Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby Nerak2011 » Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:52 pm

btw, I'm not a man, as was insinuated, not that it matters.
Its amazing how I have touched a nerve though.
Speaks volumes.

btw- I'll tell you who has a really hot body.... Asian Michelle.
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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:01 pm

Nerak2011 wrote:This site seems to be enticing fat girls to join, I am not the fan I use to be because of this.
The smoking thing NEVER appealed to me, quite the contrary, it turns me off big time,
must be a European Fat a European thing as well? WOW, I dont get it.

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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

btw, I'm not a man, as was insinuated, not that it matters.
Its amazing how I have touched a nerve though.
Speaks volumes.

What speaks volumes is the personality of someone who will so blatantly put down others because of their physical attributes.

By the way, females can join SC too ;)
My dare still stands.
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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby Nerak2011 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:33 am

I did not " blatantly put down others because of their physical attributes".

I SAID....

"This site seems to be enticing fat girls to join, I am not the fan I use to be because of this.
The smoking thing NEVER appealed to me, quite the contrary, it turns me off big time,
must be a European Fat a European thing as well? WOW, I dont get it."

And as usual....

Some people who try to convince themselves (or each other) that are something they are not, get personally offended at my opinion.
If they WERE in fact confident, they wouldn't feel the need to do that.

If the term "Fat" offended some of you, what should I have said? "Big"? would that have been better?
Then what would I call Skinny?... small?

Sorry....Fat & Skinny have always been the standard offense.

I don't like smoking, I don't like fat, if you smoke and you are fat and you don't like me...fine.
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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby kinkybootslut SC1 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:52 am


it's a big world out there (pardon the pun),we are all different in shapes n sizes but it's what makes the world go round.

It's not worth coming on here & being bitchy. Search for the girls that float your boat!.

We all have different likes/fetishes mine is my love of kinky boots which some hate but don't think have to criticise/pick fault if that not your thing. Just move on till you find what you like.

I get told at a size 14 I am a big girl everyones definition of big/fat is different too but we are happy with how we are and look. Question is are you??. Show us a pic of yourself, you may well get to see that noones perfect we all have imperfections world would be a boring place otherwise.

Have fun.
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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby blycmike » Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:36 am

The fact that you feel the need to start a thread telling everyone what you DON'T like is what baffles me. There's a shitload of things that turn me off. But I keep it to myself and concentrate on the things that I do like. By focusing on the negative aspect of likes and dislikes, you end up being insulting and rude. Whether you meant to be or not.

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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby Elixa Pleasures SC1 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:42 am

blycmike wrote:The fact that you feel the need to start a thread telling everyone what you DON'T like is what baffles me. There's a shitload of things that turn me off. But I keep it to myself and concentrate on the things that I do like. By focusing on the negative aspect of likes and dislikes, you end up being insulting and rude. Whether you meant to be or not.

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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby Bea Brite SC2 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:21 pm

I was going to stay out of this one. As a BBW I've been told that I should get my fat ass off the internet, but you know what there are a lot of men, including American males who perfer us BBWs and find the kind of girl you enjoy to be a complete turn off. Not all men who like BBWs will admit it openly, because like so many others they have been made to feel that there is something wrong with "fat", but in truth we are just as sensual and sexy as any other woman. It all depends on what trips your trigger and the nice thing about SC is they cater to all taste. As far as so many "fat" girls being on SC the slender girls still out number us by quite a bit. Besides SC doesn't go looking for a particular body type. They put up the girls that apply to SC and then are selected to become Charms and from looking at the new ladies when their sites go live there are always fewer BBWs than the Skinny Minnies. Those who make money stay and update on a regular bases those that don't leave or quit updating. So gee I've been here six years now and update two days a week regularly so I must be doing something right along with several other BBWs who have been here for a long time.

I'm sorry if you feel you are being let down in some way by there being BBWs on SC, but SC would loose a lot of money without us. So join the sites that you enjoy and support those girls and ignore us BBWs and the smokers and we'll all be happier. I will tell you this I will never let anyone make me feel like a second class citzen again just because I'm a Big Beautiful Woman! Oh one last thing, some of my members aren't necessarily into BBWs, but they love my feet. Should we remove all the girls who show off their feet, because someone doesn't find feet a turn on?

This is just MY opinion
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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:20 pm

blycmike wrote:The fact that you feel the need to start a thread telling everyone what you DON'T like is what baffles me. There's a shitload of things that turn me off. But I keep it to myself and concentrate on the things that I do like. By focusing on the negative aspect of likes and dislikes, you end up being insulting and rude. Whether you meant to be or not.

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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby Nerak2011 » Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:20 am

Calling me a Bitch and suggesting a Forum should only have statements of approval is childish. ignorant, and stupid.

Look, admit it, the drama queens came out because no one likes to think they are "fat".
My comment stands as my opinion, non threatening as it was, you fat chicks were insulted in your own minds and fired back at a shadow.

there was nothing there, you tried to create an issue, so as to make yourselves feel better.

