I do and have all my life. Only one physician has ever made a difference, a Nurse Practitioner from the Pacific Northwest. She helped me realize that the allergies flared up more when my sinuses were dry. Winter is bad for me because I use a space heater and it zaps all the moisture right out of the air, so I've learned to use a humidifier whenever I use my heater. Steam facials and hot showers work wonders for me, even something as simple as holding my face over a pot of boiling water will help when things are really bad. Over the counter nasal spray to moisturize and help flush my sinuses has been a life saver. She told me NEVER to take products like Claratin "D" or Zyrtec "D" to treat my allergies. The "D" is for "Decongestant" and it dries me out more. I almost never take meds for my allergies now. They are much more manageable... unless I unknowingly interact with cat fur. Then I'll take 2 Benedryl and see you in the morning! ZZZzzzzzz
wow thats quite something... pacific north west.. Seattle? good on ya! i seem ok today strange cuz one looks at allergens in the air for my city and there are non on the site so i think like you its atmosphere etc..
thank u for posting Lace more love to you than before!