Sultry Serena SC2 Lady of the House, Sexpot Slut

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 9:34 am

March 28, 2024

9:35 am.

Ok, I HAVE to do this.........even though you may be bored silly........but here goes :d

Introducing HAGATHA!


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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Fri Mar 29, 2024 8:05 am

March 29, 2024

8:02 am

Since you guys are being such great sports about me posting my freaky Halloween prop photos, I decided that I'm gonna start posting one pic from my updates, that WON'T BE available in the update. This pic is from my update posting on Tuesday, April 2. Long Velvet Gloves, and Lace Hem Full White Slip. Of course the update includes Tits, Ass & Pussy too

NotOnMySite Update2285.jpg
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby barj39 » Fri Mar 29, 2024 9:45 am

you are too kind to us Serena, looking gloverly as always
such a treat always :X :X :X
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Fri Mar 29, 2024 10:32 am

barj39 wrote:you are too kind to us Serena, looking gloverly as always
such a treat always :X :X :X

Thanks Barj ;;)
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby barj39 » Fri Mar 29, 2024 10:39 am

SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:
barj39 wrote:you are too kind to us Serena, looking gloverly as always
such a treat always :X :X :X

Thanks Barj ;;)

So very welcome xxxxx
awesome update as ever xxx
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby damnit500 » Sat Mar 30, 2024 9:46 am

SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:[b]March 27, 2024

7:35 pm

Changing subjects to talk about porn.............. :d
I have to admit that you guys surprised me! That recent custom video I made "Hooded DOMME Slut" got alot more attention that I thought it would. Hmmmm.........My husband found a red vinyl hood with pony tails! He thinks I should get it and do another Hooded Domme Slut set. Maybe I will ;;)

Not Surprised in the least
Most guys want kink and domination from women!!!
Admitting to that might be another thing :P
Last edited by damnit500 on Wed Apr 03, 2024 2:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sun Mar 31, 2024 10:26 am

Sunday, March 31, 2024

10:00 am

OMG it seems like I blink, and another week has passed!
This morning I'm getting my update submitted for Tuesday. Not sure what else I'm going to do today. Probably do another photo album :d I've got a new halloween prop that I'm gonna do. But I don't think I want to do that today. Maybe I'll just be lazy today?

Did I tell you that I'm getting new windows in my house? It was really becoming a necessity. My windows are old for sure. But in all of my life, I've NEVER replaced windows in a house. And I'm gonna admit that I'm super excited about it! :d
It's a necessity because the wasps are being able to get in through my closed windows. I think there's gaps or something, maybe the frame is rusted below the window frame and they are coming through a rusted out gap? I don't know, but the number of wasps I get in here is absolutely ridiculous. My brother told me he's only had one wasp in four years in his house. I have several a month, and it's worse in spring and summer. I've already had TWO in my house in the last 30 days. And they are the big mahogany wasps. The red ones. The MEAN ones. They usually fly up to my upper windows where they are hard to get. I don't get them, my brave, fearless husband does. I, on the other hand, am hiding in the downstairs bathroom with the door closed and a towel rolled up and shoved in the gap under the door.........until he tells me it's all clear! :d I got stung by several yellowjackets at once, in the early 90's. And I have a very intense fear of wasps. My toes literally curl when they are in the house. Besides the wasp thing, my windows are leaking and old and the screens are nasty. My house was built 40 years ago and I believe the windows are original ones. It's definitely time for them to be replaced.
And although i'm excited about HAVING new windows, I'm not looking forward to the install day. All I can think of is "how many wasps are gonna get inside that day?" Plus we have to move things away from windows and take down curtains and blinds..........and OMG what a pain in the ass!

So the eclipse. Apparently I live in the path of "totality". I can't see what all the fuss is about, seriously. I don't have the glasses, and I won't be trying to "view" the eclipse. I can watch it on tv later. Is it cool? Ok, I guess. It'll be dark here for a few minutes in the middle of the day. But I'm just a fuddy duddy and really don't have an interest in it. Now if UFO's were flying over my house, I'd be out there for sure, straining my neck, looking up at the sky :d

Hmmmm, UFO's. I can't believe how much attention that subject gets now. I remember the days when people thought you were crazy if you mentioned UFO's. I've always been a "believer".
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 8:56 am

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

8:30 am.

