote, but you MUST post or pm me by May 1, even if you voted earlier. <To keep anonymity if desired> Winners name will be drawn from a hat and posted the first week of June. Winner will receive password to my club side.
Fans: If you are a "newbie" or newly registered, you must make 3 posts in any thread of this forum before you will be able to access the voting poll.