Sultry Serena SC2 Lady of the House, Sexpot Slut

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2 Lady of the House, Sexpot Slut

Postby loke693 » Fri Oct 04, 2024 1:23 pm

SultrySerenaSC2 wrote:Wednesday, September 25, 2024 9:20 a.m.

Summer's over, DRATS!!
We had a couple of rain storms and it really cooled down my pool, so there's no way it'll warm back up until next Summer.
Whenever I get out of it for the last time, I never know IT IS the last time..... :d

And, my watermelons MAY be a success. The first one I brought in the other day was super HOT, so after I cut it into wedges, I stuck it in the fridge. BIG BIG mistake. I should have let it cool before cutting it. It turned into some freaky old woman's puckered face! NASTY! So it went in the trash.
I have 7 left on the vines outside. I'll pull another one in today and put it in the fridge FIRST! But it's alot cooler now than it was the other day too.

I've drawn out the plans for my Halloween Haunt and getting super excited for it! And I've got some really good Halloween Updates for you guys in October! I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed doing them. Being a SEXY SPOOKY SLUT is definitely one of my favorite things to do ;)

My 63rd birthday was on the 23rd. It didn't feel any different than my 62nd birthday :d Thank you for the birthday wishes! :X To be honest, I'm glad it's over and in the past, now I have over 360 more days til I get older! :d

Short this morning, I have some errands, but I'll post more later ;;)

Happy Birthday!

I know you love this time of year and because you love it, it’s gotta be good!

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2 Lady of the House, Sexpot Slut

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sun Oct 06, 2024 7:33 am

loke693 wrote:

Happy Birthday!

I know you love this time of year and because you love it, it’s gotta be good!


It's my favorite time of the year :d Thanks for the birthday wishes :X
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2 Lady of the House, Sexpot Slut

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Sun Oct 06, 2024 3:41 pm

Sunday, October 6, 2024 3:20 p.m.

Have you ever heard of Zipper Spiders? If not, look it up...........and be prepared, cuz OMG they are GROSS looking! I hate spiders, but these guys are beneficial in that they actually go after poisonous spiders around your yard etc. Yesterday, my husband found one a few feet from the back door. It had built a web on the back of our chimney and connected it to the big tubs we plant tomatoes in. There it was, in all it's YUCKKY - Ness. My toes just about curled when I saw it. But instead of asking him to get the can of Raid, I decided to let it be. I heard somewhere the phrase that "everything is just trying to live" and that really struck me. So we left the spider alone, in her fancy zipper web and everytime I took the dog outside to do her business, I looked to make sure that my new tenant was in HER spot and not trying to get in the house. And then this morning when I went out in the yard, she was GONE! Her web and everything, just gone! I know it was a "her" because when we saw her, we also saw a big ball thing which was her egg sac. My husband delicately moved the egg sack to the front yard by the curb, so the babies can hatch THERE and not by my back door.
Anyways, this morning she's gone. So if a bird or a wasp would have gotten her, she was BIG by the way, I don't think her web would have disappeared. SO I'm thinking that a wandering neighborhood cat walked there last night and caught the bottom of the web on their tail or back and ended up with a zipper spider as a hitchhiker! We have two neighborhood cats that constantly set off our cameras during the night, so that's why I'm thinking it was one of those cats.

I asked my husband if he would do the outside insect spraying stuff tomorrow. That zipper spider was really big, so she must've been getting alot to eat! :d

Wish me luck - I'm totally switching my eating habits. Low Salt, Low Fat, Heart Healthy stuff. I don't think I'll have a problem with it, I'm not much of a meat eater anyway, and I absolutely LOVE Veggies and Fruits. But I love chocolate chip cookies and salty pretzels too! My weakness will be the salty stuff. But I've made the decision to be healthier. Turning 63 recently really hit home I guess. :d

I don't think the menu/food change will be too difficult though. Tonight is "nachos" and I'm using baked unsalted tortilla chips, I won't eat any meat, but my husband will have extra lean ground beef, and we'll have kidney beans, avacado, low fat sour cream, lettuce, tomato, low fat sharp cheddar cheese, and the splurge will be low sodium salsa. On the side will be a fruit plate, strawberries, grapes, plums. That doesn't sound too bad does it?

I even stocked my cabinets with Oat Flour and whole wheat flour and chia seeds. I guess I sprinkle chia seeds on salads.