Did you get pranked yesterday? Sometimes the silliness of April Fools is welcomed .....Even though I ended up being the "fool" :d My husband got me first. I won't go in to all the nasty details, let's just say he "fooled" me by suggesting that there was some icky dog poop on my rug. I grab my cleaning stuff and walk over there, and he's keeping up the prank telling me, "it's right there".........of course I'm not seeing this what I found out to be NON EXISTANT Green Dog Poop! :d Then he finally let's me off the hook after I'm looking and my defense it's a very patterened rug! Then just an hour later, one of my grandkids tells me there's a spider on the ceiling! Not unusual, not that I have a house of spiders - I may give that impression with all the zombies and witches and halloween things I have that I live in some kind of haunted house but........that's definitely NOT the case, but it is spring, and spiders do tend to get in the house ,.....So I start coming into the dining room to look up at the ceiling and figure out if it's a spider I can get, (cuz I REALLY don't like spiders) OR if it's a spider that's going to cause my toes to curl, take my breath away and make me start screaming for my brave husband ;;) while I'm attempting to look brave and confident, I hear, "April Fools Grandma".........OMG can I admit to you that I was SO FRIGGIN relieved?? :d So yes, I was teased all day yesterday about falling for it twice. Silly me :ymblushing:

UGGGG! I just got ANOTHER call from "Unknown Number". And yes, I usually answer them. It's really a habit that I need to break. I got into the habit of doing it when my Dad was in Nursing Care. Not gonna go into all the details but I had to place him in a "home" because he had violent alzheimers and I couldn't take care of him. He would use his cane and hit me and my husband with it, and he always aimed for my head! It was for our safety and also for my dad's safety that I had to place him. Anyways, I would get calls from the nurses and staff there, and usually they used their own phones and the number would show up "unknown" ..........But now, he's passed away and I tell myself I don't need to answer the unknown numbers. Not sure why I do. I saw a setting in Iphone where I can tell my phone to ignore the unknown calls. Maybe I should just have some self restraint and send them to voice mail.......Ok, I've talked myself into it :d

Remember the box I built a few days ago for the birds that didn't know how to build a nest? WELLLLLLLL............I haven't seen the birds, but I can see more nesting stuff peeking out of the top of the box! Maybe the birds are back? Or I'm wondering if the wind just stirred up the nest stuff that was in the box? I know, I know. It's just so friggin stressful! I'm totally joking, I promise :d But I am curious.

I have really mellowed out in my "senior" years. I used to be impatient, and I think I looked past alot of amazing things in the world. Now I'm able to see things that I know other's look past. And I realize that things don't have to be in your face explosive to be interesting.

My plans today: I have an appointment after lunch. And a couple of errands to do. Then I'm gonna pick out some outfits for tomorrow. We're gonna shoot two updates and a couple of videos tomorrow. Oh, and later today I'll post a pic from my next photo update that WON'T be in my update, it'll only be posted for you guys here. I'll pick a good one ;)

My pool is up to 70 degrees! I'm doing a happy dance right now, too bad you can't see me ;) Ass is wiggling, tits are's definitely HOT! ;)

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 8:07 pm

Here's something just for you guys: A photo from upcoming #2287 that won't be on my site!

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:31 am

Friday, April 5, 2024

11:05 am

I love Godzilla!!
Kind of a strange thing to start a sentence with huh? :d I've always been a fan of Godzilla movies. Even when I was little. I rarely go to the movies, but my husband and I are planning to go see the new Godzilla/Kong Movie soon. He cracked me up when he told me, "I'll be rooting for Kong! So we're gonna be on different sides!" I told him I think they fight together in this movie, so we can still be united ;;)

I've taken a break on working on Halloween stuff, but I'm getting ready to get back to it. My sis told me this morning, "It's only April!!" I told her, "I Know, I Know, I'm running out of time!!" She's not into Halloween, and I'm quite sure she thinks my husband and I have gone senile because of HOW MUCH we ARE into Halloween! But, like I told her, grandkids have alot to do with it. We started doing it FOR and BECAUSE of grandkids, and over the years, it has just grown and grown and exploded into the big production we have now. And yes, grandkids are still involved. Even the twenty something year old ones! :d

I decided that since I'm getting new windows that I need to get rid of the yucky mini blinds. So my next project is to find something to replace the mini blinds. I'm not able to show my living room much in my updates, but the ceilings are 22' high and i have a couple of windows WAY UP there. Right now, I have super long sheer curtains over the windows which have mini blinds. But I hate them. I want privacy but with something more modern than the ugly mini blinds.
(I don't show my living room too often because the ceiling is too high for my flash to "bounce" off of and the pictures usually come out dark and grainy. I don't shoot videos in there because my walls are covered with family photos, which I don't want to appear in my videos)