Its called insecurity.

Though if you want to keep saying otherwise, be my guest, but it's ridiculous.
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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby mickey62 » Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:45 am

Sounds like she is one of 1%, the rest of us are the 99%, Maybe she is trying occupy SC!! And deep down I think she really wants to be like all of these big and beautiful ladies!! Just my 2
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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby Elixa Pleasures SC1 » Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:11 pm

Nerak2011 wrote:Calling me a Bitch and suggesting a Forum should only have statements of approval is childish. ignorant, and stupid.

Look, admit it, the drama queens came out because no one likes to think they are "fat".
My comment stands as my opinion, non threatening as it was, you fat chicks were insulted in your own minds and fired back at a shadow.

there was nothing there, you tried to create an issue, so as to make yourselves feel better.

Its called insecurity.

Though if you want to keep saying otherwise, be my guest, but it's ridiculous.

Honey I will be the first to admit that I am 'fat'. I say it almost everyday with my boyfriend telling me I am not allowed to say I am fat without adding sexy slut after it lol:) As for calling you a bitch I don't believe anyone did. There is one post saying there is no need being bitchy about what you don't like which was just a comment on what you were doing bitching that there seems to be more fat chicks and smoking on SC which you do not find appealing; but no one calling you a bitch. You did not threaten me (and I am sure you didn't threaten any of the other sexy girls who posted) I merely commented on your opinion that an attraction to fat was very very VERY rare, and your comment that smoking was solely a European thing. As for insecurities I seriously doubt that anyone with an insecurity about their weight would strip down and post hundred/thousands of pictures displaying every inch of their body for people to see. The simple fact that they are on here taking pictures should tell you they are comfortable with their body and could care less what you or others who are judgmental think.
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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby blycmike » Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:29 pm

Nerak2011 wrote:Calling me a Bitch and suggesting a Forum should only have statements of approval is childish. ignorant, and stupid.

Look, admit it, the drama queens came out because no one likes to think they are "fat".
My comment stands as my opinion, non threatening as it was, you fat chicks were insulted in your own minds and fired back at a shadow.

there was nothing there, you tried to create an issue, so as to make yourselves feel better.

Its called insecurity.

Though if you want to keep saying otherwise, be my guest, but it's ridiculous.

I think its hilarious that you tell the women that have the security to put themselves out on the web that they are insecure. Personally, it sounds to me like YOU don't like to think of yourself as "fat" and YOU are the insecure one.

Serena said it best when she challenged you to become a Charm yourself. And I agree with her. Put up or shut up.

And if this is such a non-issue, then why do you keep chiming in. If its a non-issue, then move on and concentrate your efforts on searching for skinny chicks.
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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby MissAngeliqueSC3 » Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:54 pm

Ok, I have to put in my 2 cents worth at this point because I just cannot read this without saying something. Nerak2011, I consider these beautiful ladies my friends. ALL OF THEM. I'm also a MILF because I really DO have kids. I taught them at a very EARLY age that saying things such as you're saying are simply unacceptable. If you think those thoughts, then just keep them to yourself. You know, the whole 'if you can't say anything nice about anyone then just don't say anything at all' mantra. Diversity should be celebrated, not punished. I would not want to live in your perfect little vanilla world. I like mine a bit more messy and splashed with lots of colors, shapes, and sizes. I almost feel sorry for you; ALMOST. You sit behind your computer never showing your face, calling EVERYONE ELSE insecure. And yet, we still don't know what YOU look like.

Besides, the whole baiting thing is getting old. They have a name for what you're doing; it's called trolling. You know what, I think we could even call it a fetish. :lol: Trolls are attracted to brand new forums. They just cannot help themselves. And they always use the same slash and burn tactics. They usually try to wreak havoc until they are either banned from the forum or they get bored.

I don't know about you, Nerak2011, but I LIKE playing with trolls. And what makes it even more entertaining is when the trolls don't know THEY'RE the ones being played. ;)
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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby Redmantx » Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:52 pm

MissAngeliqueSC3 wrote:Ok, I have to put in my 2 cents worth at this point because I just cannot read this without saying something. Nerak2011, I consider these beautiful ladies my friends. ALL OF THEM. I'm also a MILF because I really DO have kids. I taught them at a very EARLY age that saying things such as you're saying are simply unacceptable. If you think those thoughts, then just keep them to yourself. You know, the whole 'if you can't say anything nice about anyone then just don't say anything at all' mantra. Diversity should be celebrated, not punished. I would not want to live in your perfect little vanilla world. I like mine a bit more messy and splashed with lots of colors, shapes, and sizes. I almost feel sorry for you; ALMOST. You sit behind your computer never showing your face, calling EVERYONE ELSE insecure. And yet, we still don't know what YOU look like.

Besides, the whole baiting thing is getting old. They have a name for what you're doing; it's called trolling. You know what, I think we could even call it a fetish. :lol: Trolls are attracted to brand new forums. They just cannot help themselves. And they always use the same slash and burn tactics. They usually try to wreak havoc until they are either banned from the forum or they get bored.