I decided to do all of this because I recently had a pretty big health scare. I'm ok, but it made me realize that I want to stay that way. I'm not ready to get off the ride yet :d Besides, I'm hoping to be the charm with the longest update record ;)
So, here's to chia seeds and taking back control of my health :-)

PS: And here's to Halloween!! I can't wait!! :d
More later............
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Re: Sultry Serena SC2 Lady of the House, Sexpot Slut

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Tue Oct 08, 2024 8:45 am

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 8:30 a.m.

Do you know what really sucks???? OMG, I was typing along and being my usual Chatty Patty self and I hit a key on this new windows 11 laptop and it LOGGED ME OUT and deleted everything I had typed!! I gotta figure out what key I hit :d :d :d :d

Turns out my watermelons were a bust. I'm not sure what I did wrong. I tried three times, once in the ground, and twice in a big planter box. They would grow really well until they reached the size of a soccor ball and then they would stop. When I cut them open they would either be pinkish and not ripe, OR very red and mush! What's supposed to happen is that when it's ready to be picked, the stem will turn brown. But that never happened for me. I tossed 5 of the 8 melons I had and cut into three of them before tossing them too. They smelled amazing, but didn't look appetizing at all. I think I'm done with watermelons. Next spring I'll stick with easy stuff, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers.

My new menu dishes are turning out ok. I'm not gonna lie, I'd love to reach for that salt shaker, but NOPE. Last night, I made hashbrown patties as one of the side dishes. I used a sweet potato and a gold potato and some spinach leaves and pepper. I shredded them and squeezed the moisture out, added a little bit of oat flour and then fried them in an itsy bitsy teeny weeny teaspoon of olive oil. Have you ever bought olive oil? OMG it's expensive! Anyways, the hashbrowns were ok. Different, I think they needed salt :d But next time I'll probably sprinkle a little low fat sharp shredded cheese on them. The heart healthy nachos were really good. I passed on the ground beef, but that didn't matter to me. I prefer non meat things anyway. Unless it's an In n Out burger :d

Have you been checking out my Halloween updates? I had so much fun doing them! I redid my Bride of Frankenstein update from years ago, and I'll post that one October 30. I think tomorrow is a jeans and gravedigger set.
(I really have some cool animatronics) :d

More later............

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Re: Sultry Serena SC2 Lady of the House, Sexpot Slut

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Wed Oct 16, 2024 2:35 pm

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 2:17 p.m.

I think I told you guys that I'm currently working on a novel, a horror novel. I actually wrote it 31 or so years ago. And at that time, I submitted it to three publishers. Two were reject letters, but the third was more positive and gave me tips on what I needed to improve while complimenting my writing style. And I was ok with that back then. I'd accomplished what I had wanted to accomplish, which was simply to write a book.
Fast fwd to now. I dug out my dusty manuscript and decided to rewrite the book. And OMG I am ending up REWRITING it all. My storyline has changed, it's still horror, but it's not the same topic as before. My characters are the same, but their storylines and personalities are vastly different than before. I'm really enjoying doing this. I get to be a chatty patty at the keyboard :d :d And this time, I hope to be published. The old fashioned way, but if I have to self publish, then I will.

My pool time is over for this year, and I'm bummed about that. I already miss it and I have to wait til the end of next May probably before we can use it again. But, the good thing, is that Halloween is almost here. Whoooo HOOOO!!

I'm still following the heart healthy diet. It's really not too bad. Although the other day I was really craving Lays Potato Chips. OMG they sounded so salt satisfying good! But I didn't have any, even though there is a bag in my pantry........for my grandkids. They love them too. Last night I made yellow squash and zuchinni, cut it in half, sprinkled season pepper over them after I placed them in a baking dish, and poured stewed tomatoes on them and baked them for about 45 minutes until they were tender. They were ok, nothing scrumptiously amazing, but they weren't yucky. I had those and I had a garden salad with chia seeds sprinkled on it, and yep, I had ranch dressing. For dessert I had an apple and a few grapes.

OMG you know what pisses me off?? This morning I went to open a NEW carton of liquid eggs to make "scrambled" eggs for my breakfast. I just bought it and when I tried to open it, I found out that someone else had beat me to it. Not anyone at my house. My husband hates them and my grandkids wouldn't mess with it. Someone at the store tampered with it! The pull tab was gone and the cardboard covering over the hole was pressed INTO the carton. Pissed me off! I dumped it all down the drain. My husband was a sweetie and offered to go to the store and pic me up another cartonn but I thanked him and told him that wasn't needed,

I don't understand people these days.

More later............

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