SC Greatest Jeans Wearer OF ALL TIME

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SC Greatest Jeans Wearer OF ALL TIME

Postby gman36 » Tue Feb 16, 2021 6:00 am

Okay, this is not so much a contest as a piece of recognition for someone very special. And there will be a prize.

February 2021 marks 15 years since I first discovered Southern Charms. And I have discovered some amazing women who wear jeans and take their clothes off. It's like a Utopia for me. Women like Italian Lace, Wendy Meadows, Alexus Lin, Alaya. They have so many sets with jeans and denim, it's unbelievable. And I have joined so many of these wonderful sites, many of them on multiple occasions.

But there is one out there who means so much more to me. Hers was one of the first sites I ever joined. Her (now deleted) Strip Hopscotch video was the first SC video I ever bought. Around 10% of her sets feature jeans or denim. And with over 1700 sets currently on the site, that's a LOT of denim. I have joined and rejoined her site as a member on countless occasions, because there is always so much more to explore every time I sign up again.

And, let's face it, without her efforts, this forum would have died a long time ago, as she devotes so much time to keeping it going, organising all of the contests, moderating and just keeping it a great place to be. And since she organises all the contests, that means she never gets to win, which is a shame, as she's always my winner.

She's wonderful, she's beautiful, and she's one of my best friends on the planet, who I love wholeheartedly. To me she will always be my Chatty Patty. To you, she is SULTRY SERENA.

Let's have a little look back at some of her greatest (non-member) pictures ... u5x010.jpg ... 86x006.jpg ... 28x007.jpg ... 64x001.jpg ... 92x013.jpg ... 04x010.jpg ... 22x001.jpg ... 52x011.jpg ... 18x005.jpg ... 70x003.jpg ... 90x014.jpg ... 95x008.jpg ... 47x011.jpg ... 56x001.jpg ... 64x001.jpg ... 93x001.jpg ... 99x001.jpg ... 08x016.jpg
More to come later...
Last edited by gman36 on Tue Feb 16, 2021 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SC Greatest Jeans Wearer OF ALL TIME

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Wed Feb 17, 2021 6:57 am

OMG cutbutt, I'm totally speechless :X :X :X

I've been stranded in my tiny apartment for two days, no power, no hot water, eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and freezing my butt off, totally miserable. Not being able to get online, worrying about my grandmother, who is 99 and lives alone 10 miles from me. My car stuck in the ice, and I couldn't get to her......(finally got her to my apartment tonight).......
And I get online and see this from you.

You've put such a big smile on my face and happiness in my heart.
You are one of my most special friends and I'm truly touched by this post.

But I want to say that you are a big part of the success of this forum! You always sincerely compliment the charms and I don't think you know how special you are.
Thank you :X
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