I don't know about you, Nerak2011, but I LIKE playing with trolls. And what makes it even more entertaining is when the trolls don't know THEY'RE the ones being played. ;)

AMEN gorgeous
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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby Throbber » Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:28 am

bellabendz wrote:
Nerak2011 wrote:Wow....smothered from the attack of the fat chicks! haha

mine was not an attack. i was letting you know why would southern charms limit themselves to promoting only one type of girl when more money is to be made by having variety? it's smart business manuevers. i don't care if you call me fat. i know what i am. and i know i'm not your taste but as i've seen stated somewhere before there is a saying. "different strokes for different folks" so just relax. being rude will not get you what you want. we were only providing advice on how to find what you're looking for and how to avoid what you're not interested in. liked jorja mentioned the advanced search option will allow you to block out the smokers and the fat chicks.

I don't need advance search Bella. I'm first in line to get smothered by your hot 46ers! Mmmmmmmmm
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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby Nerak2011 » Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:32 am

There is no need to lie and spin things (i.e. what i said about smoking, i never said "it is solely a European thing),
or deal in semantics over the word "bitch".
Or make personal attacks on me because i don't like fat and smoking.

Any clear headed person would read my original post and see nothing wrong with my opinion.

The bottom line is, you fat chicks got all hysterical.

You just keep saying whatever BS you need to say to make yourselves feel good.

Good luck with that.
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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby NaughtyNixxSC3 » Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:36 pm

Nerak2011 wrote:i know how to search, and I know how to choose, i don't need basic lessons like that. Actually, I can apply the same lesson to you then? right?
if you don't like what I say, just move on to the next topic? right?

This is a forum, by definition meant for discussion.
I've been looking at SC for a long while and there is no doubt that in the last few years there have been more and more fat people added.
I think that the attraction to fat is very very very VERY rare.

and the smoking is without a doubt a European thing and some Europeans are flooding the requests for smoking.
So much so that its aggravating.

First off...everyone is certainly able to have their own opinion so I'm not going to "ATTACK" you for your opinion. Like Britt said, everyone has an opinion.... The only thing I do disagree is your statement about "fat attraction being very very very VERY rare". I think especially in this day and age, its becoming more prominant, even to my surprise to be honest. I've been on SC for 4 years now and just within the past year have joined several cam sites, as well as being on several magazine covers. But much to my surprise on the cam sites, I did great. One of the cam sites is full of the typical "hollywood" type girls and I thought to myself, well I know I won't do well here, but I did, many commented about how nice it was to see some meat & curves on a woman. I think on average you'll find as many "fat hating" men as "fat admirers" but I think the larger MAJORITY of men love all shapes and sizes and ages of women, and see the beauty in each "type".
Also, these days men are less prone to being "put down" for their likes as they use to be....the "closet fat admirers" lol.
You can also google the reasons why todays "hollywood" appearance stems from homosexual males from back in the 60's & 70's which formed todays popular "model skinny" appearance to look like "boys". And no matter what anyones looks like or desires, there is someone out there for every look. While you don't like to see it, obviously there is requests for fat women otherwise you wouldn't see them anywhere on the net....
Anyway, I was bored and now I'm rambling so I'm done lol...
Oh..and Serena...I'm also and admirer!! ;)

Oh..and also surprising I've found alot of my members (in fact the majority of them) to be Caucasian males from the United States....
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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby NaughtyNixxSC3 » Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:57 pm

Something it stands now..your the minority because several guys/fans have posted that they do like to see fat chicks..while only one (being you) not liking to see them so you are in fact the RARE one :) I'm sure there are others who don't like to see it, some that do, and frankly some that don't give a crap one way or another...
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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby bellabendz » Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:56 pm

Nerak2011 wrote:The bottom line is, you fat chicks got all hysterical.

You just keep saying whatever BS you need to say to make yourselves feel good.

Good luck with that.

i keep trying to figure out where i attacked you at. i simply explained something to you. i never went flying off the handle or cursing at you or anything of that nature. don't put everyone in the same catagory. i was calm and nicely told you that while you have your opinion why would southern charms exclude fat girls when they can make more money by offering a variety? jeeze....
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Re: Panties YES, Smoking & Fat girls NOOOOOO!

Postby SultrySerenaSC2 » Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:53 pm

Nerak2011 wrote:
Any clear headed person would read my original post and see nothing wrong with my opinion.

The bottom line is, you fat chicks got all hysterical.

Look who's full of snarky put downs!
So, we're all not "clear headed" ?
And the way you keep using "fat chicks" in your posts, geez, you'd think it was a crime to be curvy!!

I see you still haven't responded to my dare.
Get a site on SC and let us critique you?
Oh wait, maybe you're too insecure?
Or worse yet, MAYBE your fat????
You know the old saying? "put up or shut up"? ;)
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