OMG, I found a new recipe HEALTHY recipe, that I decided to try last night. I really thought I would like it. Meatless stuffed peppers. I used Orange bell peppers, yummy! Anyways, the recipe sounded like something I would absolutely love, and my husband, who's a meat and potatoes guy, agreed to try it. IT WAS AWFUL! I mean just awful!! And my husband said, "I'd eat it again." I'm like, "Hey, it's ok to tell me it sucked, because I agree! You're really not gonna hurt my feelings at all!" But he kept saying he would eat it again. BLECK!! Then I asked him if you had a plate of that garbage grinder dessert that I just made, OR a plate of chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes and white pepper gravy, which would you prefer? Of course he picked the chicken fried. So I went down the list and kept naming stuff off he likes, he picked that every time. Then I said, "this stuff or Pizza?" He hates pizza. He picked the nasty stuff I made for dinner over pizza :d :d :d So I tell him, "Why would you tell me you would eat it again if you don't like it?" And he says, "Because I WOULD eat it again, you spent alot of time in the kitchen making it, so I would eat it again!" Awwwwww! No wonder we've been married 45 years this June!!

I let him off the hook and told him he could toss his plate in the grinder cuz that's where mine was going :d We ended up eating salad and cheese toast :d

I just sent in two new videos for Tues, April 9.
"Covered In Balloons" and "Horny Mature Ripping Pantyhose"

I owe my husband bigtime! He nearly passed out blowing up all those balloons! :X I think I'll get this posted and go thank him, in a very sexy, very naughty way ;)
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:34 am

Monday, Eclipse Day!! April 8, 2024

Just a quickie this morning ;;)

Here's a pic of my Next photo update, posting Wed, April 10. This pic won't be on my site, it's just for you ;;)

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 3:18 pm

Monday, April 8, 2024

So the eclipse happened and I live in the Dallas Metroplex. Which was a fantastic place to see it. I didn't get the glasses and watched most of it on tv, but I did go out during "totality" and look up to see the moon completely covering the sun. I could see some red fireball stuff at the bottom right, which was cool looking for sure. It didn't get midnight dark, but it was pretty dark. As far as I know, the world didn't end, Alien's didn't land, etc etc, so maybe those ads I keep seeing for emergency freeze dried food buckets will slip back into oblivion. Maybe not. Maybe they are just gonna be a thing we all get used to seeing anymore? Like it's normal to have a stash of emergency food - 240 meals in a bucket- that you just have to add water to.

Wish me luck!! Tonight, I'm trying another new healthy recipe. It's "Veggie Pot Pies". Doesn't sound too bad, right? Thankfully, the recipe doesn't call for cilantro, black beans, or cumin :d :d (If the joke is lost on you, it's because you didn't read about my last, recent attempt at making a new healthy recipe :d )

I had to go out and tarp my garden boxes today. Our forecast for tonight's weather is possible tornadoes and all the crap that comes with them. Hail, wind, rain. My tarps won't protect against a bad storm, but they do help for heavy rain and light hail. I've got alot of tomatos on my bushes and I really don't want them beat off - beat off? :d :d I don't want the hail to beat them off the bushes? I give up. I'm sure you know what I mean ;;)

Today's always a strange day for me. On April 8th - decades ago, I almost died. For real. I was in a coma and docs told my family to make funeral plans. But I surprised everyone and woke up and recovered. So today has always been a special day for me, one that I quietly celebrate in my thoughts. Not sure why I shared that. It truly isn't something for a porn site. But then again, neither are my healthy crappy tasting recipe disasters, or my totally morbid halloween props :d

PORN NEWS!!!!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------
I came up with some really PORN minded Videos that I'm going to make for my site! I'm mostly solo and that means that fucking and sucking are something I don't have. BUT, I asked my husband if he would like to make several naughty videos with me, such as: CUM On my Glasses, and CUM on my Tits, and CUM on my BIG FAT ASS, and CUM on My Pussy, and CUM on my Feet, & CUM on my Lips. I promised him we can figure out the right camera angle where he's not shown but his load is ;) It definitely sounds like fun, so we're gonna try and film it ;;)

I'll keep you updated ;)

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby damnit500 » Mon Apr 08, 2024 4:01 pm

SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:Monday, April 8, 2024

So the eclipse happened and I live in the Dallas Metroplex. Which was a fantastic place to see it. I didn't get the glasses and watched most of it on tv, but I did go out during "totality" and look up to see the moon completely covering the sun. I could see some red fireball stuff at the bottom right, which was cool looking for sure. It didn't get midnight dark, but it was pretty dark. As far as I know, the world didn't end, Alien's didn't land, etc etc, so maybe those ads I keep seeing for emergency freeze dried food buckets will slip back into oblivion. Maybe not. Maybe they are just gonna be a thing we all get used to seeing anymore? Like it's normal to have a stash of emergency food - 240 meals in a bucket- that you just have to add water to.

