(Sultry Serena came to be on December 21, 2004 - so this was posted to my site during the first 10 days of "Sultry Serena SC2)
This was the first time I'd taken a bath in front of anyone other than my husband. And it was definitely the first time I'd ever taken a bath with a camera pointed at me. Even though I was nervous, I think these photos turned out really sexy for my "first time"

Fun Fact: The first time I took a bath with my husband, definitely wasn't a typical bath for newlyweds, and I'm saying there wasn't sex involved IN the bath.......because the "bath" was him getting even with me. Here's what happened. We had been married just a week, maybe a week and a half. Our apartment was small, but it had a big clawfoot tub. And he had come home from work and was taking a long hot soak in that amazing tub. He fell asleep. And I decided it was time to clean out the fridge..........into the tub and onto his sleeping naked body! I can't remember what all I dumped in that tub with him, but it was tobasco sauce, ketchup, mustard, eggs, lettuce, milk, cubed butter, cooking oil, flour......you name it and I probably dumped it in the tub. Somehow he slept through all the dumping, BUT it was the smell that woke him. I imagine my giggling helped too

We never made it to the movies. We had such a mess to clean up, and rinsing each other off was definitely fun! Afterwards, we hopped on the bed and THEN we really had fun in the typical newlywed fashion