51thL0rd wrote:Of your many leather escapades Mrs L, is there one that stands out?
loke693 wrote:What is something you are enjoying doing now?
loke693 wrote:Weekend of fun, what has to happen for it to be considered best weekend ever and who has to be in attendance with you?
BoingoOingo wrote:Do you like wearing other things besides Leather?
And secondly, do you have a bucket list of things you'd like to do? It doesn't have to be sexual.
mrsleatherSC3 wrote:
I must admit I love to wear jeans a lot. Tight and blue usually. Although I also love to wear leather boots with them as well lol.
I also love to wear sexy undies - lace , satin. and my favourite comfortable thing to wear is my pajamas lol.
I would have to add winning the lottery so I could do things on my list! Would love some made to measure leather outfits such as a leather catsuit made just for me!
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