Wish me luck!! Tonight, I'm trying another new healthy recipe. It's "Veggie Pot Pies". Doesn't sound too bad, right? Thankfully, the recipe doesn't call for cilantro, black beans, or cumin :d :d (If the joke is lost on you, it's because you didn't read about my last, recent attempt at making a new healthy recipe :d )

I had to go out and tarp my garden boxes today. Our forecast for tonight's weather is possible tornadoes and all the crap that comes with them. Hail, wind, rain. My tarps won't protect against a bad storm, but they do help for heavy rain and light hail. I've got alot of tomatos on my bushes and I really don't want them beat off - beat off? :d :d I don't want the hail to beat them off the bushes? I give up. I'm sure you know what I mean ;;)

Today's always a strange day for me. On April 8th - decades ago, I almost died. For real. I was in a coma and docs told my family to make funeral plans. But I surprised everyone and woke up and recovered. So today has always been a special day for me, one that I quietly celebrate in my thoughts. Not sure why I shared that. It truly isn't something for a porn site. But then again, neither are my healthy crappy tasting recipe disasters, or my totally morbid halloween props :d

PORN NEWS!!!!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------
I came up with some really PORN minded Videos that I'm going to make for my site! I'm mostly solo and that means that fucking and sucking are something I don't have. BUT, I asked my husband if he would like to make several naughty videos with me, such as: CUM On my Glasses, and CUM on my Tits, and CUM on my BIG FAT ASS, and CUM on My Pussy, and CUM on my Feet, & CUM on my Lips. I promised him we can figure out the right camera angle where he's not shown but his load is ;) It definitely sounds like fun, so we're gonna try and film it ;;)

I'll keep you updated ;)

Have him wear a mask while you film it?
Make him wear your pantyhose as a mask?
You're the boss right lol?
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Wed Apr 10, 2024 3:27 pm

damnit500 wrote:
Have him wear a mask while you film it?
Make him wear your pantyhose as a mask?
You're the boss right lol?

He's worn a mask exactly one time on my site, and he's not interested in repeating that.
Nope, I'm not the boss.......neither of us are.
Besides, it's more fun when you're both on the same page with things ;)
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby damnit500 » Wed Apr 10, 2024 4:28 pm

SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:
damnit500 wrote:
Have him wear a mask while you film it?
Make him wear your pantyhose as a mask?
You're the boss right lol?

He's worn a mask exactly one time on my site, and he's not interested in repeating that.
Nope, I'm not the boss.......neither of us are.
Besides, it's more fun when you're both on the same page with things ;)

Yes it would be more fun if you are both on the same page
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Wed Apr 10, 2024 4:40 pm

With all that said, I AM going to shoot another mask set for you. Pantyhose mask!!

Didya faint??? :d

Seriously sweetie, pantyhose mask.........I'll let you know when the pics will go up. I haven't shot them yet, plan to soon :X
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby damnit500 » Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:15 pm

SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:Damnit500...........
With all that said, I AM going to shoot another mask set for you. Pantyhose mask!!

Didya faint??? :d

Seriously sweetie, pantyhose mask.........I'll let you know when the pics will go up. I haven't shot them yet, plan to soon :X

I might lol
You're the Best :X
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sat Apr 13, 2024 7:15 pm

Another Update Pic that isn't on my site. From upcoming update #2291 Posting Monday, April 15

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby heels1 » Sun Apr 14, 2024 3:41 am

Yummy, i love the feeling of a naughty sneak peek at next weeks update. Love how you show off those mightily impressive girls of yours. Just really love them thrown up there centre stage , i mean who could ignore those glorious beauties, not me , i wonder if you have blessed this outfit with some sexy footwear, cannot wait to see babe xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 8:15 am

heels1 wrote:Yummy, i love the feeling of a naughty sneak peek at next weeks update. Love how you show off those mightily impressive girls of yours. Just really love them thrown up there centre stage , i mean who could ignore those glorious beauties, not me , i wonder if you have blessed this outfit with some sexy footwear, cannot wait to see babe xxxxxxxxxxxx

:X :X
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